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Everything posted by sungod

  1. I would imagine those hiding their homo sexual feelings could. Face looks like a fella to me, trying to look like a women.
  2. Strange how the cameras work for some, and then malfunction for others......
  3. Cause people may have FA to do all day? Got to fill your time some how. Beats sitting on here and moaning all day. Plus you you know what goes into your creation....
  4. Hmm, take some of your own advice and pop off home to treat your own issues.
  5. Maybe your right, they should have beaten him to a pulp instead of trying to help. No dig against Thailand there, a dig against the people with tunnel vision. The lengths people go to try and make out others are digging against Thailand are beyond pathetic. Trot on.
  6. The man had issues, but the locals wanted to lynch him as he climbed on their temple...... Land of Smiles......
  7. First thing you should do is back up the data, do you not back up to your google account? After that https://www.tomsguide.com/how-to/how-to-transfer-data-from-android-to-android Good luck buying a cheap phone from a private seller on lazada, do your homework!
  8. I see you are in Pattaya,If all else fails, these guys fix pumps. You will know you are at the right place as they fix them out front. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Hardware+Store/@12.9490028,100.904101,21z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x3102bf5be580a959:0x2a922c6f54a5702d!8m2!3d12.949072!4d100.9041765!16s%2Fg%2F11fktdph4x?authuser=0&entry=ttu
  9. No, not haven't heard of anyone for so long. My neighbor had the sniffles the other day though.
  10. You can go and jab yourself as many times as you want, that's up to you. Your choice, doesn't bother me. It's offensive that you want others to be forced against their will.
  11. Simple question, do you think it should be law that everyone must be vaccinated, and subsequently boosted against covid. (Age and health aside? ) Actually its not me who is saying covid will never disappear because I will never get vaccinated ( had 2 jabs, so take your presumptions elsewhere) It's the experts you love to quote.
  12. Earth is round, what about the planet you are from? Covid will never disappear as you claim if we jab everything with a pulse, the experts have already said we need to live with it.
  13. sorry Jack, typo on my behalf, I meant the 1500 the OP was quoted. My bad
  14. 7. Took a lady back to his room and discovered meat and 2 veg.
  15. Over the last week I think us Brits have lost our crown to the Russians to be fair.
  16. Probably not, but reported more in the foreign press due to more foreign media outlets in Pattaya.
  17. You've displayed your lack of knowledge on the matter, so explaining would be wasted on you.
  18. So it could have been a lab leak or strange sh*t they eat and sell at markets...... One thing is for sure, China........
  19. https://www.advice.co.th/product/4g-5g-router-mifi-aircard/4g-5g-router/4g-router-tp-link-tl-mr100-wireless-n300 I use this router with a DTAC SIM. Sim is unlimited Max download speed 30mbps for 1 year. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i977508811-s10680212926.html?urlFlag=true&mp=1&tradePath=omItm&tradeOrderId=685602746934804&tradeOrderLineId=685602747034804&spm=spm%3Da2o4m.order_details.item_title.1 Works OK in a 2nd location for browsing and streaming.
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