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Posts posted by northernjohn

  1. The opening weekend was horrendous at Maya for access. It was bad timing given that outrageous intersection and CMU's events.

    Yes, it is handy for walking from the Nimmenhamen area, if that is your opportunity. The intersection, of course, has always been a chore to transit, and especially so at "rush hours."

    Kad Suan Kaew really does have a better location, in my view, and it is attractive for other reasons, as well. There is a mix of inexpensive as well as nice stores albeit no Marks & Spencer. Who needs Marks & Spencer, anyway! The restaurant chains? They are copies of one another so it makes no difference, really.

    The management of Kad Suan Kaew has been very short-sighted. It absolutely needs renovation, and it does appear that some minor things are being taken care of now, but there is much more to be done. Kad Suan Kaew does give you (for a mall) a flavor of Chiang Mai proper that is not found, as I have seen, in the other malls which seem much more "imported" in their design and tenants. The "local market" aspect of Kad Suan Kaew is pleasant to experience, in my view. Thursday and Fridays evenings on the plaza are fun, and every day there are the local vendors, shoe and key repair, small print shops, post office, animal shops and so on. I haven't seen much like that in the newer malls, really, including (for the most part) the Central Airport. Just glitz, mainly.

    Well, if glitz is your thing, and if you are outside of town, the outlying malls are fun, so enjoy.

    By the way, the design of the newer Rimping markets is really inconvenient. So much is packed into such little floorspace. The aisles are very narrow and the products are often on very high shelves. The older stores are much easier to navigate.

    Well I am not going to comment on who is best or who will fold there tepee up and move along. But I do have to admit sitting there in the Starbucks at the main entrance to KSK is a very pleasant experience. Maybe the roof of the new Maya will be one but it will certainly be different more like a static scene.

  2. Wonder what would happen if the total number of people who vote NO is greater that the number of votes PTP might get? A legitimate goverment with a mandate from the people.

    The problem with this election is there are a very significant % of the population who have no one to vote for as the Dems aren't running. Remember they polled 12 million or so last time out.

    So irrespective of the rights or wrongs of the Dems boycotting the election which is a separate issue. A large part of the voting public simply have no one to represent them.

    So we end up with a democracy where a significant chunk of people are not represented. Fair?? Honest?? Right??

    If you chose not to run, who is blamed for your supporters having no representaion that they desire? It's not the fault of democracy, not the fault of any opposition party, not the fault of your supporters. So if they get a government without representation that they did not chose, "That's the way the cookie crumbles." That is democracy - a PARTICIPATORY form of government.

    The problem with that argument is if is a one horse race. It ain't democracy.

    Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    They could form their own parties. God knows they couldn't be any worse.... BUT, they would not legally be allowed as the system is rigged in favour of the yellows.

    Then, the henchmen and mobs of Suthep will not let them vote. If they chose to rise against their corrupt Southern masters, that is up to them. If they chose compliance, then stop whingeing about losing a vote.

    The people against the Election can't whine about now being able to vote when it is them stopping it or going along with is. Som Nam Nah. People all around the globe fight against worse people than Suthep and win. Whats stopping this?

    They have do decide if they want Suthep in sole charge of their voting rights forever. Now that is worth fighting for at the ballot box.

    Love the above post about the Amart exposing themselves to the world at last. They are really desperate as the absolutely must have the Dems in power to survive. Too many of them now with all their extended families and hundreds of children and grandchildren. Can or should thailand sustain this system No is what the world think.

    This exposure makes it easier for the free world and their liberal minded Governments and media to really get behind Yingluk. they long ago stopped fence sitting on this one! Read more internatinoal media my friend

    Please tell me your five year old wrote that.

    Why are the anti government protestors against an election? If you don't know don't bother with your day dreams.

    They have a very good reason. I will give you a huint it has nothing to do with them supporting a dictator. There you go. Your on your own now.

    One more hint a red shirt ill never tell you.

  3. "(PDRC) not to disrupt the nationwide polls, which she described as a significant national agenda."

    Not to disrupt the national agenda or her personal, her brothers and her puppet governments agenda?

    When did she ever before thought of her nation, except when it suits their own pockets?

    No! the peoples RIGHT TO VOTE. and the dems really screwed up this time by not contesting the election. they might have had a good chance of getting in.

    I don't think there is any doubt about a better chance. How ever it would still leave the huge canyon in the political scene. The Democrats only had one chance and that was with a minority government. Still they manage to stop the escalation of the governmental corruption. If they would get in I and any body who has thought it through know that Thailand would have a better government.

