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Everything posted by sungod

  1. Pointing out that the article was incomplete and leaving it there would have been better than saying I was being unfair, had I had all the information then I may have commented better, or not at all. But yes, as someone else pointed out, the fact people are talking about it is a good thing.
  2. But I didn't write an article and preach to everyone. If they had been thorough I would not have replied.
  3. 100 people using cars is a lot worse than 1 guy delivering it all. The only people being unfair here are those writing the article trying to put their opinion across. They have a duty to weigh up all the facts, not just the ones they choose.
  4. BS, we reuse bubble wrap all the time when sending packages, saves buying it!
  5. Yes, makes total sense for lots of people to get in their cars, rather than one guy in a van deliver everything. Had to go to Mr DIY the other day to buy charging lead for a phone, think it cost more in fuel than the purchase.
  6. If its in a company I think you will have to pay specific business tax on top too, 3%. Then you have the cost of closing the company, about 30,000 THB depending on who you go to.
  7. I'd rather take my chances in Thailand, weekly high school shootings in the states aren't my thing.
  8. Nope, but we both wasted precious seconds of our lives clicking on the article and replying ????
  9. Turf is more instantaneous, seed takes a lot more time and maintenance in the early stages. If it were me, I would turf.
  10. No, English is not my strong point, struggle without a spell check. That saisd, bought/sold some properties in my time, more of a numbers person.
  11. A lot depends where you live and what soil type. I'm close to the beach, the ground is very sandy. I started with Nor Noi grass and it struggled. Then Malaysian grass ( never planted any at this point) started to take a healthy hold. I then added some Malaysian grass turfs in different places and it didn't take long to take over. I'm no grass expert but apparently Malaysian grass is quite hardy and can take to sandy soil. It does like water though.
  12. Not talking about listed prices, talking about negotiated prices. You said that Thais would not negotiate with farangs, which you insinuate they would with other Thais. That obviously means the price for farangs would be higher (which you now deny) . Now you contradict your own sweeping statement that Thais would not negotiate with farangs, to they may do if you are an expat and speak Thai. Top tip, if you want to argue then at least stick to your guns...................
  13. Nice edit, you did say the price would be higher if a farang was involved. You said on a previous post you never said that, but you just did.
  14. If you think its irrelevant, then there was no sense in you bringing it up. As has been pointed out by others, sellers have their price and cash is king.
  15. Anyone on 15,000 baht a month is not in a strong position to negotiate.
  16. No, you guess wrong. Besides, the link provided was pre-omicron.
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