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Posts posted by hobz

  1. Warning: the following post contains WILD speculation and conspiracy theories. If you are not interested, do not read ahead.

    This case looks like suicide, that being said, what if it was not suicide? Why would the police cover it up?

    1. It was suicide, case closed.

    2. The police think it was suicide. The murderers did a good job on making it look like a suicide.

    3. The police are lazy and underpaid, they think it may have been murder, but it's way easier and smoother to just close the case as suicide.

    The rest of the theories work under the assumption that thai police are corrupt and make their money in mafia-style activities, such as extortion, drugs, gambling, prostitution and murder.

    4. The police was in on murdering the guy, so they want to get the case closed by claiming suicide... This way they dont have to pretend to look for the real killers or catch any scapegoats.

    The following theory is EXTREMELY WILD, and again, assumes the police work in mafia-style manners to make money:

    5. The police came to the scene and thought, hey, this looks like murder, let's make some money by finding the real killers (they might already know the killers, assuming they have mafia-style relationships with people on the island) and extort them.. If they pay us good enough we will make it look like suicide..

    So there ya have it,, wild theories,, Personally I don't have a clue what happened simply because the information provided by media is so terrible...

    • Like 2
  2. Everything points to suicide except the fact that it was murder. The most common way to avoid getting caught for murder is to try to make it look like a suicide.

    The only thing that supports the suicide theory is the love letter written in french .. That means the love letter was not a suicide note (just a unrelated love letter), or that the killers knew french and forced him to write it ... if the killers did not know french he could have written that he was being threatened when he wrote it..

    • Like 2
  3. Now THIS is a travesty. From all the evidence that I have seen, these police were not out to murder this guy, but they acted illegally with the choke-hold that caused Eric Garner's death. . Some sort of charges should have been filed. The Grand Jury in Ferguson acted properly, but this one seems suspicious.

    Go to youtube and search graciebreakdown, they did an episode of this case. It was not the choke that killed him

  4. The corruption seems to go all the way to the top.

    The non dictator did some stuff early in his non dictatorship just to fool people into non resistance while taking control.

    Now he is doing his stand up act while his organization and partners rob the country.

    I can't prove it. But what else could be going on? He clearly is not doing what he claims to be doing.

    You win the prize for the dumbest poster of the day.

    Do you think all the owners are new and have taken charge since the coup ?.

    Or do you think that perhaps it's the same people who were doing it under the last government ?.

    Take your time.

    Having read both posts, I'm still not sure which one is 'Dumb or Dumber'?

    Yeah, i'm the dumber one for believing that the PM gets his share of the money made from corruption .. and the results: corruption is still going on

  5. The corruption seems to go all the way to the top.

    The non dictator did some stuff early in his non dictatorship just to fool people into non resistance while taking control.

    Now he is doing his stand up act while his organization and partners rob the country.

    I can't prove it. But what else could be going on? He clearly is not doing what he claims to be doing.

    You win the prize for the dumbest poster of the day.

    Do you think all the owners are new and have taken charge since the coup ?.

    Or do you think that perhaps it's the same people who were doing it under the last government ?.

    Take your time.

    Wait, so the guy on the beach is not directly paying the prime minister? OH, that's what i thought .. now i realize that the guy on the beach pays a guy that is in charge of the beach who in turns pays a guy who is in charge of the area, who in turn pays a guy who is in charge of the town who in turn pays the guy who is in charge of the district .. and then it goes on like this until the PM gets his cut ... Oh, i feel so stupid ..

  6. Well well well - i guess most of us was wrong, looks like there are going to be some cleanup after all, good!

    It will set a good example down the ranks. About time some of the big boys got named....

    Let's hope the boys in green have the courage to clean up a bit in their own camp, as well rolleyes.gif

    Yes, but is it a coincidence that (unless I'm mistaken) so far ALL of these transfers arrests etc are for pro-Thaksin/PTP supporters/lackeys?

    Yeah, the problem with cleaning up thai police is that there literally would be zero cops left if they did a thorough cleanup.

    • Like 1
  7. its no wonder the tourist numbers are dwindling, are the police really that stupid to not understand what damage is being done to the thai image

    Thai police couldn't care less, tourism is not their line of business. Any income from the tourism industry to line their pockets will flow anyhow. Only a significant breakdown of the tourist industry and a huge number of shops going out of business and therefor not supplying their lifestyle will wake them up.

    What's really sickening is that the really wealthy always gains by a sudden drop. Because they can buy up all the failing businesses or even get them for free if they default. And when tourism goes back up again they own a bigger share of the market. Pure profit

  8. "One of the suspects said Mr. Volker berated the group for sitting on his motorcycle in the parking lot of a nightclub, Pol.Col. Satit said. The suspects confessed to punching and stabbing him in the neck after the argument escalated, the officer said."

    So he confessed to assault, why arn't they being charged with that? I know it is only a 500 baht fine for a Thai....but at least it is something !!

    Maybe they can't prove it wasn't self defense... ps stabbing someone in the neck is not assault. It's attempted murder / murder
  9. Why can't the military just call out elections and wait for the next protest..

    when the next protest goes out of hand and becomes illegal -- (by becomes illegal protest i mean that the protest is disrupting the government by blocking access to buildings and shit) -- the military should at that point help the completely incompetent thai police to control the protest, not take over the entire government,, but allow the elected government to continue it's work..

    Why can't that happen?

    Also, why are they not mass arresting / indicting / executing the thai police for being corrupt?

    genuine questions above... and instead of saying how stupid and silly my thoughts, questions and ideas are,, PLEASE ENLIGHTEN ME ... tell me what's wrong with my thinking in a constructive way please :)

  10. Who breeds these people/animals? Throw them to the rats forever to show the youth of today this is NOT "This action is a typical case of youthful recklessness"

    ​If this becomes typical behavior we are shafted.

    Even if this man survives and recovers he will never feel the same I'm sure he will be looking over his shoulder in fear for the rest of his life.

    There are stories of bodies turning up daily and attacks like this one will destroy Thailand as a tourist destination.

    Make an example quickly!

    Good post. But please don't insult animals in characterizing these cretins. There's not a single species on this planet (other than some of us, apparently) that kills for sport or entertainment.

    Actually, cats kill for sport and fun,, so does dolphins and whales i think.. wolves too ... elephants too maybe.. weasels too...

  11. Thai justice 101

    Murder a farang is ok if you are thai and the case does not get high profile attention. Example, this case.

    Murder a couple of faring is ok if you are Thai, wealthy and powerful, even if the case is high profile. Example koh tao

    Murder a police officer is ok if you are thai and super wealthy, example coked up ferrari driving red bull heir.

    Be guilty of existing as a migrant worker from myanmar on the same island as any crime scene and you're looking at death the penalty

  12. Bicycle lanes?????

    I've got a good idea..

    1.lets have a meaningful driving test

    2. Let's have rules on the roads

    3. Let's have the police enforcing those rules

    4. Let's have driving bans for those that break them

    5. Lets stop people driving the wrong way on the hard shoulder of dual carriageways especially without lights

    6. Let's have an MOT test to get rid of dangerous vehicles

    Oh dear......must have been a dream I've just woken up

    Let's have law enforcement, oh.wait.. tit

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