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Posts posted by ToddWeston

  1. Sorry Scott please allow me to add.

    Whilst the GDP numbers are clear, lest we forget a large proportion of the cost is for medicine with high cost patent medicines, when you factor those numbers out and replace them with generics the cost drops significantly.

    Sorry back on topic.

    Edit: messed up quotes

  2. Fair point Lec.

    I'd like to add the Tory's are currently in power and PM Harper is very right wing, all of the Ministers are hand picked by him and the Defence Minister is also extremely right wing, he asked the Governor General to start to wear the military uniform at more public engagements. This Goverment also put the "Royal" back in all departments of the military.

    My point is they are old school and I reckon the General may have been chosen for his qualifications over his sexual orientation. The other political parties are to the left and I could definately see them pulling that type of political stunt.

    It was interesting the media didn't pounce on this as most just reported a new chaplain from the east coast and not his sexuality.

  3. La Monita has a taco truck style restaurant on the lower floor of Siam Paragon just outside Gourmet Market.

    These are the monkey wings - really good but as noted there is a slight fish flavour not sure if ots the herbs or oil -6 pieces for 120 baht or 10 for 150



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  4. Didn't the OP promise us some time ago that he would go to the temple for a month ?

    Promise long, and deliever short !whistling.gif

    He must like to tease both of you tongue.png

    Must be real challenge to read all this and not being able to defend yourself, because everyone has to believe you're still at that temple without WiFi.,

    Sorry - why does he have to defend himself ? with or without wifi is neither here nor there. The guy is a brilliant writer and his blethering envokes a passion seldom seen ..... IMHO of course and it has a dry wit I love.

    I realise it may be humourous to be a gad-fly but let's give him a few days off and wait for the trip report, which I'm anxiously awaiting.

  5. What is it with stroking the hand with the palm turned up?

    I did it once with the Thai gf and she said don't ... only for the dead.

    Also, no building should only have 4 posts ... only for a Funeral Place ... ?

    Can anyonet some meat on those bones of ideas?

    The four post/pillars I believe is the Chinese influence of feing shui and the number four sounds like death when spoken at least in Cantonese - like 8 sounding like money I could be wrong and would like to hear what others think or have been told.
  6. No idea here but I've used them back home - perhaps if no other suggestions you could have them made ? I've had the local seamstress make all kinds of things, at least this way you're able to choose your fabric and garter - mine were pretty shoddy back home and didn't survive many washings.

  7. Head up to On Nut - get off the BTS (opposite side of Tesco) down the stairs and turn toward Soi 77 - when you get to Soi 77/1 right - it's a small Soi that leads to Big C. When walking down towards 77/1 you will cross one small street, then a new condo development and then Soi 77/1is next, maybe a 3 minute walk. There are 6 to 8 massage places and they all offer foot massage oil and traditional and the best part is they are still 150 baht an hour.

    When you turn right on Soi 77/1 the very first one on you left is best avoided :)

    When walking along the Soi you'll notice some of the shoppes look the same with prices posted on the glass in yellow - same owner and we use them frequently.

    Edit - found a link with pics


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  8. Samsung nx1000 is good and cheap. Can even take 3d pics. Has wide angle. Cost me about 400$.

    Krisb, could you please tell where you bought it - in Thailand or ordered from US? Do you use Kit lens?

    Want to buy this one... are you really satisfied with the quality?

    I've been looking for sometime and haven't made a decision on the model yet, Gateway Mall Ekkamai has some very good camera shoppes, the mall is deserted so the prices are very low, a choice of at least 5 or 6 and the staff seem knowledgable. The other camera store I like is at Terminal 21 top floor across from the cinema very knowlegable staff.

  9. If you are married, you shouldn't pursue other people, male or female.

    To the contrary, if you have desire to meet other people, male or female, go for it! If we think of marriage as a prison, a life long prison, that is not a recipe for happy life, and happy marriage. Most marriages would last longer and be happier if rules were more relaxed.

    It is only natural and healthy to have desire for sex with people that you find attractive, even if you live together with another person. It seems very unnatural to be in life long contract with only one person to the rest of life.

    Unfortunately I can't help with meeting people in Isaan, I wish I could.

    What a load of complete rubbish. Some of us take our relationship very seriously and my relationship happens to be my greatest accomplishment.

    Your concept of natural - become a player

    Your concept of unnatural - being in a long term "contract" as you call it

    I guess I'm a freak of nature then, and I'm very proud of it.

    Scott made an excellent comment that I'd not considered, I hope the OP can find happiness.

    "..... my relationship happens to be my greatest accomplishment."

    Mine's just pure luck meeting the right person, although my partner thinks its all pre-ordained in some way ... and if there's any accomplishment its my partner putting up with me.

    I don't have sex with anyone else because of some great desire to be somehow "moral" or "righteous", but because if I did it would be betraying my partner's trust and that's not something I would consider, whether I knew I could get away with it or not or whether he would "forgive" me or not ... plus I know that I would only be disappointed as he's still the best sex I've ever had so what would be the point?

    Spot on.

    I should have added it's also the greatest investment of my life and the dividends are paying off. I do believe a beautiful part of ageing, is seeing the person you adore growing old along your side.

    The OP has lust for another guy, I think I get that. I have never had that feeling for a female and I know it would do my head in trying to sort it out but I also know I'd never act on it as my life committment is to the person I fell in love with many years ago.

