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Posts posted by northernjohn

  1. Each term is good up to 364 days. You can keep adding on new policies without limit. The max coverage does decrease at certain ages. Might be 100K at age 70. I'm a shareholder in Allianz, and wouldn't hesitate to give my business to them, but for my situation, they can't compete. The quotes I've gotten from the TV sponsors always seem high. Some in the neighborhood of 300 usd per month. But with true health insurance; you get 10 dollar office visits...hip-hip-hooray, because most of the outpatient clinics in thailand charge less than that without making a claim.

    HCC also offers short term plans for the US, as do quite a few others, and they are all way cheaper than health insurance, and none are in compliance with ACA.

    So I visit my doctor once a month. Would they pay her directly or would she be willing to go through all the paper work to get it? Also visiting monthly could be construed as a preexisting problem They might also say why are you seeing the same doctor (because it makes sense) on a regular basses if you are not living there? Must be a pre existing condition.

  2. Having discussed the price of beef, eggs and milk I'm surprised that no one has raised the topic of another staple ...... Beer. I've heard stories of large Singha falling from 645ml to 500ml bottles whilst the price has stayed the same in the bars. This is being considered as a crime against humanity by some and there's talk of the UN getting involved.

    The only people I know who consider beer as a staple are alcoholics.

  3. Went in yesterday and it took an hour. Not sure what was going on. Got there at 1:10 got my number right away and I was 84 . the board had 60 on it. There was two gals talking with no body at the counter. I went up and asked if their was a problem and they said lunch. I said OK. in about five minutes one sat down. She was new I had never seen her before. She started calling them the first number she called was 561 then the next one was 566 she real fast5 got up to 576 and then started calling them in order.

    When I got up there it was a bit strange she checked my papers which were all in order and gave them to the girl at the desk behind her who seemed to have quite o few of them and she Oked them. I noticed that there was a lady standing there with three passports in her hand. I saw the lady at the back desk hand over a hand full of ones she had Oked and every one had a passport. I just assumed that they were being brought in by agents as the last I had heard even if you used an agent you had to have a passport not a copy.

    I believe that there was one of the workers sick and just a trainee on the job. Still I was out of there in one hour and they had handled 84 90 day reports at that point not bad.

  4. Fortunately. for me, no, but, that would obviously be the best test of coverage. I have a personal agent at HQ in Indianapolis, and they have a 24 hour call center that accepts collect calls. My agent said the hospitals are generally good about calling, because that is the best way for them to be assured of payment, even if the facility is not on their official list of providers. There were 26 complaints made against them on BBB, and 18 were resolved to customers satisfaction, and BBB determined that HCC operated in good faith on the other 8. My agent said there have been a number of attempts to obtain insurance after the fact, and the claims stick out like a sore thumb, for whatever reason. Buckling your seat belt after an accident will not help you.

    Well it is certainly good news. How ever there would be an age factor in it. one million American with no deductible sounds to me like you are very young. $1,392 a year is indeed a cheap price for that kind of coverage. Is it only in Thailand or can you use it any where in the world including the States?

  5. Makro had some today in 6 packs of a new taller and slimmer can. Still 330ml and I think the same price as before.

    Wine boxes seem to be in short supply in both Rimping and Makro too - I tried to get some for the Chiang Mai Photographic Group Exhibition* opening last week and had to make do with bottles.

    (* 3rd Floor Airport Plaza until Feb 9th - don't miss it!)

    We seem to be going through shortages here and there of various products.

    Just wondering if it could be the purchasing agents unable to keep up with the growth of Chiang Mai.

    Does seem to be more people calling Chiang Mai home now.

  6. I've scoured plenty of stores and couldn't find any but I finally found some in santitham . Today they had some in Makro superhighway but only about 3 packs of 6, so if you need it get there quick. There has been a 'problem in Bangkok' which is the standard reply from the Coke distributors in Chiang Mai but he did say the they may have some next week. At a guess, I'd say a week or two before stores are re-supplied.

    Now let me get this straight. You have sourced many stores looking for it and when you finally find 3 six packs you don't buy them. Did I miss some thing here.

    Also the one who said he had found them in a different style of can. I was wondering if it is like the can's of Pepsi Max?

