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Everything posted by sungod

  1. Parents do they best they can with what they have available, they shouldn't try and convince themselves different levels of education are the same to make themselves feel better. As I said, seems you are wasting your 150,000 a year.
  2. I use B7 or B10 regularly, every now and then run a tank of premium through it.
  3. Not sure if its the same all over the country, but normally when you are dead as a foreigner you will be taken to the police hospital morgue in Bangkok, identity established, relevant Embassy informed and it rolls from there.
  4. You seem to be paying a 150,000 too much if you think its rubbish, and your kid wants to stay home all day as they hate school. Bu I am confused, your post reads they go to a "Thai school.' My kids go to an overpriced international school, if you think its the same as 'any other English program' school you are clearly delusional.
  5. How will that happen if we are all locked down, is that not the point of lockdowns?
  6. You might want to pay a little extra and send your kids to a decent school, they will learn more and most likely enjoy it more. I think the risk for a kid, especially with this new variant of getting seriously ill is almost nil. And the kids dont stay at home, they all hang out with each other and infect one another in the moo bahn instead.
  7. Had a similar issue years ago where we were all on the same ISP, sorry, cant help you.
  8. Better not to assume! He may have been quoting him but forgot the correct words!
  9. Stab in the dark, are the 3 of you on the same or different ISPs?
  10. Let people travel over new year, spread the disease then go back to lockdown = kids lose again ????
  11. Siamburies is the go to, found it holds a bigger range than the other stores.
  12. Is that like vibrators and KY? Asking for my next door neighbor.
  13. I think its pretty much acknowledged that the first AZ of 2 can be difficult, as can the 2nd of 2 for the mRNA.
  14. Sure, Governments make law, not TVF members nor schools. The current law is voluntary, those crying for children to be vaccinated would do better to respect that.
  15. Nor is it yours to insist other people's children get vaccinated.
  16. Perhaps you are waiting for the esteemed Dr Yong to post on his facebook page next week, but in the real world................. People catching Omicron are 50% to 70% less likely to need hospital care compared with previous variants, a major analysis says. https://www.bbc.com/news/health-59769969
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