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Posts posted by northernjohn

  1. Bars closed until midnight on Sunday night/Monday morning, same again next week end. Amazing Thailand in it's full glory.

    Yes they do have their ways about them. Try drinking in a bar in Iran on election day.

    If I had to have a drink I would buy before they are supposed to close. It would make me feel a lot better than complaining about it on Thai Visa.

    Try a Ma and Pa store.

  2. So far there has been a BIB directing pedestrians. It's still a little dodgy especially for the old folks.

    If the Maya owners don't pay for crossing guard longterm they are not so bright.

    With all due respect how bright was it to plan in the first place with no accommodating factors for traffic and foot traffic at what could arguably be the busiest intersection in Chiang Mai?

    One can hope there was more planning in the construction.

    It would not be the first shopping mall in the world to have the roof cave in on.

  3. Dukes at Maya? I hope so but where are they possibly going to put it? I didn't see any available space. I hope I am wrong.

    Dave mentioned he already had the space reserved at Maya.

    Did he give you a time for it to open? I know he has plans for two other operations.

  4. For those impossible stains in the dunny bowl..... pour in a bottle of bleach....... let it sit for couple of hours then flush.... good as new. thumbsup.gif

    I find that that the wife cleaning it about once a month works fine.

    don't know if you can get it here in Thailand but I used to get a package of Tang orange juice crystals in Canada and once a month use them instead of soap in my dish washer no dishes in it. Kept it spotless. Don't know if it would work in a washing machine but I would be willing to try Vinegar with out any clothes in it. That is if the granddaughter ever gives it back. I don't think it matters if it is real or fake maybe a difference in price.smile.png

    As for Bleach fowling up the septic tank over the years it will do so.

    • Like 1
  5. Just a thought but a coalition is what we had with Abhist. ....

    As I say just a thought. But it is based on facts.

    You should look a bit further back. At least since Pa Prem was PM in the 80s there had always been a coalition to govern. A look at Wikipedia might give more information about the governments since 1932, but my guess is, it were mostly if not all coalitions.

    That made governing of Thailand so relatively difficult ans slow to progress, as all partners had to agree (and gotten their piece of the cake), before anything could go on. I left out the military rulers here, though, they didn't need a parliament.

    That is also the "secret" behind Taksins' success: He didn't have to compromise with other coalition partners. So he ordered and it was undertaken. Classical example is Suvarnaphumi Airport. The designs had been in the drawer for at least 30 years, but the cake was so big, coalitions could not (or dared not to) deal with it. Now don't forget, the airport did cost 1,350 million Baht, of which 45% is said to be gone into private pockets, first of all Taksin.

    Now let's see, what the next few days will bring. PTP is focussing exclusively on where to find money to appease the farmers. And don't anybody think Taksin will jump in and provide some of his private money. It's not enough and the saying goes, that 'profits are privatized, but debts are socialized',- not the other way 'round...

    I do not disagree with what you say it is probably all true. The problem is people look at 30 years ago and say the people have not changed one bit.

    It is easier to play mind games than face the facts today. People change and situations change. Nothing is static no matter how much Thai Visa posters try to make it.

    Today we are dealing with almost a completely different set of people under different conditions. That is what people should focus on. They may use the past as experience but they should stop trying to say the people in it have not changed one bit and the situation is identical.

    If they have not changed why do we have to keep going back to that time just look at them today. Are they the same are you the same? No you have had many different experiences and are a bit wiser. You realize you are in a different world.

    Take Thaksin for example. Is he the same.? No. Ten years ago he was able to look you in the face and shake your hand while he was changing laws that would take money out of the treasury and put it in is pocket. If you gained any thing from it that was OK with him. If you lost some thing from it his attitude was tough shiet. Today he hides behind his sister and has a large payroll to do his will for him. He can but is afraid to live in Thailand. Ten years ago he thought he owned it. So you see people and situations do change and not always for the better.

    Today it is many different groups of grass root people coming together to try and stop corruption. Not that they can eliminate it all but they are banding together. Look at the farmers they are even starting to think along the lines of the protestors.

    Todays protestors are not saying get out so we can put so and so in. They are saying get out so we can form a council to govern and rewrite the constitution where it needs it so that there is a system of checks and balances. Then have an election.

