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Everything posted by Aussieroaming

  1. I love it, CEO sounds great while you are trying to bleed each investor dry. How many other shelf companies is he the CEO of. Soon to be CEO of the Bangkok Hilton's Expat Accomodation Company.
  2. Which procedures are being reviewed? Effective Drug Running, Corruption 101, how to kill a suspect without being caught, how to avoid policing when there isn't any personal gain to be made, best practice in stand over tactics......etc, etc, etc. The RTP spawn people like the killer because the RTP is inherently corrupt and full of nepotism.
  3. RIP to those dead, except for the scumbag who killed everyone. I truly do hope that there is a place called hell for Fkers like him.
  4. I worked with a guy who had DVT when we were doing a job in Zambia and flying back to Australia every 6 weeks. He got bad DVT and they put him on blood thinners and he kept working. 6 months after he first got it he was in the transit area between flights in Germany and he dropped dead of a massive heart attack in the transit area. He was about 55 - 60 at the time. Make sure you take all precautions possible,the DVT is unforgiving.
  5. Is a digital nomad the modern day equivalent of what was once referred to as a backpacker? It seems like anyone who has a smart phone can call themselves a digital nomad. I never saw any study stream called "digital nomad" when I went to Uni but that was awhile ago, so maybe there is a digital nomad career now.
  6. Robinson or central. Central have got one that costs about 30k baht, which I looked at and it seemed pretty complete.
  7. Hahaha, top 3 countries, talk about totally deluded.
  8. How can you get kicked out of a restaurant that you were never allowed to enter in the first place...can't happen. Desperate digital knobhead looking to score a few clicks.
  9. I love the wheel clamp. The police around my area love them as well.
  10. God I miss a good English breakfast.
  11. You aren't having a vision when you see a clean town with good walks, you are having a fantasy.
  12. The Lamborghini becomes a chinese MG when the add on parts fall off.
  13. Stupid is as stupid does, or something like that. Glad they didn't kill any other road users.
  14. What is in the cooking pot? Maybe a few brown trout scooped out of the water. Chew on that Prayut.
  15. I watched a documentary on this and the workers had to work pretty hard to make a profit after their expenses were paid. Some isaan villages had numerous people going each year. Will the Thai authorities arrest the local Thai fixers as well, in order to close the human trafficking loop? Hahaha, somehow I think not.
  16. Tough way to go...RIP. I have seen so many people duck the barrier and play chicken with the train here, it's hard to feel sorry for drivers if they ignore basic safety tenets.
  17. Thailand must have been told by Japan that it will have an old high speed train that is flogged out and past its use by date to donate for free to the kingdom by 2032.
  18. RIP, I hope the driver is found but unlikely unless he helps the RTP by surrendering himself or unless someone hands the police dashcam or cctv evidence. The RTP and too busy stealing oxygen to properly investigate an accident like this.
  19. The RTP mafia run the prostitution and Street sellers and they make money from the drinking dens in Pattaya. If they are marching around its only to dissuade their competition.
  20. Bangkok.. Street food prices OK BTS and MRT are good, but probably expensive. I was working as an expat in another country where MRT ride rate in the city I lived was equivalent of 8 baht flat rate to any stop. Restaurant quality non Thai meals are expensive and poorly prepared on the whole. Eastern Europeand central Asia have far better quality food and wine and very competitive pricing. Alcohol and wine in particular in Thailand are rediculously priced. Bangkok Condo values have dropped, whilst the world wide trend has been property price growth. Driving a vehicle in Bangkok is a drag and riding a motorcycle is fraught with risk. I love riding motorbikes but I refuse to ride one while I am in Bangkok. If you want to stay jammed in traffic with ignorant drivers then come to Bangkok. Bangkok regularly has flooding and has filthy klongs. The Venice of the east should really be changed to the toxic septic canals of Asia. I have always been a runner and I found Bangkok to be the worse city I have ever been to for being able to run, especially in the CBD area. I don't call running around a path in a park to be equitable with street running. Street running here I'd very difficult...maybe doable in some parts of Dusit etc but generally very unpleasant. Bangkok shopping options are good between the malls and markets. All in all I personally rank Bangkok as the worst city that I have ever lived in bar none and if it weren't for the fact that we own a 3 bed condo here in the city that I can only sell at a loss I would have moved already. I appreciate that some people like Bangkok and good on them, I am not one of the Bangkok lovers.
  21. No loss and not uncommon for cable thieves to perish cutting into a live copper cable, used to occur on our site at least once or twice a year when the lure of a big fat HV cable became too much to resist.
  22. After paying homage to his ever increasing asset list he got back to work. Now he has 3 more years in which to top up his fortune.
  23. That teacher needs a good flogging himself, hopefully the father catches up with him in a dark soi.
  24. I'm sure that they move every farang into intensive care. The medical bill in intensive care will kill you if the illness doesn't.
  25. The RTP's adherence to integrity is heartwarming. Whatever was I thinking when I doubted them.
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