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Everything posted by sungod

  1. Why would you give a vaccine to a kid if its not needed? My son had sniffles and a slight temperature for 2 days, now he is absolutely fine.
  2. Few thousand baht of lady drinks in the TQ got me all the 'care' I needed.
  3. ATK kits seem to be working at my son's school where they have sent 2 entire years home. Also personally know more families than I have fingers for who have tested on ATK and come up positive and thus isolating. I myself tested pos on an ATK. So dont listen to all the tripe that the kits are completely useless. As Ryan mentions, throat swabs are most effective now.
  4. How do you guys react to faulty goods/ wrong delivery? Is it total despair and depression, or does 'the buzz' start again when you start packing up the item to drop off at the courier and watch the journey back home?
  5. oh, and my grandad once said, never wipe your a$$ with a hedgehog.......
  6. Smear your balls with tiger balm, I promise you wont feel the ants biting. 100% guarantee.
  7. I have this one, seems ok. Pulse readings are similar to the one I have on a BP monitor. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/1-jumper-jpd-500g-no-bluetooth-jpd-500d-oled-jpd-500e-1-i2506070888-s9438927737.html?&search=pdp_v2v?spm=a2o4m.pdp_revamp.recommendation_2.12.7be323a4z1zIYh&mp=1&scm=1007.16389.126158.0&clickTrackInfo=7cbabf96-18fb-42a0-a75e-76448f98f4a0__2506070888__4289__cate__202835__0.80394536__0.80394536__0.0__0.0__0.0__0.80394536__11__null__null__null__null__null__null____1350.0__0.6370370370370371__4.960629921259843__127__490.0__108012,126335,128053,129114,129896,129993,129994,129995,129996,130069,130145,130147,130711,130815,131854,136175,136964,136966,137075,137084,137159,139772,140998,141200,141764,142007,142021,142134,142309,143444,149620,150218,153637,153905,155124,155909__null__null__null__3650.16538_3650.16544_955.3632__null__13499__null__0.0__0.0____
  8. Yeah, right......... He is asking how much the accounts are, not any other advice oh holy father.
  9. Yes, but I have no expectations nor do I spend most of the day moaning about the country I chose to work in, either on expat forums or with other expats/country experts at the bar.
  10. Oh yawn, is Thailand the only country that charges passenger tax? Maybe moan at all the people who come here with no insurance and expect the state to pay for their mess...............
  11. Surprised you didn't wash the cut yourself with some of that Red Cock vodka!
  12. Another thread where people moan, a similar article will be out again in a few months. Same people will moan and carry on living here. The moaning is as boring as the repetitive articles........ I suppose its a form of release for some though ????
  13. Yes its possible with PEA and PWA, get the form from them, take it to your bank and then return to each. It takes about 45 days to take effect for some reason. (or at lest did when I set it up) so you may have to pay next bill anyway. Or, set it up on your banking app.
  14. Try these guys, there were some on their page recently. https://www.perfectpedigreethailand.com/contact.html
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