    Still Suthep's plan would serve to make it a more united country and that is what we need now. Yes there are details to be worked out with it. But the people who oppose it think the lack of unity is OK. They are willing to sit around and let the Wizard from Oz solve the disunity problem. That is the ones who have payed a little attention to the whole political scene as it exists in Thailand today.

  4. The Confederate Provinces of Thailand...capital Chiang Mai. The Confederate States of America with their capital in Richmond Virginia tried a similar approach about 150 years ago during the American Civil War--the new capital thing didn't work out.

    There is no comparison between Yingluck and Jefferson Davis.

    The only link they have is they are both losers.clap2.gif

    For the Non Americans and the ones who don't know Jefferson Davis was the president of the rebellious South with there capitol in Richmond Virginia.wai.gif

  5. Keep strong Yingluck, Don,t let the arosoles get to you, Happy new year Prime minister a lot of people are with you (about 14 million)

    You are to late they already got to her 2and 1/2 years ago

    I wonder if it has ever occured to YL that if her and the Shin clan removed themselves from all politics that the protesting woukd probably end. Instead she is #1 in the list followed by a family member and their lawyer. She once stated that she did not want the job of PM but with everyday she shows not only does she want the job but she wants it more than everybody else.

    I am not taking sides in this and simply stating facts i have read and seen.

    On the other hand Suthep is just as bad and has said basically the same thing. He doesnt want to be the leader here. Now he changed to sayhe only wants to be in charge of the committee that he will appoint. 2 devils on both sides of the game. We will be lucky if this doesnt end in a civil war

    Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    With all due respect I have followed this fairly closely admit I have missed some things.

    One of them is where to quote you

    "On the other hand Suthep is just as bad and has said basically the same thing. He doesnt want to be the leader here. Now he changed to sayhe only wants to be in charge of the committee that he will appoint."

    Can you give me a source where he said that. I am well aware that many people say that is what he wants but I have yet to see it in black and white.

    I think the committee is a great idea and would serve to put Thailand on the path to a bright future for all. It would as Suthep said probably take a year to a year and a half. But the results would be worth it. Kind of like buying a house on credit and paying interest on it.

    I do how ever believe he should not chair it or even be a part of it. The same goes for Yingluck and most of the politicians. All to often they have personal agendas. That is not to say there isn't some who would be a valuable contribution to the committee. It would have to be composed of people from all walks of life all with an open mind and understanding of the basics society needs. Willing to discuss other ideas.wai.gif

    I am entirely confident that such people exist here in Thailand. I would suggest that the King appoint a chair person.wai.gif

    With all due respect, pretty much no one on here agrees with that. If there was a God, and God appointed the absolute best people to be on this wonder committee, agreed, that would be great. But, unfortunately, that's not what we're looking at. And, as Publicus has outlined many times, what is being proposed is quite clearly fascism.

    It will take a VERY long time for Thailand to overcome an arrangement like that.

    Perhaps we could discuss this if you would first read my post. No where did I say they would be perfect. I said open minded willing to discuss other ideas. All so I did say it would take a long time.

    I for one could care less what others think I believe that Thailand deserves better than what it has and you and all your other like minded thinkers can continue to support the mess they have. Suthep is to my mind the only one to come up with a logical idea. Why don't you and your like thinkers come up with a way out of this mess that will leave Thailand a stronger and more united country instead of deriding the one that is out there. I have admitted it would need some tinkering with but it would certainly be worth while.

    Like I said and you very conveniently omitted show me in black and white where those were his exact words.

  6. Now what idiot made the whole thing about upholding democracy instead of policies and gave PTP such a powerful platform ? ............... oh yea thats right the fool on the hill and the stupid democrats.... and they claim to be the educated ones... giggle.gif

    PLEASEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Let my brother come back -!!! Youre not democratic if you dont allow a wanted criminal to run the country - because he REALLLLLLLY wants to!!passifier.gif

    Wasn't that the speech she gave in U B Mongolia?clap2.gif

  7. Any foreigner re posting the Terrorist propaganda about Yingluck (taksin) clearly have not done their homework. The current Prime Minister has done an excellent job but yes has made a few errors. Every politician in the world has ADVISORS. .. why can't Yingluck choose her own?

    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 3

    Kind of an ambiguous post.

    First you say she has done an excellent job.

    Then you indicate she did not choose her own advisors.

    Sounds to me more like you are trying to say she has done an excellent job at carrying out some body else's orders.

