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Posts posted by NiwPix

  1. Good thread and nice to have NiwPix as our Bundesliga expert.

    Any chance that Wolfsberg (or "burg") will squeak by Real Madrid ?

    Well, there is always a chance. They have the quality to pull it off...the big problem is, they can't bring the quality on the pitch all the time or on a regular basis. They played Bayern Munich recently and "dominated" most of the first half, but at the end lost...I think 1:3. They are still looking for their form...they can be dangerous next season...and this season just occasionally.

    Though I didn't watch the game, I guess that shows Wolfsburg can do some damage if in good form. But good luck to them when they're in Madrid. I hope they won't be 11 players defending...that would almost guarantee a loss.
  2. Love it how it is called a training match and not a friendly match :)

    I put 0 weight on this game ( even if Germany would've won ). I didn't watch the game, but saw the highlights and statistics.

    Just for arguments sake:

    I don't think it was a strong German side as mentioned in an earlier post. For one, our Captain, Schweinsteiger, was out injured. Secondly and most importantly, it was a new defense. The only one from the World Cup winning squad ( that played regularly ) was Hummels. And Third, our "striker" Gomez. At most I believe he belongs on the bench and Mueller put up front and Goetze on the right wing ( who was out injured as well ).

    I am not saying that the reserve players weren't good, I am just saying this is far from an ideal German line-up.

    Also, I haven't seen any mention of the disallowed offside goal, that wasn't offside. The game may have ended a little different without a linesman mistake.

    All that being said, England did play well....at least the part of the highlights I saw. However, I wouldn't put too much hopes and dreams into this game.

  3. By the way, I agree that unemployment rate is low. I obviously can't give a percentage, but below 1% sounds about right. I have a hard time finding staff for my business, let alone keeping them for longer periods of time ( it has gotten better though :) )

    Now, some food for thought for the Thailand bashers claiming it is not the real percentage and it must be a lot higher.

    Obviously you think it is a lot higher because you see drunks on the street..."young" people at home all day...grand parents ( maybe in their 50's ) taking care of grand kids or generally older people but still "too young" too be retired...

    Ever thought that they don't actually need to work? The grand parents saved enough money or get enough from their kids...the drunks you see out and about, may be married and the wife is working ( don't agree with this, but it is a common practice it seems ). I could go on and on.

    Should they be considered unemployed?

    Remember when you were a kid and your dad went to work and mom stayed at home taking care of all the housework? Was she considered unemployed? No, because dad was able to provide for the entire family...something that got lost in the last 2 or 3 decades. Now dad AND mom have to work to earn a living. Something that hasn't happened here in Thailand...yet.

    P.S.: I am not defending Thailand or Thais...just seeing it objective. And this case goes in Thailands favor and I am happy that they seem to have something good going for them with so much negative stuff going on at the same time.

  4. What bash will it be tomorrow?

    People have a choice to believe the reasons stated in this current article (created for local consumption in a country that restricts freedom of speech for the press), or reasons stated in international media like the article I attached in my previous comment.

    I know which one I'm going to believe.

    The same foreign media that made it sound like a war broke out in Thailand almost 2 years ago when the military took over?

    I remember friends texting me asking if I was ok...

  5. Well, there is always a chance. They have the quality to pull it off...the big problem is, they can't bring the quality on the pitch all the time or on a regular basis. They played Bayern Munich recently and "dominated" most of the first half, but at the end lost...I think 1:3. They are still looking for their form...they can be dangerous next season...and this season just occasionally.

  6. Back in the days of yore, I backpacked around Europe at 18 (sowed the seeds of being an expat) and met a couple of Borussia Monchoengladbach fans, one of which became a penfriend (remember them) and then good friend. This was in the 70s and both City and Borussia were decent. We used to send football programmes etc to each other. Since then, naturally I keep a look out for Borussia plus I've always had a soft spot (don't know why) for Schalke. I've also always admired the way Dortmund took it Bayern (especially as I work a lot for a german company and hate the way so many work colleagues 'follow" Germanys ManU, Bayern). Sorry but I have no positive feelings towards Bayern mainly as I got sick of a boss of mine sitting on my desk on a regular basis and telling me how Bayern were the greatest.

