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Everything posted by Aussieroaming

  1. I'm sure that if it is a coordinated thieving group that other businesses will also be complaining soon.
  2. OMG, does that mean that Immigration will actually check their database and get up to date lists of overstayers and then follow up with arrests. That's a new income stream, find the overstayers and then there are two choices..brown envelope or silver bracelets.
  3. Is that Police chief or chief thief.
  4. Check your browser. I find chrome much faster.
  5. People giggle sometimes because they think people are saying funny things.
  6. Another dog attack....awful. I got attacked by a pack of dogs as a teenager and it was life changing for me after they tore chunks out of my legs. I have had a lifetime of dog distrust and even though my children had small dog pets I have never liked dogs since.
  7. I guess his blood toxicology report will be an interesting read. Hopefully he was the passenger. RIP to the girl.
  8. I worked in Manila in 2007 and it was safe. I used to go running most nights through some pretty dark areas and never had an issue. I also had more than a few good nights out with foreign and sometimes local work mates and never had an hassles in taxis. Just don't go around flashing the cash too much, especially at night and being in some areas like Malate or Bugis St need a bit of awareness. I never carried a wallet, I just took cash which I distributed on myself Just in case I did get pick pocketed or robbed, neither of which ever happened. Nice people in my opinion, helpful and polite on the whole and speaking English is a bonus. Taxi drivers are rogues but same old advise applies, just stick to meter taxis. I have learnt to ignore random pleas for money and assistance from local drunks etc.
  9. They could always restrict the land sales to land that regularly floods and is full of termites. Or to illegal land plots carved out of national Parks.
  10. Poor kid...very surprising that there aren't basic safety features. So easy to modify the gate so that a toddlers head couldn't get wedged inside.
  11. Is that an A grade luxury purse or a B grade luxury purse. Surely it's not a counterfeit luxury item.
  12. If Prayut does go then the military will be jostling and plotting for a new coup against whatever party gains ascension in the polls. That is the way of Thai politics from the time before Prayut and the future plans. There will only be a "citizens" government until the military is ready again with a new messiah.
  13. How many times is this verbal diarrhea spouted whilst totally ignoring the business people heavy industry such as in the fishing industry , construction and pineapple industries, who prey on illegal immigrants every month of every year with no blow back. Remember during covid, when a lot of the illegal immigrants were dumped on the sides of roads without help and the scum that dumped them still continue using and abusing illegal immigrants to this day. That Prawit is the human trafficking that you see but choose to ignore.
  14. There is no right or wrong in regards to drink driving if over the legal limit, there is only wrong. F..WITS drink and drive, simple as that.
  15. It is too easy for Thailand ( or any other country) to roll back real estate laws if political whims change. As it stands foreigners cannot own land in Thailand. I would prefer a law whereby if the citizens of a country cannot own land in Thailand that the country in question bans Thai citizens from owning land in that country unless there is reciprocation. in that way both countries can decide whether there is a vested interest in having a joint land acquisition agreement whereby each country's citizens can own land to a certain size and type in the host country.
  16. And the money was taken elsewhere for processing
  17. This will never change while there are desperate people and greedy business owners. All facilitated by military or police bosses, depending on which province that the illegals are transmitting through.
  18. Actually the girl was being assaulted and raped by a 50 year old pedophile. 13 year-olds don't have relationships with 50 year old men.
  19. The irony being that Chuwit had to do the RTP's work and then hand it to the RTP in such a way that the RTP couldn't kill the investigation. The Chinese were very likely operating under police protection until Chuwit made it a public affair.
  20. If good guys in and bad guys out applied to the RTP as well then there wouldn't be a man left in any police station to turn the lights out. There might be a lady or two.
  21. RIP, it pays to ride slow when you are in a strange place. He might have been staring at the truck instead of looking into the curve. As they say on bikes, be careful where you stare because that's when you steer if you aren't aware.
  22. Shut Grab down and the rest of these delivery companies. Then the people might get some road sanity back. These muppets don't deserve to be on any road. I can't believe that people can't walk up their soi to get a feed.
  23. That's what you get when you bang someone else's partner..I hope his future life is a misery and hers too.
  24. What's the chance that the space junk accidently falls into the middle of Taipai...woops, sorry about that.
  25. 650 cc is hardly what I would call a big bike. RIP to the guy who died trying to avoid a collision with a truck. We can only be sure of one thing and that is that the bike rider isn't alive to either tell his side of the story nor to rebutt accusations of "speeding". Drivers here have a habit of being involved in accidents or causing accidents and then lying through their teeth to avoid having to accept responsibility. Brakes failed, or the other driver was speeding, or the rain caused it....anything except admitting any liability.
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