    To bad that person has only concern for them self and what they can get personally.sad.png

  8. Please don't block the elections because my big brother, who all this ISN"T about, want to come home.

    Distortion is worse than lies

    Send from my Mobile

    Don't think I can agree with you on that being as some times it is the truth.

    Yes truth hurts and some times people use distortion to soothe your ego.

    That is called people pleasing. I know I have done it occasionally my self.

    It is very effective on people who don't mind being called a @&x%$!(;%

    If you butter them up for an hour first.

  9. Keep strong Yingluck, Don,t let the arosoles get to you, Happy new year Prime minister a lot of people are with you (about 14 million)

    You are to late they already got to her 2and 1/2 years ago

    I wonder if it has ever occured to YL that if her and the Shin clan removed themselves from all politics that the protesting woukd probably end. Instead she is #1 in the list followed by a family member and their lawyer. She once stated that she did not want the job of PM but with everyday she shows not only does she want the job but she wants it more than everybody else.

    I am not taking sides in this and simply stating facts i have read and seen.

    On the other hand Suthep is just as bad and has said basically the same thing. He doesnt want to be the leader here. Now he changed to sayhe only wants to be in charge of the committee that he will appoint. 2 devils on both sides of the game. We will be lucky if this doesnt end in a civil war

    Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    With all due respect I have followed this fairly closely admit I have missed some things.

    One of them is where to quote you

    "On the other hand Suthep is just as bad and has said basically the same thing. He doesnt want to be the leader here. Now he changed to sayhe only wants to be in charge of the committee that he will appoint."

    Can you give me a source where he said that. I am well aware that many people say that is what he wants but I have yet to see it in black and white.

    I think the committee is a great idea and would serve to put Thailand on the path to a bright future for all. It would as Suthep said probably take a year to a year and a half. But the results would be worth it. Kind of like buying a house on credit and paying interest on it.

    I do how ever believe he should not chair it or even be a part of it. The same goes for Yingluck and most of the politicians. All to often they have personal agendas. That is not to say there isn't some who would be a valuable contribution to the committee. It would have to be composed of people from all walks of life all with an open mind and understanding of the basics society needs. Willing to discuss other ideas.wai.gif

    I am entirely confident that such people exist here in Thailand. I would suggest that the King appoint a chair person.wai.gif

    • Like 1
  10. I went into a Thai restaurant that I go into some nights. It was morning and all the booths were full I was invited to sit at one by an elderly Thai gentleman. We could barely communicate because of the language differences but it was an enjoyable meal. I was having trouble navigating one day coming up the stairs from the rest room at the theater. No I had not been drinking or drugging. I had a cane and one of the ushers saw me and held my arm while I came up the steps and up the ones into the theater.smile.png

    There are so many little things that I tend to take them for granite. There is the occasional big thing but I just remind my self that it is not my country or way of doing things and leave. I will admit that once I did over react before I left. If I had known about Thai Visa I would have come home and posted about the abuse I had received at the hands of a travel agent doing things the Thai way and not the American way.

    It would have garnered me lots of sympathy.facepalm.gif

  11. "The government will allow Thawatchai Thaikeaw, Justice Ministry deputy permanent secretary, to stay at the Chaeng Wattana protest site for three days"

    in the original posting (and in the thread title) it's about 3 nights, not 3 days.

    That is because he is like the protestors and has to work for a living.

    At the end of the three nights he may still believe what he believes but he will have an understanding of why the protestors feel the way they do.

    It will give the government one informed person 1,000,000 more to go.wai.gif

  12. I think there is a good chance she will win. wink.pngbiggrin.pngbiggrin.png

    Win what.

    With no house we will be left with a dictator. Isn't that what Thaksin wants?

    The majority of Thai people want to exercise their voting rights. It's impossible to seize their rights and obstruct the democratic system," she said.

    I am quite sure she is rite. How ever do the majority realize the election will not produce a winner and how many think any election is a waste of time unless they get paid for their vote?

    Actually how many people realize they do not have a democracy. In a democracy 48% of the voters would not win the election. In fact how many of the Thai Visa voters realize it.

    How many of the voters are aware of the issues. The farmers are now aware of the rice scam. But look what it has taken for them to be aware. So far two suicides as a result of a phony rice scheme designed to make certain hand picked people wealthier. Selling equipment for food money selling their land. Plus they have no idea of how much money certain officials have pocketed.