  7. Dr Morgan in Hang Dong rd was also recommended on this site, and I've been seeing her for the past 18months

    She speaks excellent English, and you can make daytime appointments to see her.

    Her offices are just past TESCO supermarket on the way out of town, but on the opposite side.

    Oh really, Do you think I could phone & make an appointment? Thanks so much for the help

    I have been seeing her for about three years now. She is great. If I need a specialist she recommends one and gets all the reports so she knows every thing about me. The wife also sees her. Some times I think they are colaberating on me. The wife tells her every thing I eat that she thinks I shouldn't eat. LOL


    Dr Morgan

    HCMC Clinic,

    Hang Dong Road.

    (almost opposite Tesco)

    Monday-Friday 08.30-19.30 Hrs

    Saturday 8.30 - 13.00 Hrs

    053 804405


  8. You know what its like when it rains? It really rains. I was getting in the pickup to go to the shop. As usual, to get a large, what are they 30k bottle of water?

    The young cousins ran out and said they'd get it on a motor bike.

    I suggested no, as the rain was actually starting and I would not get wet in the pickup.

    No, no, no, they said and headed off as the rain got going, arriving back 5 minutes or so later, soaked, with the bottle, which they would not leave at the door, but insisted on installing on the water cooler, which I like to do myself, being the only exercise I would get that day.

    They were soaked but very happy to have been able to give me this "assistance", including giving me the 5 baht change.

    Which they had to also insist on with great vigour and pleasure.

    Its a little thing isn't it? But that's what its about for those lucky enough to have these experiences.

    Yes it is I think many of us have these experiences because we don't run around to all the bars or wander around with a chip on are shoulder.

    I just hope they keep coming.

    A few months back the wife and I with her daughter, son in law and two granddaughters were going out for a meal. I was about a month away from a hip replacement. The wife and daughter were so far ahead of me I could never catch up. But right behind me was the son in law and the oldest granddaughter following me. I was using a cane. We came to a road we had to cross and I stood there and looked both ways like you are supposed to when all of a sudden I felt each one of my arms taken and they walked me across the street. I did not need any help but that is the kind of things they do. When I was in the hospital the wife slept in the room with me and at no time was I alone. I did not need the attention but it is just the way they are. Kind and gentle if you allow them to be.

    I was sorry to see some of the negative posts and the attempt to turn it in to a political thing but for the most part there have been a lot of great posters. Keep it coming.

  9. Just to enlighten you all about the name Maya, the mall is named after the birth mother of Guatama Buddha

    Nothing to do with Mayans or the mesoamerican civilization, wow, so now you can all impress your friends and tell

    them that the mall is named after buddhas mother and they will think you are soooooo clever

    All the post have been some time before today's one, has anyone actually been there will be staying not far from it as of tomorrow and might give it a try.

    I was in there today. The one thing that really caught my eye was they had a Birkenstock shoe store there. Don't know a lot about shoes but I do know they are a quality shoe.

    Don't let any one tell you it is or it isn't good. There is more shops to be opened there and it will take a while to fully explore it. I was in there today with the wife who really is an anchor if you want to see some thing she wouldn't even bother to look at the map on each floor. I will be going back by my self. If I can figure out the movie schedule on my computer I will be trying the theater out. I tried out http://www.sfcinemacity.com/index.php/en/movies/nowshowing and it is kind of useless. No where as good as the other SF theater at the Promenada.

    Any how the roof is not open yet and it is supposed to be quite the thing. The Rimping market seemed kind of small to me and the aisle's were defiantly narrow.

    give it some time and take your time to look around it. If you are close by it may be just the ticket for you. We had to cross the super highway on foot. No problem they have a stop light. Just use the same caution you would crossing any other street in Chiang Mai. for my self it looks promising but as I say it is not done yet. Time will tell.

  10. IF it should happen, it brings up a lot of questions in my mind.............

    how will the North export it's products without going thru Enemy country [and visa versa]??

    and how will we get to the beach??

    and what will happen to the immigration dept??

    and will there be border skirmishes??

    and will there be a border fence and roadblocks along all the roads going north/south??

    and what about the currency issues??

    and lots more questions to be answered................

    To my eyes, it will create more problems than it will solve.

