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Everything posted by sungod

  1. I dont think many have a choice and just convince themselves they like it there.....
  2. Department Land Transit, near Regents School
  3. Guess you have been lucky and the site you use ok. Happened to me about 5 years ago, computer slowed down considerably, tried for hours to find the solution, in the end I just did a clean reinstall (which is not a bad thing ) .
  4. It seems to me that lots of crimes are not reported in the media. That gives many people the idea nothing happens. Exactly, been happening for years.
  5. At your own peril, there is a reason these sites are free. Whats happening to your pc when you click the enlarge screen/unmute control multiple times and other sites appear? Hijacking, downloading dangerous software all all possibilities.
  6. Your standard answer would normally be to refer posters to google, or berate them for being lazy/stupid. Shoe is now on the other foot now, hope you get the information you are looking for and be less hostile in future.
  7. I dont know, my internet is far superior to my brothers in the UK!
  8. To the best of my knowledge as she was party list, she didn't have a constituency. So, for arguments sake if they had 40 party list MPs, whoever was in the waiting at number 41 steps up.
  9. Sergei is good, I can speak from experience. https://www.motionwellnesspattaya.com/
  10. Wasn't actually asking you, but thanks for your most valuable contribution to the forum none the less!
  11. You will feel the wrath of the 'all high and mighty' with suggestions like that! (I found a ticket that was 6 moths old, after I had already taxed the truck)
  12. How much for a clean please?
  13. sungod

    Thai beef

    Foodland is reasonable, (Pattaya Klang)
  14. I've tried, he just doesn't get it. Ignorance must be bliss......
  15. You obviously forgot what you posted, no one disputes it impairs judgement, just that you tried to make out it was for an extended length of time which its not. If you are going to go to the trouble of googling articles, at least read them thoroughly first! Makes you look rather silly when your own article contradicts your own post!
  16. You seem to be talking about how long its detectable, Quoting your own article 'Weed’s short-term effects start to taper off after 1 to 3 hours.'
  17. Frank, try Asian Tigers https://asiantigersgroup.com/domestic-form/
  18. You dont have to smoke weed 'to excess' (your words), different strengths, different buzzes. As I said, you really have no clue what you are commenting about. Bye.
  19. Really, you obviously know nothing about having a causal puff/ the odd edible then. The problem with the whole debate is that people (like you) who do not even understand the effects are passing their own moral judgement over those who do.
  20. Very naive statement to be honest, i dont think anyone who likes a puff is a junkie. Should we call anyone who likes a drink an alcoholic?
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