    At a guess I would be willing to bet that 90% of them are unaware of the fact that the government wants tio borrow 2.2 trillion baht to put their great grandchildren in debt and they have no real plan what to do with it if they get it?

    Yes hold the election it is the democratic thing to do. Or is it. Is scheduling an election for when you see you are losing popularity and still have enough to win it Democratic. Or would elections are held every so often no exceptions be more democratic. That excludes by elections when a person dies.

    At any rate all though I know it is the right thing to do to follow Suthep's plan it is wrong to blockade the polls. Let the people think they are democratic. Hail Thaksin.

    • Like 1
  13. always a first time for everything,hers to the next 15 years,please please.

    Was it an illegal u-turn, and if so where was the corruption? As far as I know there is always an option to take a ticket and pay at the station. The only way corruption comes into it is if you offer a bribe instead, in which case you are aiding corruption.

    Nice grasp of ethics, pal.

    Let me walk you through this... I'm speeding at 140 kmh in a 100kmh... I get stopped by a police officer. He tells me the appropriate fine "2000 Baht,",,, stares at me for a few seconds.. I show him 1000 baht, it's taken care of.

    Who suffers? Me, or the police officer? Answer: Neither. The society which is a potential victim of behavior, but is never deterred as a result of a punishment which isn't severe enough due to the policeman looking to make a quick buck, and me looking to avoid a steeper penalty.

    Your reply?

    Please permit me to question your question...

    I know that this situation exists here. Doesn't bother me one way or the other. Neither for or against it.

    Thais know that this situation exists here, and don't mind it enough to change it.

    You know that this situation exists here. And you don't like it.

    I know that as a foreigner, I can't change this situation, and that's O.K. because it doesn't bother me one way or the other.

    You know that as foreigners, you can't change this situation. And you don't like it. It bothers you.

    Thais don't care enough about this situation to change it.

    I continue to live here. Doesn't bother me one way or the other.

    Many foreigners continue to live here. And complain often about it. Is it really society that is suffering?

    Or is it the foreigners?

    I don't have to support it because I don't drive. But just because a person can afford it and breaks the law doe's not make it rite. Just because a foreigner is a foreigner it does not make it rite.

    I will agree with that if the person that claims it is OK in there home country says when stopped for not wearing a seat belt say in Canada over a $100 fine says to the officer well here is $50.

    There is no justification for it. Other than it is easier to do than being honest and being a cheap Charlie I can save 200 baht. Besides every one else does it.

  14. <deleted> is this false monk doing...? its against the Buddhist Code for this monk to be involved with politics - an absolute DISGRACE to Buddhism

    Excuse me can you make up your mind.

    First you say he is a false monk.

    <deleted> is this false monk doing...?

    Then you say he is a monk.

    its against the Buddhist Code for this monk to be involved with politics

    Hard to take you serious but there are people backing the PTP and the red shirts who will take it as gospel.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif I couldn't resist that.

  15. Mr Suthep, secretary-general of the People’s Democratic Reform Committee, said it was necessary to escalate the intensity of the struggle

    Its easy to be philosophical when you are really old and your days are numbered anyway, and it is young impressionable people getting blown up and shot to bits in the name of your anti-democratic and delusional schemes. Shame on you.

    Brave and honorable citizens young and old alike have been "blown up" and "shot to bits" upholding freedom and democracy. Shame on the police for not catching the culprits and for apparently taking part in the killing such as is evidenced by the plain clothes police oficer who was captured yesterday, with his gun out. The protesters didn't know he was police. He shot the protesters before they beat him. Then it came out that he is police and the police fabricate a story just like they did about the protesters on the roof of the labour ministry and then we find out from the head of police, oh they were police yes.

    Shame on the Thaksin thinks Police do regime for escalating the war on drugs claiming that anyone involved in drugs is either due to go to jail or the temple (ie. to be cremated.) Then in three months 2800 plus people were dead, nobody was held accountable, and about half or more were found to have no history or record of drug use.

    Shame on people who think violence is okay if people express views different to your own, such as Chalerm Yoobamroong who came out today to say that the protesters who were shot the other day should expect that. The police are supposed to help in situations like that, to prevent people from being hurt. Instead they stood idly by.

    Kudos to Suthep and the PDRC for taking a stand and bravely confronting this violence. Kudos to them as well for seeking to change the police force to be more efficient and less corrupt. Kudos to all the good police out there as certainly there must be more good people in the 200,000 plus people on the Thai force. Hopelfully the PDRC will be able to reform the Thai Police as they are seeking so that the image of the Thai Police as a whole will not be spoilt by the dirty actions of a small few.

