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Everything posted by sungod

  1. Wandering off topic, as the thread is about kids. But in response the article you posted is March 31st 2021, almost a year ago. Wouldn't have disagreed with you at the time, but surely not relevant with omicron where its widely reported that the 2 shot regime is about 30% effective against infection, but thankfully 70% effective against hospitalisation. The transmission boat has sailed, its all about preventing severe illness now. So no, not a high percentage at all.
  2. Thats right, its even been posted on TV for weeks now that the saliva test is the way ahead. The way you are posting that ATK tests are useless is irresponsible. People on here may take note and not bother. ATK are simple inexpensive tests that can be done at home, its the first line of defence. It enables people to isolate at home and stop onward infection. Not everyone wants to take a PCR and risk being incarcerated in a government facility if they only have mild symptoms.
  3. This one from the NHS (reviewed 20th Jan) so assume omicron is the dominant strain. Research shows rapid tests are a reliable test for COVID-19. They give a quick result and do not need to be sent to a lab. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/testing/regular-rapid-coronavirus-tests-if-you-do-not-have-symptoms/
  4. The good news: Rapid antigen tests can definitely detect Omicron. The bad news: Some research indicates that rapid tests may be less sensitive to Omicron than they are to other variants. https://www.wsj.com/articles/how-reliable-are-covid-19-rapid-tests-for-detecting-omicron-11641747601
  5. Fully vaccinated, 2nd dose 3 months ago, then caught it. So much for Jeff's theory it stop transmission.
  6. so why do you doubt I have lots of friends who have had covid. I live in Pattaya, its ripped through here. My son is online learning as they have cases at school.
  7. Well, my son already had it, avoided serious illness thankfully, his runny nose and cough didn't cause us too much stress either which we are thankful for. The WHO article was interesting, 1 small dose, no boosters. I can understand why some parents may follow up on that is they have been lucky enough that their kids have not contacted it yet, but for us that would be closing the stable door after the horse has bolted.
  8. I know a lot of vaccinated people who caught it, and then passed it on to their un-vaccinated kids who did just fine. I think that argument is old hat with omicron.
  9. the thread asked parents with kids in the 5 -11 age bracket if they would vaccinate their kids. There are some on here who are still on the fence and wishing to discuss with other parents. If you don’t have kids in that age group it’s a decision you don’t have to make, so your argument is void
  10. Thats right, they are all out to get us ????????????
  11. How many houses have you sold and bought? Business is business, higher prices because its a farang is nonsense,
  12. Why? Money is money and a sale is a sale. I actually find Thai's are more unrealistic and expect something for free.
  13. I wouldnt complain at 70 baht a pop. I use these from Lazada, nasal and saliva.
  14. Exactly, that why I watch what the JCVI are advising, only at risk 5-11 year olds.
  15. I hope you leave their parents to make their own decision then.
  16. Not sure, but omicron is the dominant one across the world and the experts are telling us its forcing out delta. If a deadlier version came along then would reassess obviously. Do you have any kids in the 5-11 bracket?
  17. Were they healthy, or had underlying conditions so classed 'at risk? ' You mentioned the data suggested, grateful if you could share it .
  18. Yes, only the at risk ones. Big difference to blanket jabs.
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