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Posts posted by NiwPix

  1. While what I say won't be the same scenario like your friend, it may give you some hope that she could be telling the truth.

    I had a 1 year car license and went to renew it about 3 weeks before expiration date. I received my 5 year license the same day, but the issue date was 3 weeks in advance ( the day ,y 1 year license actually expires ).

    Again, the scenario is not quite the same, but shows you that the DMV has the option to put a different issue date.

  2. And Klopp has broken his glasses.


    lol...that was quick. We have a set of his broken glasses in the BVB Museum.

    Looking at the scoring times etc it looked like a really good game smile.png

    • Like 1
  3. Gentlemen you have been saved, an Australian coffee franchise has been busy expanding in Thailand "The Coffee Club", I've been in there shops when in Pattaya, Ko Samuai, Chiang Mai and Bangkok.

    I'll give them a try whenever I see one. I googled them to see where they have locations, however their website ( australian ) does not show their Thailand locations.

    Going over some pictures on their facebook page they seem like a starbucks from the setup ( not syaing it tastes like starbucks :) ). What is their price point for coffees?

  4. Dutch cheese tastes like margarine......bah.gif


    What kind of dutch cheese you eat?

    Thai Dutch cheese?

    For a country that puts salad cream on fries says a lot about taste buds...bah.gif

    Me, half a century of trying all sorts of cheese...Dutch stuff has no flavour at all. Margarine.....sad.png

    I don't agree with you at all I reckon Dutch cheese is one of the best cheese in the world

    including Swiss, Danish and maybe German and Italian

    and what is wrong with mayonnaise on your fries the British and Aussies put on vinegar

    my Thai family puts salt on any fruit they eat including sweet strawberries

    and no I am not Dutch

    You must be on drugs WC.... Gouda bah.gif , like shoe leather, Edam like plastic !!

    Real Brits don't eat fries, we have proper chips and don't put mayonnaise on them. Each to their own, I fully accept that.

    Holy cow...what am I reading here???

    I have been wrong my entire life. Stupid me...I have been wearing my shoes, but after reading your post that they taste Gouda I may have to adjust my lifestyle...never thought of my shoes being so delicious :)

    Out of curiosity...no sarcasm in this: what do you consider proper chips that fries aren't?

  5. Well, today I noticed something I didn't expect to see here in Ubon for....hmmm...at least another 5 years smile.png


    Who do you have service with? Does it say LTE on your phone? My True phone only shows 4G.

    It's with AIS and says LTE ( You can see it on the screenshot I posted in my initial post ). Iphone 6s

  6. Mario Gotze £40m ?

    Done deal?

    Overrated. Pep hasn't even had him in the starting eleven most of the time. coffee1.gif

    He is out because he has a groin injury, sustained against the Paddy's in early October and not because of his ability/form...Try and keep up!coffee1.gif

    Last season, with Pep as manager, only two outfield players were selected more often....and Muller wasn't one of them. Maybe he is overrated as wellclap2.gif

    To be fair if he is such a good player, why would he leave Munich for your mob ? whistling.gif

    Weeeeell, to be fair, he did leave Dortmund for Munich. So, if Liverpool can pay more than Munich he will follow the pound.

    He is a great player, just very injury prone...so probably somebody you don't want ;)

  7. Hours a day? I do not know...but usually 2-3 training sessions a day and probably lasting 60 minutes each. Has to be lots of fun driving to and from work 2-3 a day.

    But to clarify, I am not defending the money they get paid or how many hours a day or week they work, I just think that at TODAYS day and age ( not: we won the title so and so many times in the past ) where players are constantly pushed to their limits, the game has gotten a lot more faster, more commercialized, more demanding, that it will take a toll on the player.

    Yes, they are highly paid and yes they seem to get more holiday ( but even during the holiday they have to stay fit ), but they are not machines. The body needs some rest. When or how much, I can not tell, but I am guessing 1-2 weeks should be good for high performance athletes.


    With the quality/money on the pitch in the premier league, they should be winning a whole lot more internationally or at least performing a lot better )

  8. Am I allowed to chime in? smile.png

    I'll take my point of view from following the Bundesliga about 20 years now...

    While I wish there is no winter break ( from a fan point of view and club financials ), I think the winter break is good for the players.

    The ever increasing intensity of the game, the increasing speed, the increasing physical shape a player has to be in must be VERY tiring. Not even to think of the mental pressure you're on.

    After 4-6 months of constant playing ever 3-7 days does put a strain on a player ( just put yourself in that position for a moment and think about it... ). Getting a break after those 4-6 months must be very welcoming for the players, especially around the holidays when you can spend with the family and recharge.

    Bundesliga get their break about 2 days before Christmas. Return back to training around 3rd or 4th of January and go ( usually ) somewhere warm to a training camp for 1-2 weeks. Then come back, have another week to prepare for the second half of the season. We do have a couple weeks of a "rough start", but by time the championsleague starts again, we're back 100% and ready to go another 6 months....including a major international tournament.