    Kudos to Suthep and the PDRC for taking a stand and bravely confronting this violence. Kudos to them as well for seeking to change the police force to be more efficient and less corrupt. Kudos to all the good police out there as certainly there must be more good people in the 200,000 plus people on the Thai force. Hopelfully the PDRC will be able to reform the Thai Police as they are seeking so that the image of the Thai Police as a whole will not be spoilt by the dirty actions of a small few.

    Right on.

    How ever as much as I admire them for what they are doing and I believe in it I have to disagree with the blocking of the polls. That is over stepping the boundaries and is very easy to be taken as anti democracy.

    If I was Suthep I would welcome them as it would give him a true idea of the backing he had. Yes he would have to make allowances for the lack of Democrat candidates but it would sure swing voters to the other parties. It would give a truer outlook on the number of supporters in red shirt land even if they do win the seat. The reason I say that is they are a shoe in without the Democrats to oppose them and will not be buying votes.

    Besides it is not going to form a government. Not enough seats filled for that.

    • Like 2
  16. I really would like someone to explain to me how Suthep can claim to want reform, yet is a staunch defender of the Lese Majeste law -which is the most abused of laws used to stifle dissent and aid corruption. I believe this shows more than anything what a hypocrite he is.

    When you ask his supporters about this, they shut up, having absolutely no defense.

    Well you are living in a different culture. They respect their king here.

    To many people have no scruples and will print any thing that sells newspapers.

    Then there are posters on Thai Visa that want every one to think Thailand is going down the tube because it honors the King and does not allow them to put out their usual B S.

    And who decides what is BS?

    No body. That is why you are not allowed top put it out. Duh

  17. He said this, they said that, and then they said this again. Thais whining like children seeking favor and attention. Ratting out their brothers in public in front of the world. Bringing shame and disrepute to Thailand over and over.

    You got that right.

    If the United Nations gave a hoot and came down on the side of either side it would not change the situation here in Thailand one iota. But it did get room in the papers for both sides.


  18. "Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Kittiratt Na Ranong, his deputies Tanusak Lekuthai and Benja Louicharoen, and Council of State secretary general Chukiat Rattanachaicha discussed the scheme yesterday but refused to give any interview."
    What kind of attitude!
    They have brought millions of farmers in distress.
    And now, no information how they want to solve this problem.
    The largest subsidy program in Thailand and there is no information available.
    Worse than any shadow economy.
    Where are the 700-900 billion Baht gone?
    Who has got, what here?
    In which regions the farmers got their money and in what regions not?
    It looks that all the farmers got their money only in PT strongholds.
    What about the overall social responsibility?
    Campaigning and vote buying with state money?
    I hope that the NACC investigate this program fully and that the responsible be held accountable, including the confiscation of illegally acquired funds.

    All the secrecy and Yingluck refusing to except a plan to make the government transparent.

    Gee I wonder why.

    I see where some of the farmers have stopped protesting because the government promised them they would pay them some time in the future. The same story they have been getting all along. Makes me wonder if there was not some external force brought to bear on them to get them to stop protesting.

    Maybe they are working on another Gov. to Gov. deal where they sell a tremendous amount of rice at half price to get enough money to pay the farmers off. Naturally the price they receive for it will not be available to the public.

    I by no means am an expert on economics but it seems to me that if you pay say 15,000 baht to buy a ton and store it for a year at shall we say 1,000 baht a year you would have to sell it at 16,000 baht a ton plus shipping and handling just to break even. The company I worked for when they did a cost plus it would be cost plus 10% for handling and office staff and what not. Then another 10% for profit.

    Hard to say how much money they need to pay the bills I have heard 136 billion baht. But then I hear another source saying they are trying to borrow 150 billion baht and another says 180 billion baht.

    Then along comes another source saying they are going to borrow it from 33 different banks. As I said I am not an expert or even an amateur but it seems to me that no matter which one they are trying to borrow one or two banks would be all they need to get that much.

    Feel free to correct me on that point. The other figures are just being bandied around and really aren't that much apart.

  19. Poor guy needing to sell his tractor.....All because of the rice pledging thing......Really?....Are we sure of that?......Certainly is a heartfelt story against the Govt. as the Opposition likes to spin....Does this farmer have other financial woes not detailed here precipitating this thing?....It is a Govt. policy screwing him up?....."Is it just a stunt putting a 'for sale' sign on a new tractor?...

