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Everything posted by Aussieroaming

  1. Smart cat burgler...he knows which house has the real stolen loot.
  2. Ironical that Thai's get bailed for far more serious charges that this. They were dumb to get involved in a scrap but what they really need now is a damned good lawyer. Based on the porsche I assume that at least one of them can afford a shark in a suit.
  3. I've had my vehicle for 1.5 years and have only done 5500 km in it. I should have bought a 4 x 4 ute so that I could have thrown a dirt bike on the back, I might have used it more then.
  4. If she was a foreigner with travel insurance then that 46K gold chain would have morphed into a 460k behemoth chain and the 50 baht would have been 1/2 a million in a Gucci manbag or handbag.
  5. A foreigner admitted to hospital with covid and suddenly quarantine is required in order to "pad the bill".
  6. No, I fell in love and that was enough. I don't fall in love with any woman I see.
  7. Green submarines....use no fuel, create no carbon footprint when in use. The world should be lauding Thailand for its innovation as the user of the world's first engine less submarine, living up to the term "running silent".
  8. Telling the RTP to get cracking and solve the crime. First question would be who supplied the weapons? They look rather paramilitary or police in origin. Maybe the king pin is a member of the constabulary.
  9. At least she hasn't shot him, stabbed him or chopped him up yet, unlike some other stalkers.
  10. Not the worst riding I see here in Bangkok. Sometimes at night I think my condo has been moved onto Buriram racetrack.
  11. Groundhog day. My wife spins out if her daily routine and housework schedule is broken or altered, whilst I tend to just wake up and decide on a daily action plan.
  12. Depends..,men's underpants with skid marks might be contested but Makro and Big C are pretty fair if you have your receipts and a genuine reason for return.
  13. This Muppet just needs the "stupid is as stupid does" T-shirt. Grow up you fool, grown men don't normally rollerblade through Bangkok traffic. I'm wondering if he was listening to roller disco while he was making an idiot out of himself.
  14. Pair of scrotum's attacking someone....whilst driving a new Porsche, now that is a silly move. I'm sure that the RTP will be licking their lips, wondering how to turn that vehicle into a proceeds of crime payday.
  15. Nothing "left" to look at here folks.
  16. The RTP sucking on their oxygen masks in the police station, just waiting for the general public to solve the crime for them. Maybe they need to watch Cagny and Lacy reruns instead of CCTV.
  17. The dad probably felt that his son looked too much like the last "girl" that dad short timed with. Be whomever you want to be young fella....
  18. Do a Google search "MRT Tao Poon Swimming Pool" and a few come up on the map. The closest one looks pretty average but it's in walking distance from the MRT. There's a better swimming pool listed that's a bit of a further walk. There's also a public swimming pool near chatuchak in Wachirabenchathat Park, which is 2 x MRT stops from Tao PoonWachirabenchathat Sports Center Another alternative depending on whether you live in Bangkok is to join a fitness franchise called Urban Fitness, as they have gym/swimming pool facilities at most of their locations. Their gym opposite Union Mall in Ladprao for example is 799/month for gym and pool access.
  19. Well done rescuers, well done.
  20. What could go wrong when you "carefully" pull out in front of on-coming traffic instead of giving way to through traffic you Muppet. Not saying that the BMW driver may not have been speeding as well.
  21. Isn't it great when the term "misunderstanding" can be used by law enforcement to effectively quash any litigation when the offender is a senior Thai Police Officer. I'm sure that if I commit an offense and use the excuse of "misunderstanding" that I would not be afforded the same get out of jail free card. This is just another form of corruption and misuse of power.
  22. The visa regs are reasonably simplistic here already. I guess the <50's unmarried group have more of a hassle.
  23. I had some great massages back in the day, mostly in Indonesia and the Philippines. The ones in Vietnam were never that great and the Thai ones were very variable, depending on whether the masseuse decided to turn me into a pretzel or just give me a decent gentle massage. I haven't had a massage for years now, ever since I explained to my wife what a happy ending was.
  24. I guess that this animal was the dominant partner. He isn't worth "saving" or "redeeming" based on his treatment of others. He should be thrown into a compactor machine and she should be given a remote start pendant. If she chooses to let him live then she can choose not to press the start button. Otherwise just jail him for life.
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