    This has never been done before. It was always get out and I will make the necessary changes.

    The big problem here is that the people on the council will have to be selected with care and they should come from all different parts of the people. Labor. Industry, Business, Armed forces, Farmers also academics and any other field. The people on the council should be open minded. This eliminates many politicians but not all there are some who honestly want a better Thailand and are willing to listen to others and change their mind if a better plan comes along.

    I know it sounds imposable but don't forget there is 66,000,000 people to choose from. If I might suggest it I would think the king would be a good choice to choose the chairperson. Who would them be responsible for forming the committee. I am sure there are many who would be automatically qualified with an open mind but they would also need some knowledge of how the government works and its limitations and be willing to accept a decision that is well talked about also an open decision not a behind closed doors deal.

    Yes it is a formidable undertaking but the pay off would be far better than continuing under a system such as we have now. This system can only get worse if left unchecked.

    Look at it this way. We have a system that in addition to are normal running costs wants to add a 2.2 trillion baht load on top of it. One that will take 52 years to pay back. Is that what you want to leave your Great Grandchildren?

    This is all my opinion and I believe in it so I am willing to lay my cards on the table. I may be an expat with a Thai wife who has children of her own and grandchildren that I treat as my own. I have and will continue to contribute to their education for it is in their hands that the future of Thailand lays and we should give them the best we can today so that when they take over it will not be a cauldron of corruption and behind doors deals. Give them the besrt that we can so that they can give their children a better life than what we have given them.

    I am an American and part of are history was a writer who said "if their is to be war let it be in my time". It was in his time and the result was in spite of the horrors that occurred in it they came out a much more stronger nation able to go forth on a good basis.

    [Don't bother to tell me what you think of it now. I still think it is better than sending taxes to the Royalty in England.]

  6. And ofcourse the farmers, who put PTP in power are the right persons to bring them down!

    But don't confuse this protest with support for Sutheps undemocratic "peoples council", who want to take the votingrights away from the very same farmers!

    What the poor rural/urban need is either a PTP without the Shins and their cronies or a complete new party to represent them, and bring an end to the feudal system!

    High time for a redistribution of wealth in Thailand!!coffee1.gif

    He ho, what's going on? We're getting closer in our oppinions, Soi41!

    I beg to differ on your oppinion about Khun Suthep and his hopes for the future, but else...

    Certainly the Dems will not make much inroads in the North and Northeast, too much have they been depicted as the bad people. But other parties, maybe the likes of the Chidchobs or Banharns, can gain on the demise of the Taksinistas.

    The PTP? No, unlikely to skip Taksin right now, so most of them will "drown" together with him, maybe into businesses, where a lot of corruption money can also be made.

    For a new party I think it's to short-term. And who with money would be interested? Let's not forget money, lots of it, is needed to run a political party.

    So when elections will come round, maybe in summer or so, I could imagine we get the good old coalition of 3 to 5 parties to form a government.

    Just a thought but a coalition is what we had with Abhist. It severely limited what he wanted to do and at the same time allowed the many of the old time trough feeders to stay at the trough. The corruption under Abhist was held to the level it had risen to under the preceding two governments and once he was out it proceeded to rise again. For this the democrats were called corrupt even though much of it was being done by there partners. Yes I said much not all. Also I am not dreaming about the 1990's I am talking about the actions while they were in power.

    The present government had only the Democrats against all the other parties. They were also the only ones not at the trough. They were the only ones the PTP attacked with Mickey Mouse charges. All the other coalition parties had joined forces with the PTP.

    The Democrats alone stood against the PTP. while the other parties sided with the PTP so I am not exactly sure that these other parties will make a difference in a coalition government. So far they have been aligned with a majority government that has seen corruption rise. Do you think with out the PTP they will change their way's. Seems to me it would make more sense to put in some checks and balances before giving any one a chance to continue the frenzy of feeding at the trough.

    As I say just a thought. But it is based on facts.

    • Like 1
  7. My mum told me once, if it sounds too good to be true, it ain't.

    It really was a lovely idea Yingduck had, trying to lift the farmers out of their lot in life and make them look and feel more equal to the white pill swallowing crowd in BKK, with x2 price for crops, new car rebates and tablets for the kids, just like the BKK hi-so kids have.