    "The rice-pledging scheme, one of Pheu Thai Party's populist policies..."..

    .Another shot at the policies of this Govt. consistently demonized by denigrating a political notion called 'Populism"

    Populism defined: Policies for ordinary people....The significance of this is that the DP cannot hope to win on a national level until they propose serious policies which would benefit the majority of the electorate. But they have consistently opposed the universal health care system, the job creation policies, this rice support scheme and any infrastructural development projects. They reject state spending on the population and instead favour local patronage.

    Instead of reforming themselves to reverse their unelectability resulting from these agenda's, they can only envision systemic changes....Electoral Democracy in other countries are filled with examples of a seemingly down-and-out political party resurrecting itself and winning national elections by reforming its' policies and leadership......It baffles me why the DP cannot fathom this....I can only attribute it to arrogant, holier-than-thou convictions of being the sole repository of political wisdom, and a dogma that the electorate must conform to their enlightened approach.

    You talk garbage. "they have consistently opposed the universal health care system". Which party made the system free when they were in power? I'll give you a clue it wasn't PTP. Which party made school books and uniforms free for all kids going to school up to mattayom 6, and which party reintroduced the fees when they got back into power. Which party had a rice scheme which was a lot more sustainable and would not bankrupt the country in the long run.

    Before you go on a rant it is better that you look into what you are ranting about, otherwise you just look foolish.

    There is no denying the DP and their Elitist friends demonize the concept of Populism at every opportunity, and then throw Govt. policies into that maligned interpretation. So now to suddenly embrace it as in this comment is rather suspect...

    Any attempt to be un-DP when the unelected, coup-rooted Govt. was hoisted into power, was basically copy-catting and tampering with policies of the PTP and its' previous incarnations....In this context the best way to show the dichotomy, is to put the descriptors Elitism and Populism next to each other. They are mutually exclusive and puts the two political elements into perspective.

    If this headline linking Rice farmers and despair, as if it is a country-wide phenomenon, would certainly threaten the PTP in Sunday's election......I am betting that will not be the case thereby bringing this quote into serious question.

    On the other points raised:

    • Eliminating the 30-baht hosp. thing....You fail to mention however, that a number of Hosp. services cut after that. Some medicines were excluded..Sort of rob from Peter, to pay Paul"...With the 30-baht benefit, all services were included and medicines for every disease....But never mind that...It was an extension of 'dignity' to poor people needing medical care every bit as much as the elite...It is the Thaksin Govt. who did this, and no amount of tampering after that by a coup-rooted Govt. accrued benefits to them
    • Free school books and uniforms....This was a long standing program in existence for many, many years. The DP again tampered with it, by placing restrictions on it, standardizing it to such a degree that it failed to meet the need of many students with accompanying poor quality.
    • Sustainable rice scheme....The DP version was land-based and not production. Land owners didn't even need to grow rice to benefit....Without getting into a detailed comparison, suffice it to say rice farmers continued in poverty and only saw their condition rise after user-friendly programs were introduced by the PTP...But still, their income and living standards are far below that of Rubber producers.

    In reviewing these matters, one theme jumped out, and that being any nod by DP administrations to instituting programs and policies for ordinary people, always seemed to be minimalist, begrudging tokenism. Giving wth one hand and taking away with the other. The 30-baht hopital thing being a primary example.. All of this harks back to my point that the Elitists really don't like to spend State money on the population.

    In reviewing these matters, one theme jumped out, and that being any nod by DP administrations to instituting programs and policies for ordinary people, always seemed to be minimalist, begrudging tokenism. Giving wth one hand and taking away with the other. The 30-baht hopital thing being a primary example.. All of this harks back to my point that the Elitists really don't like to spend State money on the population

    I cannot say for sure what the school scene was but the students have been short changed by every government. In the last two and a half years it has not improved one bit. The last two education ministers said it needed an overhaul. Funny they should say that with the pad's in the schools.

    As for the hospital 30 baht. It cost 50 baht to process the 30 baht. Do away with the 30 baht and well............I hope you can do the math. If not just borrow a calculator subtract 30 from 50 and that will give you 20 that is 20 baht saved on every patient. Now take let us say 1,000,000 patients and multiply that by 20 and you will have a net loss of 20,000,000 baht that could be going to services provided directly to the patients by the hands on workers. Not some ding bat PTP or red shirt that uses eye drops to cure a cold. If I have the correct information on the system under the Democrats the Nurses and the Doctors were not protesting the medical services. How ever under the PTP They both were protesting.

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