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Everything posted by Aussieroaming

  1. RIP, just a kid. However motocy's racing at night are a pain in the a s s, let alone dangerous for road users. I wish there was a noise suppression craze, what a charm that would be.
  2. Best way to keep this guy safe is to lock him up in solitary until a gallows can be built. Kill 3 innocent 18 year olds and hang.
  3. One less road Muppet who luckily didn't take someone else out.
  4. Lucky he didn't have a pistol. She should view this as a timely warning and make sure she puts distance between herself and her ex.
  5. So the TAT crawls up the Singapore Embassy's a s s in the hopes of quashing the story in Singapore. How about apologizing to the actual victims and banning the Tuk Tuk driver. Ripoff merchants are in every society, deal with it honestly and move on.
  6. Scumbag drink drivers should be harshly dealt with, regardless of ethnicity.
  7. More likely Prayut is shoring up support from his military mates just in case he loses his prime minister position and has to regain it by force.
  8. New nickname, slick.
  9. Good for them, three different looking girls. Well done.
  10. What, no police crackdown from the RTP?
  11. Nice thought, nothing will come of it. A bit like painted pedestrian crossings, never policed so more dangerous than no markings. No riding the wrong way, no fat down drains blah blah. Laws without enforcement are not laws.
  12. Thitawat can change his name to halfwit. The RTP firing on 1 cylinder again.
  13. If Thai people want law reform and a fair system then they would have to mass demonstrate and create some havoc and that won't happen. Corrupt police, corrupt judiciary, corrupt politicians. All of them are seagulls feeding off the rich hi so scraps and whatever rorts that they can engineer. Red Bull boss is as safe as houses.
  14. Now he owes his boss a new chain and padlock. The only victim here is the owner of the stolen motorcycle. This beaten man is a criminal associate being punished.
  15. Luckily it didn't rain much, otherwise it would have been referred to as a rain bomb. For the last 80 years it has just been a monsoon storm, but we live in dramatic times, where any climate event has to have an armageddon type name attached to it.
  16. I only ever book direct with airlines due to easier contact and reimbursement if things go pear shaped. I also tend to have a better success rate with upgrades when booking direct. I use Expedia sometimes to compare prices between airlines.
  17. Condos can be much better for families and offer more room. My wife and I like our own bathroom when we travel and I prefer sleeping alone because of a medical affliction, so we usually buy 2 x rooms with interconnecting door if we stay in a hotel. It's more expensive than a serviced apartment and has less benefits, so an apartment would be better.
  18. I was driving to school at 16, luckily the mobile phone wasn't invented then. RIP to the 14 year old child.
  19. Congratulations, this race is one of the most challenging runs in the ultra running world.
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