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Posts posted by northernjohn

  1. ^ I'd have an underwater lair with submarines and sharks with lasers. It would be deep inside in an artificial lake, and the artificial lake would be in the middle of an artificial island within another artificial lake. And there would be a chocolate waterfall. Where my herd of ponies would drink.

    milk or plain?

    I'd have a permanent young female masseuse w00t.gif

    but we might be veering off topic lol

    I don't think we are far off of it. The OP left the door open for talking about money no object.

    I think he didn't really mean it.tongue.png

  2. I wish all the good people of Thailand the greatest of success with their elections on Feb 2nd.

    Let's hope the killed and injured are well cared for.

    Maybe if some one explained to her how she could make money off postponing it she would postpone it. After all she is a Shinawatra.wai.gif

    Maybe they should also explain to her the murders are going to be charged to her. The same as she is doing to Abhist and Suthep. That would but two Shinawatra's in Dubai.

  3. The BangkokPost just had a newsflash saying one of the protesters outside the ArmyClub was shot at and hit in the leg. The perpetrator arrested by protest guards, 'allegedly' beaten up a bit when trying to flee the scene and sent to Rajavithi Hospital.

    how's that for taunting protesters?

    It also talked about a man found shot three times in the chest after he had been tortured. surprisingly he was found to be wearing a anti government wrist ban. Not saying it was done by red shirts. How ever it matchers their sense of morality and intelligence.


    I see where they had an article in the Bangkok Post where they say the police and army are going to start retaking the government buildings. Starting on Monday Feb. 3. Some body best notify Chalerm before he makes a bigger fool of himself than he already has.

    That is not to say he has reached his full potential for being a fool.

  4. Farmers will learn the hard way that you sell your product for what markets pay or you grow something else. This time its hard to feel sorry for them. Those bankers are no bankers if they lend money. It must hurt but it's the only way out. You pay them and they will pledge crop for the next 10 years.

    Sent from my GT-I9190 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    They did exactly that, sold their rice for the price the market (the government in this case) was offering.

    To stop them from growing other things they made up this ridiculous scheme. they just neglected to tell them that there was only so much money in it and their friends were going to be at the head of the line when it comes time to pay. In the mean time go out and borrow money and spend the extra money you would have if we had been honest with you on interest charges.

    Oh boy, Suthep will be steaming tonight...

    Maybe...but I don't think so. Either way, if they do get the loan, they are risking breaking the election law and they will be disqualified for the election. If they don't get the loan, they are screwed by the farmers. But at the end, when all said and done, they are screwed anyway as investigation into the rice scheme will put some in jail including YS. That is how democracy works.

    I thought they had already dismissed charges against Yingluck some thing to do with she didn't know what was happening.

    She has a good argument against charges if she uses she doesn't know what is happening as her defense.

  5. Shall I upload pictures of the weapons found in the back of the truck he was on? Some father, indeed.

    On and on again... facepalm.gif

    Perhaps it is my fault that my point has not been understood at all. English is not by first language. I'm sorry, I can't do better than that.

    They say a picture is worth a thousand words which is why you posted a pic of the daughter of the dead protester. You wanted to show the human side of him. That is clear.

    But we have evidence that on the back of his truck were weapons that could be used to kill others. You see there is another side to this man. The claim has always been that these are peaceful protests. That clearly is not true.

    Look closely at the end of your wrists. You will see weapons capable of killing people. So would that make it OK to kill you?

    Was there any thing in the back of the truck capable of protecting him self. If so it failed and would there fore be useless.

  6. Seems like you have no choice being as you are living in the UK. Best to listen to beau thai being as they have first hand experience with this agent. Do the nay sayers have first hand experience and are they just painting all agents with the same brush.

    You could ask for a notice to be put up ijn the lobby but they would not look into the tenant's ability to pay or any thing else. Just take their cut of the rent.

  7. thanks got it.

    my logic here, and I may not be correct, is I wanted to see where I could live in Chiang Mai if money was no issue. So I am thinking Mr. Farber might be in a nice area.

    I believed that money is an issue with him. He said comparable to the life style you now enjoy. Nothing about jet setting around the world first class living in 5 star accommodations.

