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Everything posted by Grusa

  1. It reflects a lack of care about anything other than the lining of applicable pockets. There are fortunes being made out of this and every other conflict, on both sides. Why would the German Tourist and his odious puppets do or say anything to jeopardise their income stream? Exactly the same as pandemics, tsunamis, volcanoes, firestorms, or smog.
  2. Ask your local council. They are experts. Sufficient brown envelopes will fix anything, and if that doesn't work there's defamation and lese majeste laws to shut you up!
  3. Because the boat won't go without it, perhaps? They do cost money, you know!
  4. I suspect that most of the Russians here, are here to escape said leader, or at least the prospect of conscription.
  5. How big a truck would it take to bring down a condo block? Nowhere is safe, they even have 500' high cranes! And aeroplanes.!
  6. For weeks "they " were saying "It WILL go ahead regardless of covid ". Practically a guarantee it would not! Same for Songkran? One can only hope.
  7. I have one similar to your picture, it's Android based with front and rear cameras. My advice to you, for satnav, forget it. The screen is too small, not bright enough in daytime, and completely destroys rear vision at night. The position is terrible for entering destination etc., and to update anything it has to connect to wifi, i.e. your smartphone. Worst of all, it is so heavy that every time you go over a bump the mirrror tilts down so you can see nothing! It is very irritating to have to adjust it every 10 seconds. I have rigged a spring system to balance it, but it's not a perfect answer. Another snag, it is much wider than the original mirror, over which it is mounted, and so interferes with the sun visors - it gets knocked when you use them. Mine is obviously designed for LHD, so the camera is on the wrong side - small point but it affects the field of view, as the angle of the mirror is wrong. Final point, unless you want wires dangling everywhere, installing the cables so they are hidden is no small task. My advice:- use Google Maps or Maps.me on your phone, or buy a Garmin Nuvi.
  8. Since when is it the job of first responders to "determine the cause of death"? Surely that is a pathologists' job?
  9. Sorry Rooster, I ploughed through the first few paragraphs....bo-ring....and skimmed the rest. To plagiarize Salieri, "too many words". I used to like your Sunday piece, now we are getting it on Saturday, maybe you are not getting enough beer the night before writing! Sunday is now an empty hole.
  10. Good idea there! A breeding licence. Can you imagine the training course? Would you have to wear L plates? How big a brown envelope required?
  11. Then you will never die.........on paper, at least.
  12. But what about the price? Rip-off merchants, all of them!
  13. Mr DIY sell a stainless bum gun, excellent quality, no complaints. It has been every bit as good as Hafele, Kohle, Modena etc. at many times the price. The problem is the water supply. The least bit of grit on a seal will make it leak, and the bits of grit get embedded in the rubber seal, making it difficult to diagnose and fix. Take the gun apart and check the O-rings, etc., replace as necessary.... if you can find the parts! The real answer is a sediment filter in the supply line.
  14. Great! I have been looking for a 10m^2 sign to Rayong for my garden, to complement the green leaves and hedging.
  15. I have a 35year old, British made, 3 piece suite, with loose covers. The covers are newish, and easily replaced by mail order. The carcasses however are in dire need of reupholstering - the foam is deteriorated and the Calico covering is rotting. Can anyone recommend a competent upholterer in Pattaya or near, who can do this kind of work? Most seem to do car seats, or hard covers only.
  16. I have a 35year old, British made, 3 piece suite, with loose covers. The covers are newish, and easily replaced by mail order. The carcasses however are in dire need of reupholstering - the foam is deteriorated and the Calico covering is rotting. Can anyone recommend a competent upholterer in Pattaya or near, who can do this kind of work? Most seem to do car seats, or hard covers only.
  17. Blah Blah Blah........... All I want is the bit of paper. Live or die, I will catch the dreaded lurgie. But I do have a pressing need to travel. The need wil admittedly decrease in the inevitable event of my demise.
  18. I am sorry, friend, by measuring your screens you have deprived a Thai of work. Go to Jail, do not pass Go, do not collect 200. Or do you have a Get out of Jail Free card?
  19. I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you. Seriously, my profession was in healthcare. I hated my job, but it provided a good living. When I retired and came to LOS, if asked, I would 'fess up. Big Mistake! "Oh I've got a problem with *********, what should I do/where should I go/who should I see?" as if I, as a newbie, had any clue about conditions here! Or, "Oh, I had ******* done x years ago, but ***** went wrong so I went to **** but he was no good/too expensive/wrong colour/whinge whinge whinge.........". You get the picture. I also made the mistake, being somewhat proud of my qualifications, of filling in application and government forms with my ex-profession, instead of "retired" or "retired ********". As a consequence I was "invited" to attend immigration to explain how and where I was working illegally and to suggest a suitable donation to make the issue go away! I was able, with the help of some friends, to satisfy the officer that it was all a misunderstanding, and my suggested donation of 2000 baht was rejected by upstairs as too paltry... so I paid nothing! I have been here now for 15 years, the only people here who know my ex-profession are friends from the very early days, and they, with one exception, seem to respect my wishes in this matter. When new friends ask, I deflect by using the opening sentence, or by vaguely referring to one of the sideline occupations or titles in my life...but I never outright lie, whatever the provocation. I have many skills and resources gathered over the years, and I use them. People are always surprised at the jobs that I will tackle, many abandoned as undoable, or outside the scope of normal people. But great care has to be taken not to be seen as working illegally. @CharlieH is correct, there are many skills and resources in the retired community that could and should benefit the indigenous. Trying to use them is fraught with dangers and obstacles!
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