    Ah, a pen pal. I am / was almost too young to experience that...just got the curve though :)

    I like gladbach as well...actually I like pretty much any team except schalke ( d'oh ) and Bayern.

    Weird thing is that I actually have a couple of friends that are Bayern fans...never thought this was possible. But we've had quite a bit of fun over the past few seasons :)

  7. happy to talk about it mate. i don't follow the bundesliga that closely really, one because there's only so many hours in a day and two because my favourite german club is fc st pauli. ;)

    Looks like Pauli has decent chances coming back to the 1st division :)
  8. While there is not so much interest in Bundesliga specific teams, I am sure there is occasional and combined interest in Bundesliga teams, especially when international games are on.

    So, this thread should cover all Bundesliga teams and happenings...

  9. Thank you for the points. Maybe we'll meet again next season in the Championsleague smile.png

    Apologies to Spurs fans for highjacking your forum.

    NiwPix: it sounds like your Dortmund played well and are still quite a team. I've posted on the City forum before that the best team we've played in our CL seasons is Dortmund; at the Etihad we were over run and saved a drubbing by an inspired Joe Hart. So my question is, do today's Dortmund play similar to Klopps Dortmund, but if they don't, how has their style of play changed?

    I also apologize for hijacking the thread. There is just so little interest in BVB / Bayern here...but after this post I will create a new thread all about Bundesliga ( no specific team )...hopefully that'll keep bundesliga talk out of individual threads.

    To answer your question BB,

    they are still playing very well, however, I feel like it changed a slight bit. We still press like hell all over the field, but what I think changed was the way we present ourselves on the field.

    During Klopps time, it was a real joy / treat to watch dortmund. You could really see the fun they had playing....back and forth passes in the opponents box "carrying" the ball into the net. Trick shots and passes. Surrounded by 2 or 3 players and just getting out of that huddle messi style.

    Now, it seems like we moved from successful street football to successful professional football...as in we "grew up". The head is used a lot more than the legs. It's more tactical than "fun".

    I am not saying that now is better or worse than before...it just changed. During the Klopp era, we were also called the Kindergarten Group or the wild bunch, because of the young age and carefree playing.

    Now, with some of the same players still in the squad, we grew up and there is a sense of "pressure".

    It is hard to explain....

    Either way, we are still successful and that is what counts. Here an interesting statistic:

    Now, under Thomas Tuchel ( the guy who took over at Mainz when Klopp left from Mainz to Dortmund )

    2015/16: 26 Games, 61 points

    Under Klopp, the 2 Bundesliga Championship years,

    2010/2011: 26 Games, 61 Points

    2011/2012: 26 Games, 59 Points

    Our 2 Bundesliga Champion years under Klopp:

    • Like 2
  10. What has worked for me when I had a problem, was calling tech support. They would send somebody out to try to fix it and then determine the router needs to be replaced ( assuming the problem is with the hardware ). They will replace it with one they have as back up. If they are out of stock they will get you a new router within a week. Usually just about an hour downtime total.

    However, I do not know if they offer any other brands except Cisco brands.

    Also, I am wondering if they already hand out / have the router with the ac feature.

  11. If it is just red light camera, I'm safe and actually applaud it. If it is a speed camera as well, hmmm, actually I'm safe too. Whenever I'm at that intersection I seem to never approach it on a green light.

    I just hope time will pass until they start putting speed cameras at random areas.

    • Like 2
  12. up before the birds for this one, poor mrs, as i wake her up with a yesssss when a spur sneaks the winner

    big test for the younger lads

    She will have a good nights sleep then. I'm happy for her :)

    Can't wait for the game....won't be easy. I hope for a good game and that not a referee mistake ruins the game.