    If money was not an issue I would have several houses located around the world all fully staffed so if I just arrived they would be ready to stay in. No cleaning needed as the maid would have that done and no food needed to be bought as the cook would have that already. No need to notify them of my coming. The car would be fully fueled and clean by the driver. Of course the garden would be in immaculate beautiful condition.

    Now where Well Chiang Mai, One in the states maybe two there one in Canada maybe two there also. One in Mexico another in some other South American country. Perhaps one in Spain or Portugal. Bali for sure. Maybe Australia or New Zealand.

    To many choices. I guess that is why money is an object.whistling.gif

  8. It can be assumed that Suthep and his dreaming brigades will do the same on the 2nd Feb. the result will be a nullified election, with a postponement of the election. Again the caretaker government will stay ( or better has to stay). It's time to call the party off and sit together and find compromises where both sides are not losing face.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    True but the unfortunate thing is that any thing less than what Suthep is demandcing is to leave things as they are.

    Sure maybe the election will be put off and the Dems enter and win it but unless the checks and balances are put into the government it will solve nothing just prolong the corruption for years.

    People will forget how bad the PTP were just like they have forgotten how bad the red shirts were. Then it will be the same same next election one man and his money buying the election and the men who win it.

    Thailand needs to change now to prevent the continuance of a way of governing that comes close to allowing a dictatorship to be set up in the name of democracy just as Hitler did.

    "Sure maybe the election will be put off and the Dems enter and win it..."

    On what do you base your thinking that the Dems have any chance of winning a general election? They have failed to do so for around a quarter of a century, even before the Thaksin era they were unable to win so please, what makes you have any reason to think that the Dems will be able to win this time?

    the Dems are desperado. They have been unable to win convincingly in the past elections and that's why they are shunning the election. They want to take over the government by force now. How can they claim themselves as democratic if they want to take over the helm by force? ? So ridiculous, yet so many thais buy their idea! Please wake up, thai people!

    Sent from my GT-I9082 using Tapatalk

    Well you are correct the Democrat's have not been able to win an election. They are stuck with the idea of trying to make Thailand a better country. As any one who has lived here a while knows Thai's think the country is all ready great and are not willing to loose face and say it has a lot of problems.

    That aside. Where is it that the Democrats are using force. They are just one of many parts of the society fighting for a better Thailand. The movement was started and maintained by the grass roots people. The Democrats came along long after it started and are just a part of a movement seeking a better Thailand for all.

    Take the grass roots people out of the protestors and it will all be over. It is not a Democrat party movement. Just one they endorse.

  9. Chalerm is a piss-head, he shouts and jumps up and down but at the end of the day if he gives the order to clear the sites at any cost will the police be stupid enough to use undue force, and more importantly will the military stand by and let it happen. Seem Chalerm is already on notice from the military, gently gently no undue force against Thai citizens. And of course any deaths emanating from such an operation will be on YL's account, she is the head, she appointed Chalerm to fix the problem , the buck stops with her - even if she thinks / wants to believe it's not her problem - it's HER baby and no one elses.

    Yinluck accept responsibility!? Surely you confuse her with someone else.

    Suphet and his protesters are the ones at fault here, end of.

    All good causes have some one responsible for them.

    What we have here is a case of protestors striving for a honest government who occasionally over step the law on one side.

    On the other side we have a government who is corrupt publically admits that they will ignore court decisions. Tries to white wash people of crimes because they are related to them or are receiving money from them.

    Both sides have their faults which side do you want to win and govern.

    1 The side that occasional over steps the law or

    2 The side that enforces there illegal activities on you resulting in huge debts to pay bills that could easily have been paid if they had used the money for it's intended purpose rather than enrich their off shore bank accounts. Also white wash people doing it. Some thing like 25,000 white wash jobs and one of them eradicating a legally levied prison term on the Biggest corrupt figure of them all

    People have to make a choice which side they want to win and stick with it.

    I choose the side that seeks a better government.

    Yes they should not be blocking people from voting. On the other hand people should not be voting as it is a known fact that there will still be no government after the election. A vote for any one no matter which party or ideology they represent is a vote saying they support the wasting of tax payers baht's.

    • Like 1
  10. Shall I upload pictures of the weapons found in the back of the truck he was on? Some father, indeed.

