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Everything posted by Grusa

  1. Try using Petal Maps. IMHO it often gives better routes than Google, and it is interactive if you want, so updates faster and reports speed cameras, blockages, accidents. The voice directions are much clearer, and the junctions better illustrated.
  2. Been there, done that, caught in the same loop! Best advice, delivered in a strong Irish accent:- "Beejabers, sure an' if I was after going to there, I surely wouldn't be after starting from here!!"
  3. I tried your numbers, and won 1.5m baht! Thank you!😼
  4. You have missed the obvious one! A small change in refraction, I.e spectacle prescription, even if you don't actually have any! can cause eyestrain particularly a small amount of uncorrected astigmatism. See a qualified optometrist.... if you can find such a thing here. They are like hens' teeth!
  5. Been there, done it, and got the video, figuratively.... but Jomtien, not CW, and farang wife, not Thai. To paraphrase, two non-Os, entered 2007, at first used embassy letters, soon got tired of that, 800,000 each in two bank accounts. Saw there was no need to tie up so much money, went for marriage. We thought two accounts, 400,000 each would do the job. Told no, one partner must hold the 800,000, the other does not need any! For reasons that are none of your business, we decided SWMBO would hold the 800,000, I would hold none. At the first subsequent extension a mistake was made, by immigration:- they stamped me as lead with retirement and she as follower. This was ok until the next extension when it was noticed! With remarkably little fuss, and no cost or penalty to us, the previous extensions were cancelled and re-issued, then new extensions issued correctly. Half a passport page gone! Several renewals of extension since, no problem except ingrained cultural disbelief that SWMBO is lead and I am follower! No questions ever of home visits, maps hand drawn or otherwise, photos etc., bribes, or hassle outside the norm. But I accept that a Thai/farang marriage may be treated differently!
  6. Do I detect a trace of cynicism amongst the comments to this post? Saves me doing the same, I agree.
  7. I seem to recall "uncle" Prayut saying that Thai would become the international language of diplomacy........... He failed to indicate exactly when........
  8. No doubt he will grab her by the pussy, when they eventually do meet....
  9. and, if a high velocity bullet passed close enough to his ear to remove a chunk of it, he should at least have burst eardrum from the shockwave.
  10. "I say, chaps, Steady on!" he ejaculated.
  11. Well, it seems we have a few years to go, before we are up to date........
  12. I think you will find this is a phishing trip. Look on the Wise website, search "phishing" and it will tell you how to recognise genuine messages from them, how to detect false ones, and what to do to improve your security, and deal with security breaches. If all else fails, use steam telephone to call them, they don't bite..... far from it, they are very very helpful.
  13. Looks like a simple job, if you know what you are doing, to make new brushes from carbon rod, or adapt a pair of the many many motor brushes available in hardware stores everywhere.
  14. Has anyone considered that Donald would be much safer if he were in jail? And so would the rest of the world.
  15. I bought one of these for the garden, "Mosquito Magnet". It uses bottled lpg to make co2, an attractant, and sucks them in and dehydrates them. The basket would usually have several hundred, emptied weekly. Suddenly, it stopped working: no catch! Then one day I noticed movement in the "works". A lizard had taken up residence in the machine, and was eating all the catch. Who says lizard brains are stupid? Sadly the machine succumbed to "Thai Rot" and started to fall apart, and much too expensive to repair or replace.
  16. Loads of mushrooms around at the moment, .... and they are all AN subscribers, kept in the dark and fed bs.
  17. It's not just Thailand. FILs' girlfriends' son, 17, first job, in a UK sawmill, cut off a finger in a bandsaw on his first day. He w far from "Brain of Britain", but still.....
  18. Then there's the Dog Pound.
  19. They might care to take a look at the flying schools..... same,same.
  20. I am sure they will be able to buy Boeing at a fraction of the price.....
  21. Deleted
  22. The Tool Store in Mega Banga, ground floor near Ikea, has what you want......at a price.
  23. Yuck. I don't like them, 'cos I've never tried them. And, I ain't starting now.
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