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Posts posted by NiwPix

  1. Lucky barstewards. Wanted him for Arsenal for several years. I'm guessing that Uncle Ancelotti would be more Stan Kroenke's style, unfortunately.

    Not sure he'd be a good fit at the librarybiggrin.png


    The 46-year-old, who recently signed a new deal to stay at the club until 2018


    I'll come to terms with this and be over it....eventually....I hope.

  2. Lucky they sure are. Remember the time you were excited to see the press conferences before and after the matches? No? Well, start preparing for that. They are entertaining as well...last roughly 20-30 minutes.

    I hope we don't play each other in the knockout stage in the Europaleague this season. Would be a shame to knockout our previous coach :P

  3. Are we allowed to post job applications if we censor personal information? If so, we should start a thread in the jokes section. I get amazing applications on a regular basis.

    First thing I noticed, EVERY picture I get is photoshopped. They all have this "amazing" white skin. I had a photo of a teenager ( male ) with blue hair and at shirt with a bunch of weed leafs on it.

    Or a female teeneager holding on to a teddy bear.

    My all time favorite ( I obviously understood what she meant and actually thought it was a nice touch...but she just forgot 1 word ).

    A handwritten note on an empty space on the a application: "if you hire me, you will regret it."

    Made my day :)

    I enjoyed your application as well. Thanks for sharing.

  4. LOL. Entertainment of the Morning. Thank you :)

    Overall I agree with you, however I think the problem lies a little bit deeper. I don't think it is fault of the police officers...I think the problem is while ( if ) they receive training. Who trains them to direct the traffic? I have noticed they all have different hand gestures to control traffic which besides being absolutely useless, it can become confusing. Has anybody trained how to control traffic properly?

    Oh, and take their whistles away or fill it with water and soap.

    I have passed police here driving ~100kmh in a 80 zone. Something I would have never dared in the US or Germany.

  5. Some have reported of getting a "Residence Certificate" from the Tourist Police. Maybe give them a try before immigration...in the future.

    Also, it may not be in your case, but good to know: When getting a drivers license, my work permit was accepted as a substitute for a Residence Certificate.

  6. I stopped going to these shops even though I love coffee. I have yet to walk into a single one of these shops, ask for a Large black coffee and simply get one. Every single one just asks me whether i want a Americano, espresso or rattles off some name of which I know nothing about

    Just how hard is it ? sad.png

    May I suggest to try the many different versions of "black coffee". I understand your frustration with this "simple" request of a black coffee and having to go through hoops and hurdles to get it, but from a Restaurant/Cafe/Bakery owners point of view....here is the problem:

    Us Westerners even have different understandings of "Black Coffee". While it is true that most of us would just expect a cup of drip coffee when ordering a black coffee, it is not the case here in Thailand. Most coffee shops do not have drip coffee machines and request for this coffee is VERY low. Luckily most cafes have Semi to fully automatic Espresso machines. These machines do not produce black drip coffee, but Espresso. From that you can make many different versions of coffee including a drip coffee like.

    When you come across one of those cafes with an espresso machine, ask for:

    1. Americano ( This is probably the closest to a drip coffee )

    2. Long Black

    Also, when ordering the coffee, make sure to order Americano "Lohn" ( hot ) or Long Black Lohn. Otherwise they may serve you the iced version ;)

    I had a customer who ordered a coke. While I was chatting with him, he complained that he can't get a plain cup of black coffee anywhere. I explained to him the "problematic" and gave him an Americano to try. He really enjoyed it and everytime he comes back, he orders an Americano....doesn't even bother trying the long black.

    All that being said, you might enjoy an Americano at starbucks but not your local cafe or vice versa. Thats where it comes down to your particular taste.

    Good luck :)

  7. Just like the OP, I am lucky to have my own shop with a fully automatic machine ( just upgraded it last week :) )

    And just like the OP, when on the road, I find it difficult to find a good coffee. "Luckily" I enjoy iced coffees quite a bit too now.

    A couple weeks ago my wife and I ordered an Iced Latte and an Iced Cappuccino. One tasted pretty good, and the other was awful. We just didn't know which was which. And luckily Black Canyon is fairly readily available. I prefer them over Amazon. Some A lot of areas in Thailand are not as "developed" as Bangkok, so not that many franchises available to choose from.

    If I had all Coffee franchises in front of me to choose from, I'd probably go with Doi Chaang.