    On and on again... facepalm.gif

    Perhaps it is my fault that my point has not been understood at all. English is not by first language. I'm sorry, I can't do better than that.

    Please stop trying for the sympathy vote, poor misunderstod little me crap.

    make your point without hiding behind language deficiencies. violin.gifviolin.gifviolin.gif

    I will try with again, but perhaps the deficiency is not in my language but in your understanding.

    - First I said that I have relatives, friends, and coworkers that are protesting out there, and It is very disheartening to read comments that are hungry for violence against our loved ones.

    How can I rephrase that to suit your taste? I really don't know. I am sorry.

    - Secondly, I said: "Using the word "but" again? “But” is one of the most miserable words in the vocabulary. I don't like violence, but… No one should be killed, but… I love you, but…

    I am deeply disheartened to see so many people attempting to reason with the "logic" of the causes for killing a person"

    With that, I am just trying to say that I can not understand any kind of excuse for violence.

    Is that correctly expressed, or does it require further clarifications? guitar.gifguitar.gifguitar.gif

    The reality of the situation is that immediately following the word but comes self justification 90% of the time people use it to just get as away to ignore reality. They are not interested in the reality of what is happening.

    • Like 1
  11. Chalerm is a piss-head, he shouts and jumps up and down but at the end of the day if he gives the order to clear the sites at any cost will the police be stupid enough to use undue force, and more importantly will the military stand by and let it happen. Seem Chalerm is already on notice from the military, gently gently no undue force against Thai citizens. And of course any deaths emanating from such an operation will be on YL's account, she is the head, she appointed Chalerm to fix the problem , the buck stops with her - even if she thinks / wants to believe it's not her problem - it's HER baby and no one elses.

    Yinluck accept responsibility!? Surely you confuse her with someone else.

    Well you have to admit that according to the precedent she has set with charging Abhist and Suthep she is admitting guilt.

    The problem is as we all know she is not the brightest bulb in the box she doesn't see it that way.

    She has been brain washed into thinking if it is Thaksin's will it is OK nothing wrong with it. It is all legal and above board.

    • Like 1
  12. Ignore Chalerm at your peril.

    Yes he's a drunken loud mouth but that makes him even more dangerous and he's not noted for his tolerance and diplomacy.

    He is noted for solving all of Thailand's problems in 90 days. Well any way in his mind he has.

    It is amazing the things one can accomplish in an alcoholic state of mind. Of course in the mornings you need to restore the mental clarity with more ear medicine so you can once again be the champion of Democracy. In the state's many of the companies give drug tests. I wonder how he would make out with that here if the Thai government was to institute it.

    I often wonder what he has against Thaksin that they allow him to stay around and occasionally throw him a bone that is to big for him.

    He must have some thing big holding it against Thaksin.wai.gif

    • Like 1
  13. If it can afford to pump money into the economy why doesn't it pay for the rice it was supposed to pay for in October?

    In case you didn't know it that was before Suthep and before Yingluck dissolved the house to fool people like you.

    Out of curiosity do you believe this nonsense you post or are you just trolling?whistling.gif

    Because the bond issue was scuppered, and it can't pay the farmers now during an election without the EC screaming 'vote buying'. Refer to comments higher up for timings and details.

    "Out of curiosity do you believe this nonsense you post or are you just trolling?whistling.gif"

    I find when people resort to insults it's a sign they lost.

    I asked a honest question. It was not an insult. Just curious why you post nonsense.

    You and I both know they could have sold the bonds before they dissolved the house.wai.gif

    Yet you continually ignore that reality and bring up another reality that they caused to happen to help them evade the fact that they are incompetent. Blame it on some one who says let's be honest.

    They didn't have to dissolve the house. But it sure got them out from a load of trouble that people with a wee bit of financial understanding could see right thru.wai.gif

  14. The government is using off balance sheet financing for the rice scheme, to hide the losses.

    They are not even willing to tell tax payers what the losses are exactly.

    Supporting poor people is fine; but I recommend just sending them a check in the mail, properly accounted for (as it is tax payers' money). Subsidizing farmers by rigging the whole rice market and trying to hide the losses is just plain stupid.

    What are the losses exactly?

    Who knows?!