    This thread has been interesting, there are a few that say loudly - look into my eyes join our team, come over it's more fun, whilst maybe the OP only needs a big brother to say stop that now and go hug your wife.

  10. I've been a few times as a guest and I'm also considering joining full time, I wish they had on site badminton :( however the food especially the roasties are fairly decent and they change the menu often.

    I've met some interesting Brits, Kiwis, Aussies and Canadians who are members, the type of people you want to see again and continue the conversation.

  11. I just use axle grease and wet and dry. Isn't that good enough?

    It's probably better than the billions spent on face cream :)

    Which I forgot to mention previously is a complete waste of money. OP if you're from the UK or Canada the best is E45 cream it's cheap and works the same as any of the high end "Oil of Old Lady" or Boots no7. Keep in mind lotion is 60% -70% water, oil (lanolin, olive, rice bran) and emulsifier wax with perfume and preservatives added. Same as most bars of soap water, tallow (animal fat) and sodium hydroxide (lye). Oatmeal is also a very common ingredient in skin care the entire line of Avenno is oatmeal based - avina statina (oats). You can grind regular breakfast oats and make a paste as a facial mask.

    Axle grease :) or any oil will block your pores however at the same time moisturize your skin so you want an oil with some vitamin value and after it's done it's job rinse with water and a mild soap.

    Vanity sermon over - please don't start me on hair care products :)

  12. Easy peasy a friend did it last month, he went to the Embassy in person in Bangkok- only issue was he required his long form birth certificate as well as his passport, no idea why they needed it, but he ordered his provincial birth certificate online and had it sent to a family member then sent here. I don't know from Phuket but there must be a way via post to register the birth.

    As for China they may require a passport for the child versus being out on your 5 year or 10 year passport, best to check the Chinese Embassy at the same time.

    Give the Canadian Embassy a ring, they are actually very helpful. If they answer and it sounds like Rene Leveques hang up and call back - a total xxxxxxxxxxxx

    Congrats BTW the world needs more Canucks :) sorry did I say that...... sorry

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  13. No offence taken - The part I have an issue is with I must declare I'm vain :)

    Here it goes 4th or 5th floor MBK there is a Japanese facial spa for lack of a better term, under the food court area if that makes sense, the menu is extensive and a basic cleansing which takes about an hour is around 1400 baht I do tip 200. They get out the nasty bits and a few days later your skin is soft and has a much better appearance IMO. They pop fat cells and often this can cause minor bleeding - don't be concerned I've checked the sterilization technique and it's sterile. It is not a gay venue just a really good high end spa. Women who go spend on average 5000 baht for peels etc, I've never had one but I've seen the results and I don't think it's worth it and it's scary.

    If you don't already use a shaving brush, start - it's a mild form of exfoliating dead skin cells and it provides a much closer shave - we are lucky here with all of the facial scrubs in a tube for less than 100 baht - a small dab in your hand work the foam then brush lather yoir face for 30 seconds and shave. If you are here it's damn near Impossible to find a decent brush perhaps someone back home could post one for you. Don't worry about foams that say whitening it's all crap, assuming you're Caucasian.

    Hubby uses a poultice every now and then - equal parts brown sugar and washing up liquid, leaves it for half and hour and his skin is tight and super clean. He's also does the egg white only and lets it dry - it's a funny look. Chemically it should work and I say to him it does :) :)

    Lastly, buy a bottle of rice bran oil - amasing for cooking BTW and apply a drop on your skin nightly - it contains oryzanol which is great for the skin 100 times better than olive oil.

    Good luck

  14. I don't understand the question. Is there any gay-unfriendly hotel in that area?

    The Atlanta hotel Suk Soi 2 probably qualifies as the only gay un-friendly hotel in the whole of Thailand. It does not even allow mixed race married straight couples to stay unless they can provide a marriage certificate.

    So bizarre as when I stayed there over 30 years ago it was a great backpack hotel. Rooms were shared, about 3 to a room, had to vacate the room every time another room mate brought a girl back to the room.

    I thought I know Soi 2 fairly well.

    I stayed at Hotel Solo for weeks at a time when it first opened.

    That meant I walked the length of Soi 2 more times then fingers and toes ... and never saw the place.

    Had a look at their website ... http://www.theatlantahotelbangkok.com/

    WOW ... isn't that a step back into the past.

    Mind you ... some lovely retro furniture and fittings.

    Echos of an era long having left the NANA area.

    Thanks for the heads up ... thumbsup.gif

    Lost for words about the Atlanta Hotel, I didn't see that one coming especially here in Thailand.

  15. The Philippines is one destination she won't need a visa and it's cheap to fly there with Cebu Pacific,

    there you will find some of the most amazing beaches sceneries, cheap eat and cheap hotels.

    Well in my experience the hotels are a rip off $150 to $200, the food is AWFUL, Boracay is full of Korean travellers or locals who stay up all night, Palawan is full of dog turds and bloddy expensive to get to with all the little add ons. The rice terraces are nice but you can't get there without hitting Manila.

    Manila is a tip, and nothing to see or do that doesn't involve going to a mall. Ask a few Thais who have been to Manila how hungry they were on their trip and how grateful they were to return to the LOS.

    OP Thanks to the post from Klubex I think you've found a winning destination with Nepal.

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