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Everything posted by Grusa

  1. Having spent two days (ok yesterday was a bank holiday, my bad) trying to top up my m-pass, I can understand trashing KTB property. Why can't I do it direct from my SCB app, or by QR?
  2. Better to spend the money on the garish graffiti, mirrors and lights, than on a safe and sound mechanical design and proper maintenance. Amulets are better than certificates. (Sarcasm alert, for the feeble of intellect).
  3. Are you seriously saying that a commercial water park is relying on plastic liners to retain the water? I would not even consider that for a domestic pool. A garden pond, maybe.
  4. If I had shot my mil, my wife would be critical too....with some justification, perhaps.!
  5. If the gun in the picture is the weapon used, it is a very strange looking shotgun?
  6. Try this google search:- photochromic window film automotive I don't know how easily you will obtain here, but it ticks all the boxes
  7. At breakfast this morning, my phone rang, unknown caller, number started +33 (France). I pick up and say "hello?". Several seconds pause, and an obviously recorded message starts, a woman speaking Thai. So I hang up and block the number. This is not the first time this has happened. What is the scam, and how can it be worth cold calling Thailand from France?
  8. For definitive strategies to address your friends problem, please view these sources:- Mission Impossible series, film and tv, James Bond series of films, Dan Brown books and films. Plenty of viable, if messy, ideas in there.
  9. Lazada and AliExpress sell carbon motor brushes in all sizes, you need to measure them carefully. Dirt cheap, 10 for the price of one..... if you can find it retail.
  10. I had the misfortune to be caught up in the tsunami on Phi-Phi. One of the more bizarre experiences after the event, was finding in the water a 500 baht note, so obviously fake that no one could ever mistake it for the real thing.
  11. If I remember correctly (and I am sure I will be corrected if not!!!) the patient died. In my view a manslaughter charge is appropriate, " if there is something like that in Thailand."
  12. Then watch the wang-king bankers steal it. That's what happened to me!
  13. The point is, you don't need pavements, 'cos you can walk on the road......'cos there aint no traffic. Get it?
  14. Ah, you don't recognise sarcasm. The last thing I want is a ticket. Who is he anyway?
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