    To add to the list would the North have the gray matter necessary to set up a new country.

    How ever it does have a ready made army uniform and all.

  11. Yes there is a rehab center named the cabins here in Chiang Mai. It does have some rich clients but it is not that expensive. $30,000 a month is common in the States. I think it is around $12,000 at the cabins. Can not say for sure as I have never looked into it that much.

    I have been around treatment centers for years. I no longer involve myself with them I am retired. From what I can tell as treatment centers go this one is a good one. Apparently it is not a set 28 day program many stay 60 days. They also at a cost have a follow up house for after your program is over if you so wish it. I don't know where but they have residencies here in Chiang Mai where you are on your own with a few rules to follow. The people I have been in contact with tell me they use a combination of many different things. Yoga. Meditation among them. They also suggest AA and NA as follow up treatments.

    Google them and you can find out a lot more than I can provide. I have no idea where they are located.

    The best of luck.

  12. Remember that this article is from the hopelessly biased 'Nation'. The problem is that the EC wont let the government borrow the money it needs to pay the farmers.

    However much has been syphoned off in corrupt payments, the scheme has let to financial stability for farmers (until now) and the Isaan economy is booming. Once the government is returned to power taxing the rich more and collecting taxes that are due (tax evasion here is worse than Greece) should seal the hole in the coffers.

    The corruption is lamentable, but this scheme has resulted in a major redistribution of wealth. For too long the Isaan and Lanna have been the rice baskets for Bangkok and its source of cheap exploitable labour. This is changing and Sutheps patrons dont like it.

    What is Millwall. Just trying to learn.

    Thanong has many times buried Thaksin, but along with his constant claiming that the US and the USD are being buried with Thaksin, he hasn't been writing much else. Still, this was a pretty good overview on current conditions.

    The bulk of taxes collected come from VAT, not from income taxes as many people mistakenly think. I suspect no matter who is in government that VAT will be raised to 10-12%. That means the rich RS people in Isaan will be paying for the politicians corruption the same as those in Bangkok.

    Sooner or later, the RS's are going to figure out that they really don't need these Thaksin corrupt appointees, and they will come up with political parties of their own. After all, the Army is showing that they are out of the coup business, at least for now, and the Democratic Party is showing that they are no longer interested in politics, at least for now. It is a window of opportunity for an upcountry political party to further democracy in Thailand.

    BTW, the rice scheme has not redistributed wealth. If it had, why would so many farmers be defaulting on their loans, especially to loan sharks? In addition, the EC is not getting in the way of allowing the Thai government from raising the funds to pay the farmers. It isn't the EC's fault that no Thai or foreign banks were interested in short term loans to help these people, including banks that do business in Isaan, despite the "risk free" status of an MOF guarantee. The only redistribution of wealth has been to those who have benefited by the corruption that you, yourself mention.

    Thailand needs Isaan political parties, interested in helping the people of Isaan.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    I believe we all ready have an upcountry political party and it wears red shirts and follows Thaksin.

    It is a window of opportunity for an upcountry political party to further democracy in Thailand.

  13. Remember that this article is from the hopelessly biased 'Nation'. The problem is that the EC wont let the government borrow the money it needs to pay the farmers.

    However much has been syphoned off in corrupt payments, the scheme has let to financial stability for farmers (until now) and the Isaan economy is booming. Once the government is returned to power taxing the rich more and collecting taxes that are due (tax evasion here is worse than Greece) should seal the hole in the coffers.

    The corruption is lamentable, but this scheme has resulted in a major redistribution of wealth. For too long the Isaan and Lanna have been the rice baskets for Bangkok and its source of cheap exploitable labour. This is changing and Sutheps patrons dont like it.

    Sounds more like a planned economic shock so that everything can be bought up for pennies on the dollar. In fact this is exactly what the regime has been doing to Thailand since Thaksin stepped in. And it's wholly consistent with the economic over through of developing countries since it began in 1970 in South America.