  8. Directly opposite Pizza Company on Chaiyangkhun road just before turning left into Uppalisan Road is a dentist. I believe she is the dentist at Rajabut Hospital as well. Make sure you insist on anaesthetic though as the last time

    I was there a couple of years ago, the dentist didn't use it. Yeah I know, I am a baby...

    This building?"


    Looks like its a center with multiple clinics/doctors?

    Yes, thats the one. I went there once for a routine check up ( done by the lady ). Now I go there on a monthly basis to have my braces adjusted by a Orthodontist. He is also very good and speaks perfect english.

    I don't recall seeing more than two "dentists" there.

  9. Did they say which year?

    Sorry...again, I couldn't resist.

    However, to be somewhat helpful: Towards the end of October I will be doing a border run to Chon Mek. If there aren't any updates by then, I'll stop by and ask.


    I heard a rumor today and want to know if somebody has more info on it.

    Supposedly Bangkok Hospital is looking in to buying Ratchavej Hospital ( Near Ubon Square ). Again, just a rumor at the moment.

  10. Speed cameras have made an appearace between Ubon and Sisaket. A couple of thai friends have received tickets by post this past week.

    None have seen the camera flash but think it was located on or near the welcome to SIsaket sign on the straight stretch of road before the rail crossing and jungle market as you head towards SIsaket

    Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Please say it isn't so. crying.gif

    Hopefully they don't implement a Point system.

  11. Klopp has hinted he will be going to Bayern Munich, which means Guardiola will be going to ....??

    To Bayern only over my dead body. That would be more painful than when götze went to Bayern.

    I think klopp will go England...but not as said previously to a someone "who has the best squad in place"...the overall package has to be right. Hmmmm, Liverpool isn't doing to well right now.

  12. Bad week in Wolfsburg with VW going down the pan and now this. Whenever I watch German football it's characterised by awful defending. Matts Hummell was hailed as a great defender and he's still at Dortmund, no takers. Saw Emre Can playing at right back for Germany a couple of weeks ago. As effective as when he played there for Liverpool.

    So, let me see if I understand this right...Mats Hummels is not a great defender because he is still at Dortmund? I think he just needs to mention something about wanting to leave and he'll have many leagues to chose from. I am happy that he extended his contract with dortmund...just like Reus did. But I assume Reus is also overrated because he is at dortmund. Maybe....just maybe, they have more in mind than just money. Not saying that they will stay in Dortmund forever, but to say they are in dortmund because they didn't receive any offers is just wrong.

    I can't comment about Emre Can...I haven't really seen him play, but unlike many other clubs and their supporters, I have faith in my manager and trust that he sees something in him. I also trust that Can won't play for Germany if he doesn't perform well.

  13. Well, and it can also work the other way around.

    My business increased 30-40% over last year same months. 2 foreigners and 2 work permits in place and 20 thai employees.

    While it may be true that "they" make it difficult for foreigners to stay -legally with Workpermit-, it is not impossible. My dad taught me at a young age a simple rule: where there is a will, there is a way.

    Your will maybe wasn't strong enough or you saw Cambodia as an easier alternative...nothing wrong with that either.

  14. I can't seem to find a website for Pattaya Airways ( never heard of them either ). Are they a brand new airline?

    @Santisuk: While you are right that there will be some that don't meet the financial requirements for a Visa, I think there will be a few that also don't want to deal with their local immigration.

  15. Point of info.. You do not need a Makro card to shop at their stores. The only benefit I have seen from their card is if you own a business and say drop 60k per month they will give you about a 1.5 percent extra discount. Just saying.

    Actually thinking back I've turned up before with a trolley full of goods without the card and of course they let me through,why wouldn't they.

    They don't shoot themselves in the foot for no one not even farang.

    There is a membership store only in the US, for which you need a card ( Costco ). No card, no shopping.

    But with Makro, it is true...you don't need a membership card to go shopping their. As Khwaibah correctly stated, it is only if you do big volume shopping. The discount also applies for certain items as well. I think you need to buy at least 30k of eligible products to get 1.5% discount...this in then tiered up to a maximum of 3% I think.

  16. Looks like a delicious cup of tea ;).

    The only time I see what like that is when we had a water outage ( even if it is a few seconds or minutes ), the first two or three seconds is really dirty...just like in the picture you posted. After that it comes out clean...at least in appearance.

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