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Everything posted by Grusa

  1. So, what did you, and everyone else, do with the black plastic bags, after use? Just asking.
  2. I learned a new word there.........and it wasn't "thees "
  3. As others have said, they are a kind of slug. They are eating lichen and algae off your bike or its cover. If you sprinkle table salt around, they will not go near it - even one grain is anathema to them. If you sprinkle it on them, they suffer a spectacularly unpleasant and messy death!
  4. Foremost milk is much like all the rest, Meiji is however the best for frothing for cappuccino. Foremost whipping cream, however, is the only one which works well.
  5. The inevitable end of declination is death!
  6. I am told by my Thai friends that any and all legislation concerning alcoholic beverages is driven, or heavily influenced, by "religious" influences......especially Muslim, from spouses, relatives, etc. of politicians at the top of the tree, plus the fanatical tee-totalism of some.
  7. As I understand it, "a group of more than one" "in the presence of alcohol" is illegal. Go to jail. Do not pass go. Do not collect 200. Do you have a "get out of jail free" card?
  8. Well it's a lot better than any other exchange rate available to me. I can't speak for others. 70satang makes a big difference on £5000. 3,500 baht, to be exact. Enough for a beer or two.
  9. I do not believe judges here are accountable for their decisions, to anyone.
  10. I can not agree. I recently did a transfer from UK bank (in £) - Wize - my Thai bank (in baht ) . From UK bank to SCB, including email /app / SMS notifications, was less than 10 minutes...even though Wise said could be up to 2 days! And rates were fantastic!
  11. I consider myself one of the worlds' less heavy pilots, at 70kg, so won't think about one of these!
  12. So, is it possible to apply for a CoE from the Embassy of the country to which you are going, before you have even got there? e.g. for a day/3day/1week trip on business to Singapore? (Never mind the other questions like are there flights or what do the SGs think/want/do)
  13. Your choices miss the obvious! Had first AZ, next AZ due 27 Oct. FOC!
  14. "Any business owner with at least 2 functioning brain cells"......Aye, there's the rub, for in the truth of TIT, theres damn few and they're a' deid. (To paraphrase a couple of quite well known poets).
  15. Is that his blood on the road, and his headprint on the tailgate?
  16. Ok for him to talk. He's got a submarine on order.
  17. So, as a State employee, if I torture and murder someone, I get 25 years and or a ½m fine. As private citizen, 500bt and a Wai.
  18. If you have to ask these questions, I strongly recommend you do not DIY! Find and/or pay someone at least knowledgeable and experienced, and preferably qualified.
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