    If the holiday games is so important for fans, start the winterbreak January 1st for 15 days or so. It might benefit the national team too and may make it more enjoyable to watch major tournaments wink.png

    Some of these players get paid 300,000 pounds per week !

    As BB says, the European Cup/Champions League, was won on numerous occasions (5 times by us), without a winter break.

    Get rid of the nonsensical international friendlies instead, which can cause serious injurys to many players.

    Over a year, players get more holiday time than most working class citizens.

    Yes, the do get a sh!tload of money and I think they are paid way too much, but that is a DIFFERENT topic. It is about if a winterbreak would be good for the league / players. With all the money in the world, they still can not buy much needed condition / rest.

    Getting rid of international friendlies I think is wrong. It is a great way to test new players and strategies to prepare for qualifications and tournaments.

    How much holiday does a football player get over a year period? I honestly do not know, but can't see them getting more than 30 days a year ( besides their usual days off ).

  9. Am I allowed to chime in? :)

    I'll take my point of view from following the Bundesliga about 20 years now...

    While I wish there is no winter break ( from a fan point of view and club financials ), I think the winter break is good for the players.

    The ever increasing intensity of the game, the increasing speed, the increasing physical shape a player has to be in must be VERY tiring. Not even to think of the mental pressure you're on.

    After 4-6 months of constant playing ever 3-7 days does put a strain on a player ( just put yourself in that position for a moment and think about it... ). Getting a break after those 4-6 months must be very welcoming for the players, especially around the holidays when you can spend with the family and recharge.

    Bundesliga get their break about 2 days before Christmas. Return back to training around 3rd or 4th of January and go ( usually ) somewhere warm to a training camp for 1-2 weeks. Then come back, have another week to prepare for the second half of the season. We do have a couple weeks of a "rough start", but by time the championsleague starts again, we're back 100% and ready to go another 6 months....including a major international tournament.

    If the holiday games is so important for fans, start the winterbreak January 1st for 15 days or so. It might benefit the national team too and may make it more enjoyable to watch major tournaments ;)

  10. Here some more troubleshooting help....I hope smile.png

    As said, opening the E-Mail in the default Mail apple by ios verion 9.2 ( I am pretty sure it happened with ios 9.1 as well ), it initially loads fine....after a couple of seconds of the E-Mail loading it suddenly "reformats" its layout.

    I took some more screenshots this morning. Very interesting though, as I opened the E-Mail a couple ours later, it displayed correctly. Also interesting when opening up the E-mail the second time, the "loading symbol" ( that moving circle on the top ), does not finish...it keeps loading.

    It seems to have some issue with the loading of the E-Mail

    1st image: E-Mail just opened, still loading. Layout fine

    2nd and 3rd image: Email changes format / layout when finished loading the entire E-Mail ( process of about 2 seconds )

    4th image: Opened the E-Mail a couple hours later. Layout fine, but seems to never finish loading.

    good luck wink.png

    Edit: Deleted first image, as image header contained my full name. If needed for troubleshooting, please send me a pm




  11. I have the same problem, iPhone 6s.

    The email initially loads fine, but it seems as it is finished loading, it lines up like in the screenshot in post #4.

    It used to work fine...can't say for sure how long this "problem" has been going on...maybe 2 months now?


    I don't think it has anything to do with the app. It's the newsletter we get in the mail inbox

  12. A couple of questions:

    Do you have a budget to set up the"cost control"?

    Will you be working abroad for a longer period of time or just a few weeks?

    There is PoS software that let you enter your current inventory / quantity available. The software I know of is rather expensive though and may not be worth the investment.

    Another thing that I found interesting when I went to a subway in Bangkok. By the cash register a sign to the customer: "If you are not given a receipt, your meal is free. Call xxx-xxx-xxxx"

    This pretty much forces the staff to ring everything in. Of course you will need a camera watching the area where the transactions take place. I could see some guests trying to take advantage of that.

    Just an idea.

  13. I am curious, is there a statistic of the going rate for bonuses in different departments are with their current salaries etc?

    When I read that bonuses are paid up to 14 months worth of salary, I wonder WHO are the employees that get this type of bonus and what is their current salary? Is it the lawful minimum wage or are they paid 5k a month with the promise of a 14 month salary bonus? Or is it only one or two top managers that get that salary so the company can claim they paid some of their employees big time bonuses?

    I am really surprised by these figures. I can't imagine paying my 20 employees a years worth of salary as a bonus...or even more than a month for that fact...

  14. Wasn't Kong Jiam raided last week? Bangkok military showed up and made some arrests. The "Christmas lights" were turned off at the bars....bummer....right before Christmas. They could've waited until after xmas.

    Or is everything back to normal again there?

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