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Everything posted by Grusa

  1. Ic they can't stop double parking outside banks, etc, and taxis of various sorts grabing every space they can, this won't work either. Too many selfish drivers.
  2. The "related news" bit at the bottom seems very inappropriate. Not ANs fault... just saying.
  3. "TAT" The acronym says it all.
  4. In the context of the OP, please define "Pattaya". Does it include all of Chonburi Province, or all of Thailand? Incompetent roadworks abound everywhere, and always have.
  5. And exactly why has this topic resurfaced, 3 months into the said New Year, with no recent comments after November? I have heard of "no news is good news", but what kind of news is stale news?
  6. I made a similar decision, for similar reasons.......but I was 57, had 40 years of work and a pension fund behind me, a house to sell and a house to rent out!
  7. It's not a matter of quality as such, it's a matter of suitability for purpose. SS is an alloy, the properties of the alloy depend on the other metals present and their proportions, and on the crystalline structure of the alloy. I am no expert, metallurgy is a profession in its own right!
  8. When you go looking, take a magnet..... a strong fridge magnetic sticker will do. Look at the base of the pan. If it is a magnetic inlay, be very wary, some do not work very well. Also be wary of cheap laminated bases, the layers can separate under the thermal stress. The cheapest Chinese flat bottomed woks and pans work well. Zebra and Meyer are reputable, but again, test with a magnet. Ikea do some very good cookware. I made my own griddle out of ¼" mild steel plate, seasoned with oil and salt, it has lasted 10years of use with no rusting, and cost buttons!
  9. An artificial intelligence at work?
  10. It's an advert for a well-known massage parlor in Pattaya! (O-ring, for the confused)
  11. ......and the encroachment scam......
  12. I have just deleted their app from my phone, it is so annoying. Bye Bye Thaiger.
  13. In my normal daily routines, I pass many of these outlets. Rarely do I see any customers at all, at any time of day or night. I fail to see how there can be any return on investment, at the prices hawked, or at any price.
  14. Am I the only one on this forum who finds following Thai names and nicknames so bewildering that the thread of the story is completely lost? Then again, maybe that is why they use complicated names and absurdly simple and untraceable nicknames.......
  15. Like all aviation "incidents" in LOS, it was definitely "Pilot Error". What else could it possibly be........
  16. When it is cheaper to hire a car for a day than it is to get a taxi ride, no wonder there are traffic jams. When it is easier to use gps to navigate than to find a public transport route, no wonder people drive themselves.
  17. Tapping the meter may be difficult, if it is not to be seen. Tapping the load side wire is probably easy, and given the usual birds-nest cabling, hard to spot.
  18. What's a "farnund"...?
  19. Oh! You mean a bum gun! I didn't understand "washlet"!
  20. try this:- https://www.earthdata.nasa.gov/learn/find-data/near-real-time/firms/active-fire-data Also Windy and Ventusky apps, but fires are a premium (i.e. paid for) feature.
  21. I have been doing non-o extensions for self and swmbo at Jomtien for 17years. I have never been asked for a map, or had black ink signatures rejected. My next is due soon....... has something changed???
  22. I see two coffin nails. One more for Boeing, one more for TG.
  23. Applied BTS. (Beach Towel Syndrome)
  24. How refreshing to see a brain actually working properly! Are you a Vulcan? I can not fault your analysis, except you have not considered the effect of contaminants at various stages:- rust scale, sediments, etc. - and corrosion of parts, especially non-return valves.
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