    And I wonder if Thaksin and his lynchmob at the CFR are in a position to gain? PTT. The Telecommunications. Next stop, every hardworking Thai driven deeper into debt through Thaksin's easy money plan. 30 baht health that covers aspirin. Join rice pledging and get a credit card! 100,000 baht tax rebate off your new truck! "You need to borrow money to get ahead. That's what I did":Thaksin quote

    Thaksinomics is low scale bribery which lubricates the mind to accept the next 'too good to be true" crime wave: rice pledging scheme. It's the "spoon full of honey, to help the medicine go down" -- the medicine of increased debt resulting in everyone becoming full blown debt slaves. Houses gone. Farms gone. Kids in the city getting a 'real' education so they have zero life skills, with disintegration of the family in the process. 'Divide and conquer".

    This is the history of capitalism with an 'individual best interest' theme which runs contrary to our natural state of being social creatures and reliant upon one another for survival.

    All to true

    Sadly we are partially responsible.

    This is the history of capitalism with an 'individual best interest' theme which runs contrary to our natural state of being social creatures and reliant upon one another for survival.

    It may or may not have been a feudal system but the families were all together and happy.

    We came along with are capitalism and materialism coupled to an attitude and are very busy in the process of destroying the family life.

    Instead of importing it we are destroying it.sad.png

  14. Yes Suanprung offers counseling in English and Thai. Google Suanprung hospital Chiang Mai and you can get some email addresses and send them some emails.

    Just walk in and look around you will find some one to direct you.

    It is located on the outside of the moat on the South side of the moat on the South West corner of the moat. Just a short walk down from Siam electronics.

  15. Remember that this article is from the hopelessly biased 'Nation'. The problem is that the EC wont let the government borrow the money it needs to pay the farmers.

    However much has been syphoned off in corrupt payments, the scheme has let to financial stability for farmers (until now) and the Isaan economy is booming. Once the government is returned to power taxing the rich more and collecting taxes that are due (tax evasion here is worse than Greece) should seal the hole in the coffers.

    The corruption is lamentable, but this scheme has resulted in a major redistribution of wealth. For too long the Isaan and Lanna have been the rice baskets for Bangkok and its source of cheap exploitable labour. This is changing and Sutheps patrons dont like it.

    I'm getting a bit tired of hearing this "Suthep's patrons don't like it". Whenever an accusation is made against the red shirts there is a flurry of messages saying "prove it", "where's the evidence?"

    So ... where's the evidence? Name Suthep's patrons and produce the evidence that they are fundamentally opposed to social and economic development.

    And don't bother with the predictable "if you don't know that, you don't know anything" type of response.

    Love your post.

    Was not sure if it would have been right to add in reform or if social and economic development covered it.

    I think it did.

    • Like 1
  16. Remember that this article is from the hopelessly biased 'Nation'. The problem is that the EC wont let the government borrow the money it needs to pay the farmers.

    However much has been syphoned off in corrupt payments, the scheme has let to financial stability for farmers (until now) and the Isaan economy is booming. Once the government is returned to power taxing the rich more and collecting taxes that are due (tax evasion here is worse than Greece) should seal the hole in the coffers.

    The corruption is lamentable, but this scheme has resulted in a major redistribution of wealth. For too long the Isaan and Lanna have been the rice baskets for Bangkok and its source of cheap exploitable labour. This is changing and Sutheps patrons dont like it.

    The money was due in October. The inability to pay it has nothing to do with the EC.

    I will reprint a part of the article for you and wait for your denial as it is a fact and unacceptable to Shinawatra lovers.

    As a result, the farmers who have pledged their paddy have not received any payment since October. When Premier Yingluck Shinawatra dissolved Parliament on December 9, She and her Cabinet forgot to approve a fresh budget for the rice pledge, which had been expanded due to failure of the Commerce Ministry to recycle the money back.

    What has the EC got to do with that.

    Do you not find it strange that no banks are interested in loaning them the money even the Government banks. If you were a rice farmer and had not been paid and found yourself having to borrow money and pay interest on it just to eat you would sing a different tune. Some of them have had to sell their equipment and their land. Three have committed suicide over it. How many are having to go to loan sharks as the banks are aware of the situation and fear not being repaid. How many have turned to loan sharks only to bee in worse trouble down the line.

    What a wonderful government you are so proud of raise the minimum wages then don't even pay the bill to the farmer. But expect him to pay the new wages.