  13. Have to laugh when people keep making comments such as " there was no contact" "minimal contact" "not enough contact to go down" etc etc when in fact there doesn't have to be any contact at all,

    • kicks or attempts to kick an opponent
    • trips or attempts to trip an opponent

    To be fair the rule seems to be totally in the attacking players favour so some posters who don't fully understand the rules are saying " incorrect decision" when they should be saying that " the rule is incorrect"

    ^To be fair the rule seems to be totally in the attacking players favour so some posters who don't fully understand the rules are saying " incorrect decision" when they should be saying that " the rule is incorrect" - How can the law be unfair? It's the law, and you have to play within the laws laid down, therefore it isn't unfair.

    Law 12 is:

    A direct free kick is awarded when a player commits any of the following in a manner considered by the referee to be careless, reckless or using excessive force:

    • Kicks or attempts to kick an opponent

    • Trips or attempts to trip an opponent

    (8 others are listed)

    If a player commits a direct free kick offence within his own penalty area, a penalty kick is awarded irrespective of the position of the ball, provided the ball is in play.

    The Interpretation of Law 12 further states:

    • “Careless” means that a player has shown a lack of attention or consideration when making a challenge or that he acted without precaution. (No further disciplinary sanction is needed if a foul is considered to be careless)
    • “Reckless” means that the player has acted with complete disregard to the danger to, or consequences for, his opponent. (A player who plays in a reckless manner must be cautioned)
    • “Using excessive force” means that the player has far exceeded the necessary use of force and is in danger of injuring his opponent. (A player who uses excessive force must be sent off)
    Did Delaney kick or attempt to kick an opponent? I don’t think so.

    Did Delaney trips or attempt to trip an opponent? I don’t think so.

    Was Delaney careless? I don’t think so.

    Was Delaney reckless? Definitely not.

    Was Delaney Using excessive force? Definitely not.

    Therefore was it a foul? I don’t think so.

    Dermott Gallagher, who is far more knowledgeable than any of us on here on this, and he also didn’t think it a foul and said:

    A decision that has polarised opinion. I think no, but there are many people that think yes. I have watched this all the time and I think no, but what this does highlight to me is that if we have a video referee and we go to the video referee, we are still not going to get a decision that everybody is going to agree on. The reason I say that is that the two guys sat here - Neil McCann and Ray Parlour - spoke to me earlier and they are poles apart. One says 'penalty' and one says 'no'.

    Though he wasn't reckless or using excessive force, he sure was careless. Sprinting so fast "into" a player so you can't fully back out especially in the penalty area? That I consider careless.

    Now, let's bring in another perspective...

    You're at a red light, minding your own business, but notice a car a bit further behind you. The light turns green and you slowly proceed, but suddenly feel a bump. Sure enough, the car that was a bit further behind you wasn't able to slow down in time or just approached you too fast.

    Now, you get out and notice a small bump and / or scratch. Nothing major, but also not "nothing". Who was at fault? Was it an accident or should both just drive on?

    That's how I feel what happened in the scenario...Delaney was heading to the ball ( or perhaps player ) too fast and couldn't slow down / fully back out of the tackle in time.

    = foul

  14. I just returned from bangkok and had shitty internet connection, so couldn't watch the video...until now.

    for me, it is a foul. Did he go down too easy? We will never know, but please do sprint as fast as you can and while running fast get "slightly knocked on your foot...would love to see how well you can keep balance.

    One thing that I would like to discuss though...I heard a couple of times, but never seen it in action, that I foul inside the penalty box does not necessary mean a penalty kick. Especially when it is not a clear goal chance. The ref has the choice to award a free kick.

    Can anybody clarify this?

    That would've been something to consider in this foul perhaps. It was not a clear chance at goal, there was a foul but only minor...maybe award a free kick from there?

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