    Unfortunately, there's more to lifting them out of it than a new 4 door VIGO and an IPad. This idea, this attempt, shows the simplicity (and stupidity) of Yingluck but, if not that, demonstrates her understanding of how simplistic up-country Thais are.

    It's about educating your kids to advance the family into another "class", over a generation or two, not in 1 or 2 years. It's about teaching them manners, and chewing food with your mouth closed, and a bit of education and sophistication that owning an IPad alone, just can't buy you.

    Changes like this don't happen when you hand out material goods and free money in a year or two. Not in this country or any other. It happens with education, travel, and exposure to the world outside.

    Thailand is an agricultural county and a vacuum that knows little of the outside world, and often has no interest in it, but seems to pretend otherwise. I live in lower Issan, and frankly these are some of the best folks I've ever met, within this context, but they have no idea what the hell I'm talking about when I talk about things outside of Thailand. Trying to shoe-horn them into equality, without a solid footing, is a fool's errand.

    Nice idea, Yingluck, but IMHO, your effort was shallow and too much cart before the horse.

    Do you insist that the locals call you Bwana?

    Do they carry you around like this?


    or like this?


    Well generally you have a response with a little bit of thought behind it. I take it from your lack of thinking for a response that you agree with 55Jay.

    Congratulations you are starting to get the idea of what is wrong with the country. Lack of education I have always known to be a huge factor and that is why I help with the kids education hands on not through a NGO that takes half the money for their overhead. I pay it right to the school. I knew that there was little being taught about the out side world but I did not realize how important it was until I read 55Jay post. Get off your high horse and think about the welfare of the people.

  8. You see how stupid these farmers are. Blocking the roads is not going to get the money needed to pay them. It does nothing. They just have to wait until the government can take the money from one pot and put it in another. Or if the government lose the vote or CC disqualifies them let Suthep pay the bill.

    Yes we see how stupid the farmers are. They were the backbone of the vote getting this government in. Can't get much stupider than that.whistling.gif

    Instead of seeing how dumbthumbsup.gif a post you can make explain why the government did not pay them when the money was due.

    Yingluck had not dissolved the house then. The protest had nothing to do with it.

    All the politicians were receiving their pay checks on time.wai.gif

  9. Take a look at the Downunder bar located on Loi Kroh between the night bazaar and the steel bridge about half way. Never been in it but walk by it several times and the customers sitting by the window or smoking out side seem like a friendly lot. Many say hello as you walk by. Mostly Rugby and Football.

    • Like 1
  10. The two computer plazas on the east side of the moat.

    You might want to consult a compass; your sense of direction is a tad off.

    He is only 90 degrees off. The two he is talking abiout are on the North side about a 5 minute walk from the Ram hospital.

    Haven't been looking for any lately as I have a 2 terabyte one I got on sale at the Airport Mall. There is a It in there that might have some also the new Central Mall has shops that might have them.

    Seems to me I saw a shop in the Airport mall on the third floor by the escalators close to Robinsons that had some. There is a repairman on the second floor of Pantip who might be able to give you a good tip.

    Good luck

    • Like 1
  11. The police do a decent job on highway crossings at school run time, assisting traffic across the superhighway etc. Thumbs up for that.

    Then they go and set up their checkpoints to collect the cash, & lose all their credibility....

    First you make a list of good things they do then you say they have no credibility.

    I feel for you. I to am having a hard time not just knocking them so I am making an effort to give credit where credit is due. Not take it away from them.

    Not that easy after reading Thai Visa and listening to some friends I have who are still trying to compare Thailand to the countries they come from. But I am making an effort.

  12. Wow you are the first American that I have heard that supports a party that wants to only allow only the educated the right to vote so they may have a chance to get elected. Is that because Obama got elected twice?

    Some times we have to sit back and take an honest look at what is going on and this is one of them. It will not stop Democracy it will just give Thailand time to take a look at it and what the type of government they have is doing to the country. Then an election will be held and people will be much more aware of what the governments function are.