    She and her Cabinet forgot to approve a fresh budget for the rice pledge, which had been expanded due to failure of the Commerce Ministry to recycle the money back

    How convenient.

    • Like 1
  17. The Thai farming community is getting shafted by a highly corrupted political entity who they themselves empowered owing to their lack of intellect and manipulated partisan mentality. To a great extent they have brought this fiasco down on their own heads and they have accepted this governments ongoing hollow promises of your checks in the post.. Nobody indeed deserves to be in this position however, you get what you vote for and they voted to be cannon fodder.

    What you say is true. On the other hand have they been given a fair chance to access the situation. With the education level being what it is and has been maintained by all the previous governments they have not really been given a chance.sad.png

  18. Pheu Thai may pay the price at the ballot box for failure to pay farmers

    Yet sadly their main rivals chose to boycott the election despite knowing they had a chance of winning. (Abhisit has been heard in every interview claiming they led at the polls.)

    The reasons they did this are obvious and point to a complete rejection of democracy and the accountability that goes with it.

    PT will win the election which is breath taking considering how much popular opinion is now against them. Shame on you "Democrats" - an oxymoron if ever I heard one, on a par with the "Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea"

    Abhisit's stand on the election is very clear: At this moment it will not solve any problems regardless who wins, therefor the Democrats prefer not to join without having reform!

    To have joined in the election would have been to condone the present system.

    It took a lot of integrity for them to say no we want a better Thailand. A system that can be controlled by one man (who is convicted criminal living outside the country) is wrong and needs changing.

  19. Most farmers cant read or dont buy newspapers which is a bonus to the PTP.

    They might just get away with it.

    Ive withdrawn all my money from Thai banks. First time ive ever done this.

    Farmers don't need newspapers or the internet to know just what a mess this government has made of the rice scam. They have a network of co-operatives, mobile phones, they talk to each other. All those nice shiny Isuzu and Vigos will have to be paid for and when there's no cash, we all know what happens. And when that happens, farmers get mad.

    Farmers may be portrayed sometimes as simple folk, but in fact they are smarter than this lot ruining the country.

    If they are so smart why did they elect them?

    • Like 1
  20. Lets hope there never is civil war in Thailand, if there is us farangs better be the first to leave.

    those thinking this will be a case of the army supporting the south are clueless, the army would be divided as would the police force

    and I would not expect too many high-so's on the barricades.

    The Thai-visa mafia need to sober up.May be some farang will leave, especially those living in BKK. However, I believe many will fight alongside the northern people - you may call them the Lanna people.

    You think many foreigners would take up arms and fight in a Thai civil war?

    If you are referring to westerners, I really hope you're wrong, Partly because it would mean that many foreigners are crazier than I previously thought.

    Farang dont even fight for their own countries - what will they fight with - empty beer bottles from Nana? You may find just as many fighting for the other side if they do! The Army support a much higher authority than the South. This goes to all posters, you should research the story of the Army and who it serves and its part during Communist growth in the 60s and 70s - you would learn much from resources available on the internet on this topic.

    Not trying to be rude but it is 2014 not 1966. Things have changed and a lot of the people you are referring to are dead. If there is a civil war the people in the army that support the side the army is fighting against will just take all there equipment and fight for the other side.

    I highly doubt there will be many foreigners getting involved. More like they would be leaving the country.

    Why do people who can't face today insist on going back in history to find some thing that will support their ideas. Why not go back to when there was no Lanna just Cambodian or times when it was Burmese.

  21. Great idea, I think!

    Once they're landlocked I wonder how they will get products, etc. delivered.

    But they can try selling their rice 40% above market value. Any industry that produced would likely move to "South Thailand" (if there is North & South Thailand as the new states) where the minimum wage would probably be reversed to a level that reflects the actual qualification of workers.

    Wonder how they will finance this new country then! clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

    Will they have an easier immigration policy?

    No 90 day reports.tongue.png

  22. I was crossing the Iron Bridge going west. Limping along with my cane when I heard a motor bike coming up behind me. I just stepped to the side to give them room. As soon as he passed me he stopped and asked where I was going and if I wanted a ride. I said no I was not going far I had a friend that I was going to visit and I did need the exercise.smile.png

    Truth is I did want the ride but I needed the exercise more.sad.png

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