    They are the future selling price of the rice, minus the price paid, plus the interest on any bond financing used to bridge the time needed to sell it.

    So what is the future selling price of the rice exactly? Not known, nobody has a crystal ball.

    And how much will the bond finance cost? A lot more now that Suthep scuppered the bond issue, and drove down the value of the Thai baht, but basically nobody knows for sure, because the bonds haven't yet been issued and can't be till the election is over.

    And how long will it take to sell the backlog? Don't know, depends on the weather/world rice supplies & demands.

    So it's not possible to calculate an exact loss because the loss isn't known and on the books until the capital item (rice) sells.

    So Suthep pulls some exaggerated number from is butt and tells his supporters it, then tells them they're hiding that number from them! Throwing in a few mindless catch phrases to sell it as fact.

    Should Yingluk have done this program without knowing all these things before hand? Of course she should! Because nobody ever knows these things beforehand. Shes in power, she tries stuff, some works, great!, Some fails, bad!, Some works after fixes, rice pledge likely falls into this category.

    Sending poor people a check in the mail is not a good idea, use the money instead to build a rice reserve, its the staple diet of Thailand and floods are making supplies less reliable, so its a better use of the money.

    Well it is after hand how much did she sell it to Iran and the Ivory coast for. How much was China going to pay in the deal that hasn't gone through even though there has been much to do about it? How much a month are they paying to store the rice. This to is a loss one that they can tell us today.

    Or as I suspect they haven't a clue to how much.

    Why all of a sudden after it is three months old do they decide they are going to pay the money they owe. Why didn't they sell the bonds when the money was due and there was no EC or Constitutional reason holding them back.

    No we will never know the loss because the Government makes deals and refuses to pass the cost along on them.

  15. No bank in their right mind is going to loan this administration a dime, unless it can secure it against assets. These criminals will sell out the country to line their own pockets.

    Absolute BOCs

    If I'm owed 50,000 baht by the government, I have an asset worth 50,000 baht that has the same quality as any other government debt. So a farmer can simply borrow against his givernment debt, no different than borrowing against a government bond.

    But the figures don't add up, but the debts are mounting.

    Tis nothing but plunder. Arrrrgghh.

    And? The farmers are so far borrowing zero against this asset. They should be able to borrow against the full value of this asset.

    As to whether Thailand is downing in debt, no it isn't:

    UK Debt / GDP is 91%

    Germany 82%

    Thailand 45%

    Thailand can well afford to pump money into the economy. It's going to have to just to recover from Suthep damage, but probably should spend on infrastructure anyway.

    If it can afford to pump money into the economy why doesn't it pay for the rice it was supposed to pay for in October?

    In case you didn't know it that was before Suthep and before Yingluck dissolved the house to fool people like you.

    Under the present government the household debt has risen far beyond 45%.

    Out of curiosity do you believe this nonsense you post or are you just trolling?whistling.gif

    • Like 1
  16. No bank in their right mind is going to loan this administration a dime, unless it can secure it against assets. These criminals will sell out the country to line their own pockets.

    Absolute BOCs

    If I'm owed 50,000 baht by the government, I have an asset worth 50,000 baht that has the same quality as any other government debt. So a farmer can simply borrow against his givernment debt, no different than borrowing against a government bond.

    I really believe you would do that. Pay interest on a 50,000 baht loan and not care a bit about it.clap2.gif

    Any one with financial sense would be saying ha you owe me 50,000 baht pay up so I don't have to pay interest.facepalm.gif

    • Like 1
  17. Well, unless everyone has forgotten, this not a government, because they stood down and agreed to dissolve the house, so it is a 'caretaker' government, and as such, it has no legal right to pursue this loan request. It's function is to maintain the status quo, and certainly not get involved with anything that is set to put the country deeper into debt.

    If I were the one demanding reforms, and all of the red shirt apologists were saying "what reforms? Spell them Out", I would simply say, "well, let's start by demanding that the current caretaker government allow a full audit of the nation's current wealth.

    Let's see how many of the PTP thieves would stick around for that...!!

    Dubai would have a sudden influx of Thai's and they would not be maid's.

  18. Where did all the money go or, how did TS's wealth inc.by 45% during the PTP Era????????????????

    That is the question, my dear YL?????

    Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Well as much as I dislike Thaksin I have to admit he has many business out side Thailand. I am not saying he is being honest in them maybe he is but he does do very well off of them also.

  19. Where did all the money go or, how did TS's wealth inc.by 45% during the PTP Era????????????????

    That is the question, my dear YL?????

    Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Well as much as I dislike Thaksin I have to admit he has many business out side Thailand. I am not saying he is being honest in them maybe he is but he does do very well off of them also.

  20. Good business sense put it out to the competitive market... thumbsup.gif

    I'm sure a lot will be whining but at least they are trying to get the farmers paid for what they have already sold on promise.

    I see a lot of posters hating the idea of for some reason and have no idea why they would wish hardship on hard working farmers. They deserve to be paid in full asap imo.

    You are absolutely right.

    As I understand it most of the money was due in October. They took the rice then and here we are three months later and they say we are going to try to borrow the money to pay for it. But keep on growing it because we are going to keep on buying it at an inflated price that we can not afford to pay.sad.png

    Why did they wait three months to say we are going to try to borrow the money? Why did they not borrow it when it was due?

    Also I believe that some of the unions are against the bank's loaning the money.

    I think I got it right. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong.wai.gif

  21. The government has enough money. They just can't access it because the government is in "caretaker" mode due to the elections.

    So, basically ..the farmers are not being paid thanks to Suthep.

    The rubbish that comes out of your mouth beggars belief sometimes.

    If this Govt had enough money to pay they would NOT be seeking new loans. Simple. The money is not there due to corruption, theft and the basic fact that it was a stupid policy to begin with and was always going to lose money. Taxpayer money, mine included. What do you think part of what these protests have been about for the past few months?

    They are a caretaker Govt and have no legal right to take out any further debt burden.

    Robbing Peter to pay Paul helps no one at this point.

    If they could be bothered with a compromise (which would be a first in the history of any Thaksin led Govt), they could have talked to the EC and the opposition and asked for their agreement to a temporary loan to cover these initial payments due.

    Some people are completely clueless and others just plain lights on no one home. Then there is a small percentage of people in the advertising business who get paid to make things up.

    This Government is so financially irresponsible that it borders on Stupidity. Maybe beyond that. We know they are corrupt.

    First they shift a huge payment off to the BOT to make room for more loans. Then they go and buy rice at a high price and sell it at a low price and after two and a half years of losing money at it have to borrow more money to pay the farmers. In other words they can't afford it but they make an announcement that they are going to continue on with it. Now they want to borrow another 2.2 trillion baht. All this in two and a half years.

    They should except Suthep's plan as a way to back out of the havoc they have caused and intend to keep causing. It would allow them to save face. After all there is nothing wrong with wanting a more honest and open government. Other than a red shirt and a PTP member who would object to that.

    The money was due long before Suthep came on the scene and before Yingluck dissolved the house. But as I said earlier there are some segments of the society who for one reason or another could care less about the truth.

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  22. You inherited money that would allow you to live on $3000 to $4000/month and were happy to retain your current comfortable lifestyle, would you leave Thailand and return home?

    OK, with this new information, i would stay and save. get a nest egg for days that are too warm, smoky, or whatever. maybe change things up by moving 10 km away, and it's amazing how things are different.

    the big question is what your gut tells you. is the heat, pollution, noise, etc.... simply so much that you are beyond the breaking point. i have gotten that way with the smoke and heat. it was so uncomfortable i didn't want to live that way. but if you can now afford to escape and return back "home", i think you might find that a good solution. Unfortunately, I think the heat will never go away (lifetime) and the pollution will remain for decades. china might not be fully "developed" for another 40+ years. pollution = industrial revolution and then the jet stream comes to CM. the burning of crops is another story. harder to guess.

    Don't forget he was looking for a country that speaks your native language.

  23. Anyone who trusts what the Huff says has another think coming. I've seen several articles linked on TV, generally inaccurate.

    It's very pro-gay (nothing wrong with that!), but I can't help wondering if the author of this piece's problem was that he couldn't find a gay bar.

    Maybe he wasn't looking for one. Maybe he was taken from the air port to the Cabins addiction treatment center for obvious reasons.

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