    There are and will be those who refuse to change or even look at what is happening but there will be far fewer of them. I of course am presuming the council will be transparent in it's dealings and all sessions open to the public. The only reason I back the one side is because I am more concerned about Thailand than I am a family holding on to power just for the sake of it and the money they can bleed out of it.wai.gif

    Well I am an American and I agree with you on that point. But in two and a half years I have not seen that happening here. That is one of the reasons I back Suthep in his bid to create a council to reform the government and put in some checks and balances. To take steps towards eliminating corruption and election fraud. Then hold an election. It would be one that would not be as attractive to the in it for the money that they can take through corruption. It would make room for more honest candidates. Corruption and fraud can not be wiped out but they can certainly be cut way back.

    Is that actually their platform? It's news to me. What is their definition of educated? I'm guessing that it is their platform that it's related to which grade they have graduated rather than a G.P.A. Or are you making this up?

    It is news to me also. I wrote the original post and had this part added to it by

    bkkfaranguy, on 24 Jan 2014 - 12:33, said:snapback.png

    Wow you are the first American that I have heard that supports a party that wants to only allow only the educated the right to vote so they may have a chance to get elected. Is that because Obama got elected twice?

    Here is a copy of the original post I made.

    Thailand is in dire need of a European style Socialdemocratic Party. And to the Americans here, it doesn't equal communism!coffee1.gif

    Well I am an American and I agree with you on that point. But in two and a half years I have not seen that happening here. That is one of the reasons I back Suthep in his bid to create a council to reform the government and put in some checks and balances. To take steps towards eliminating corruption and election fraud. Then hold an election. It would be one that would not be as attractive to the in it for the money that they can take through corruption. It would make room for more honest candidates. Corruption and fraud can not be wiped out but they can certainly be cut way back.

    Some times we have to sit back and take an honest look at what is going on and this is one of them. It will not stop Democracy it will just give Thailand time to take a look at it and what the type of government they have is doing to the country. Then an election will be held and people will be much more aware of what the governments function are.

    There are and will be those who refuse to change or even look at what is happening but there will be far fewer of them. I of course am presuming the council will be transparent in it's dealings and all sessions open to the public. The only reason I back the one side is because I am more concerned about Thailand than I am a family holding on to power just for the sake of it and the money they can bleed out of it.wai.gif

    See post number 10

    This is just a sign of how low the PTP supporters can go. Beyond grasping at straws.

  13. The government must continue with the elections as planned. If the PDRC were to agree to a 60 day postponement on the basis that they would participate and not disrupt the rescheduled election - fine, the government could agree to that, but the PDRC don't want a postponement - they want a cancellation and that, the government cannot give into. So Feb 2nd will take place and the majority of the seats will be democratically decided. Then there will be by-elections in the 28 seats in which the PDRC prevented candidate registration and in any seats in Bangkok and the South where they manage to disrupt the poll and that process will continue until 95% of the seats are filled then parliament can convene. Which will be months away ....and this aint going to be fun place to live in the while.

    If it is going to take months to sort it out why not hold the election after it is sorted out.

    Do I sense a fear of failure if the election was held after it was sorted out? Get in when there is no real opposition. Not a surprising attitude for thee PTP as far as they are concerned it is all about them any how and no one else counts.

    Besides they won't have to buy votes. Big savings for them.clap2.gif

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  14. Please read the article. RENT for $500 a month, not live. There's a world of difference!

    I'd read the article but that kinda feels like cheating, and an unnecessary distraction from having a rant.

    Did you read the part where she said about $1,200 to live here in Chiang Mai?

  15. Asics GEL cumulus-14 running shoes. 4900 Baht. Googled it USD 79.00 online, about double price. Dont think this "tight-fisted farang" needs new shoes today....

    Do you actually buy shoes on line. What if they are to narrow or to wide. I don't think there is a uniform size for shoes. What one company calls a 12 another calls it a 45 or some thing else. I guess if you have had previous experience with them it would be OK.

    Kind of scary not having dealt with them before. I know when I was buying regular shoes it depended on the maker all the way from a size 9 EEE to a size 10 EEE.

  16. Big deal, Abhisit offered an election in 3 months, Thaksin and the reds wouldn't talk, moved from demands to arson.

    No, reds accepted his elections offer, he then demanded they hand their id cards to the army as they left the protest site. They feared the army who had just been shooting at them would kill them in their homes, and broke out of the camp instead.

