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Everything posted by Aussieroaming

  1. I love Khao soi, it's just too bad that so many places make <deleted> renditions of it. I'm sure that real Khao soi cooked over a wood fire in the middle of winter would be sublime.
  2. What a scumbag, willing to let his own son take a fall for him. POS
  3. What a terrible situation. However given her age, the duress she is under and potential age related dementia it would be silly to just accept her story as verbatim. She may believe exactly what she is stating but it could be a delusion. I hope someone can look after her, poor thing.
  4. I guess an autopsy is a step too far. Luckily the RTP are issued with crystal balls in order to solve these difficult cases.
  5. I must admit that I would be peeved as well. They need to compensate her for her insurance claim costs and as a goodwill gesture. A replacement vehicle until hers is repaired seems reasonable. She can always total it just before she returns it after picking her repaired vehicle back up, so that the car company shares her pain.
  6. Acting more like a turnip than a swede. Hopefully he is held to account for assaulting his BF and associate.
  7. Long live juntocracy, the democratic new normal.
  8. Tie him to the back of the police vehicle and drag him back.
  9. I wonder if he used click bait to attract his fish
  10. Hopefully dashcam footage will be available in order to determine who cut which corner. The truth is easily lost or swept aside when one driver is dead. It isn't hard to see some pretty poor driving practices on that hill, especially if it's raining or dark.
  11. When you have a culture where ignoring laws is a daily occurance what should be the expected outcome? This isn't a problem with just the RTP not enforcing laws, it is a problem with every Thai routinely ignoring laws. Keep breaking small laws leads to eventual big law flouting as well and the ramifications when it all goes pitong, such as the fire. The RTP are a part of the problem, but the Thai citizens are the biggest portion of the problem. Thr only way to turn the phenomenon of Thais ignoring laws around is to act in a draconian manner until Thais realise the consequences and start proactively self governing their own behaviour. If they want a model that works then they should turn to the Singaporean model of law and order, where fines, floggings, jail or the death sentance are all used to deter criminality. It might seem to be too big brotherish but it works a treat.
  12. Darn, the killer forgot to leave his contact details at the burial site and we couldn't find a written confession. I guess this double murder will have to join the cold case files.
  13. Why not just dissolve the parliament permanently and call dictatorship the new rule of law.
  14. I bet they wish that they could bury the falang vlogger with the cables
  15. Next week's headline will be the flood excuse one where flooding occurred and it was nobodies fault.
  16. Another opportunistic law open to RTP kickbacks.
  17. Puff the magic dragon blowing smoke again
  18. Read the exclusion list very carefully before you get any insurance, especially if outpatient treatment is excluded. Kasikorn Insurance is just Kasikorn Bank acting as an insurance broker for whatever insurance company is offering the policy.
  19. It depends on the bank and staff. I have had notes get rejected by some and not others. Some countries also don't accept notes that were produced during earlier dates either. I have had both issues. I used to give troublesome notes away as 'tips', figuring the local might have more success in off loading the notes.
  20. Why do they need a translator? A moan in Thai differs to a moan in Chinese? The translator part really amuses me considering his or her instructions.
  21. And the authorities and inspectors didn't notice that a nightclub had just popped up? I'll call BS on that. A lot of inspectors and regulators are likely to be trying to distance themselves from this business now after getting their monthly stipend. Hopefully the 27 year old points them out to his lawyer. RIP again to the victims. I'm sure the burn victims must be going through hell right now with agonizing burn treatment.
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