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Everything posted by Aussieroaming

  1. I already found one of those and handed it back. It took me a full day to find a contact number but the person that lost the purse was very relieved to get everything back...cards and money.
  2. The RTP management team drawing straws to see who wins and gets to drive away in the newly confiscated Porsche.
  3. No Thai would want to buy any land specifically earmarked for foreigners because the price per square wah would be rediculously overpriced as the developer tried to price gouge the falang. Better to buy good land in a local area well away from foreigner specific developments if you do want to buy land. I am happy for my wife to soley own any land assets. Injecting foreigners into the land market might just reinforce the strength of the real estate market. The problem I see with "allowing foreigners" to buy land is that a future government could easily reverse that decision and force foreigners to then have to sell under duress, as has happened elsewhere in Asia.
  4. Last time I miss spelt my wife's maiden name it cost me 2000 baht to rectify it. That was 10 years ago and I have never misspelt it again, lesson learnt.
  5. Pattaya, the world class family destination. Flooded streets and lurid beach races don't really promote the governments fantasy image of a world class tourist destination that they espouse in regards to Pattaya.
  6. If the driver survived then it would be a miracle. Thai people need to take some personal responsibility for improving driving and road safety habits otherwise they will continue to die and be maimed in huge numbers. I find it hard to feel much pity these days for people that choose apathy over action in regards to positive safety changes.
  7. I use Google Chrome and it opens Lazada OK. I've noticed a few websites here that are browser sensitive, including the immigration one.
  8. True friends are hard to find. Be grateful that you haven't made too many "friends". If somebody truly likes you then the friendship bonds will form.
  9. A bit of wealth reassignment. Suck eggs Ferrari Joe, you are just a murderous convict now.
  10. I agree that people shouldn't wander around naked on Thai beaches. I don't think his actions are reflective of all Brits, just as not all Brits are "arrogant people that think they own the world". However your distaste for Brits is apparent, so your post is colored by your own views of Brits. I thought that naked beach antics was more of a European custom.
  11. That should read "pregnant farang steals taxi". What did he honestly expect would happen when he had a head rush and stole a taxi.
  12. The RTP where brown shirts to hide the dirt. Imagine working for a corporation that is so corrupt that the general population haven't faith in the entire institution.
  13. Seems gentler than suffocating him with plastic bags I guess. Maybe the "extortionists" are resorting to Japanese techniques.
  14. Death would be too easy for the scumbag but at least it's a final act. Execute him.
  15. RIP. Suicide is never the answer to a problem.
  16. The RTP need to investigate the parents bank account to see if there was a sudden large deposit.
  17. Scumbag, now arrest the RTP from the local precinct that has been letting these scum drug dealers operate for years.
  18. Nasty, caught between the rear load and the tree and likely not wearing seat belts. Not much chance of survival.
  19. Why are they flying around with the undercarriage down while they are warming up the missiles.
  20. So they found the petty cash....where is the real money.
  21. Not often you hear about divers suffering from "the bends". I hope they were bringing a decompression chamber to put him in for a while.
  22. Maybe one day Thais will realize that saturating the market with new property's isn't a great way to sustain property prices. The building craze never seems to diminish here.
  23. 2 Tonne of chicken in a ute rated for 900kg or so. That vehicle was probably skating all over the place. I'm sure that the RTP muppets have it all figured out.
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