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Everything posted by Grusa

  1. Good if they buy rip-off "duty free" goods and have a smoked salmon, lobster and champagne lunch on the way.
  2. Given their proclivities and lifestyles, I guess all those concerned qualify one way or another.
  3. In my view, there are minorities and there are minorities. Why must the whole of humanity grovel to the God of political correctness for 0.0001% of the population. Call him /her/them whatever he/she/they/it wants, if that is your wish, but don't force the rest of us to believe he/she /they /it is anything other than a human with X and Y chromosomes as dispensed at birth. Equally don't force your religious beliefs and prejudices down everyone else's throats. My imaginary friend is as good as your imaginary fiend (sic). Black/white/yellow /brown /blue /tartan lives matter! Equally!
  4. Try this, or similar: 44% Off | ครัวเรือน150W Booster ปั๊มอัตโนมัติท่อ Booster PumpTap เครื่องทำน้ำอุ่น Booster Pumpเย็นและน้ำร้อนความดันปั๊มเคลื่อนไหวแบบวงกลม | https://s.lazada.co.th/s.f7mTT
  5. I have a PayPal account linked to my UK bank account. I tried to make online purchase from a service provider, I received a message "your payment is under consideration" and nothing further. Contacting PayPal, they could find no trace of the transaction. No money left my bank account. Trying again, the PayPal option had disappeared from the app. The app provider checked their records, the transaction was blocked by PayPal, because, they said, the PayPal linked account address was in UK and the mobile used, and isp, were in Thailand. I have never had that problem before.
  6. Is it not the "use before " date, off the phial, rather than an expiry of validity of the certificate? I cannot read the docs in the photo, too grainy.
  7. When I lived in Rhodesia, we lived a little bit out of town. Our phone was on a party line with 20, yes twenty, subscribers. Each subscribers jade a coded ring - ours was ten short and two long. To call the exchange, one cranked the handle, one long ring. To call a neighbour on the same party line, one had to crank their code ring. An international call had to be booked days in advance, and cost 10 pounds per minute! TV was monochrome, and only broadcast for a small number of hours per day... 18:00 to 22:00 as far as I remember. Left the country at the end of 1979.
  8. I will welcome death. I only fear the process.
  9. Lots of horizontal jogging will not only keep you fitter, slimmer and younger, but it will keep the wife quiet(ish) . Always provided, of course, that you restrict the activity to "home turf "! Or are very very careful not to be found out.
  10. That by the time you have got here, they will have found twenty new ways to shaft you.
  11. Truly, not a grammar police post! I love the rodent reference. I know the keys are next to each other, and spellcheck ducks.
  12. Judicial process as entertainment for the masses. Bring on Madame Guillotine and les Tricoteuse.
  13. A 10km bridge generates twice as many brown envelopes than a 5km bridge. Silly boy!
  14. Good people may or may not wear a mask. Bad people pretend to wear a mask, by not putting it over their nose or by putting it under their chin. They are deceitful, but who are they deceiving? Themselves.
  15. If they moored a couple of submarines under the boats, they could increase the throughput by 0.01% and justify their cost!
  16. As every Douglas Adams disciple knows, Mice run the world, so the PM should be asking them, surely?
  17. I agree with everything you say except the word "communist". Fascist, elitist, or plutocratic, perhaps?
  18. DTAC here, me and farang wife, retirement and spouse visas. Never a problem.
  19. Do I detect the scaly foot of a male avian TV employee in the composition of this article? Or just a lump of uncooked female bread?
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