    Thailand was under a censorship law, so the official version was that 'black shirt terrorists of Thaksin were killing the protestors to make the Dem government look bad'. An Udonthani woman was prosecuted for distributing a DVD showing the video footage contradicting this lie.

    As expected Abhisit was lying about the elections too.

    I must be mistaken in thinking many of the ID cards you refer to were never given back by the Red Leaders in the first place?

    You are not mistaken.

    But you are dealing with some one who apparently has no knowledge of facts. Just makes them up as they go along.

    Not only would they not give the cards back but I heard a rumor that they would not pay them for the last two weeks. Not sure of that one would not surprise me looking at the caliber of men they were working for.

    If the true story was ever revealed to the world Dubai would be asking Thaksin to move on. He does have the citizenship in another country that he bought.whistling.gif

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  17. And once more history gets rewritten, or is that that we have members who seem to live in a parallel universe with an alternate history, or a history as would have liked to have seen it' ?

    This is why I think it will be good for Thailand to have the murder trial of Suthep and see the evidence in full, including all the video footage that was banned.

    What "footage"?

    Are you obsessed with nine inch Nicky or do you have something to add to the debate?

    You do, of course, realise that the last thing that Thaksin wants is a televised trial and the second last thing he wants is a trial?

    And to add to that, those who are not supporters of the red shirts would love to see the trial on TV. I might invite a few over to watch it.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I will bring the pop corn. Not being a drinking man I would still be willing to bring some over for those who do.thumbsup.gif

  18. And once more history gets rewritten, or is that that we have members who seem to live in a parallel universe with an alternate history, or a history as would have liked to have seen it' ?

    This is why I think it will be good for Thailand to have the murder trial of Suthep and see the evidence in full, including all the video footage that was banned.

    But you are not interested in who started it and who financed it. Or who said no when the red shirts had come to an agreement with the government. In fact twice he over ruled them.

    You just want to get the one who stopped him. A noble aim. Right up there with Hitler's.

  19. Spot onthumbsup.gif

    Sad to see how the institutions, who officially are unpolitical, clearly siding with the elite, now that the winds have changed! In the interest of the country?? No to keep their "rightful" place at the trough!!

    If might take some time, but the existing feudal system have to give way for something more democratic!

    Thailand is in dire need of a European style Socialdemocratic Party. And to the Americans here, it doesn't equal communism!coffee1.gif

    Thailand is in dire need of a European style Socialdemocratic Party. And to the Americans here, it doesn't equal communism!coffee1.gif

    Well I am an American and I agree with you on that point. But in two and a half years I have not seen that happening here. That is one of the reasons I back Suthep in his bid to create a council to reform the government and put in some checks and balances. To take steps towards eliminating corruption and election fraud. Then hold an election. It would be one that would not be as attractive to the in it for the money that they can take through corruption. It would make room for more honest candidates. Corruption and fraud can not be wiped out but they can certainly be cut way back.

    Some times we have to sit back and take an honest look at what is going on and this is one of them. It will not stop Democracy it will just give Thailand time to take a look at it and what the type of government they have is doing to the country. Then an election will be held and people will be much more aware of what the governments function are.

    There are and will be those who refuse to change or even look at what is happening but there will be far fewer of them. I of course am presuming the council will be transparent in it's dealings and all sessions open to the public. The only reason I back the one side is because I am more concerned about Thailand than I am a family holding on to power just for the sake of it and the money they can bleed out of it.wai.gif

    Some nice points however many many folks simply don't trust the pt party (the 'get very rich very quickly club', no capabilities or valid experience needed nor morals needed, guaranteed spot at the trough club) to organize or conduct credible debate which includes various opportunities for open / public input and debate, etc. (with no requirement to register in advance) on what reform is needed, a clear picture of the aim / outcome of any reforms, and implementation of reforms.

    Well what you say is true as matters stand now. If Suthep gets his way I believe that the council will be composed of more people with out personal political goals. People from Industry, Labor, Academia, the farming communities and yes a mixture of politicians.

    I really don't know who would pick the chair or how they would go about selecting the committee. This would be a very hard thing to accomplish. I can think of one person to appoint the chair but I am not sure if the constitution would allow him to do so. I for obvious reasons can not name him here.

    It would be an incredible lot of work but the results would be worth it as they would be permanent. As it sits now we are on a long slide down hill. Time to bite the bullet go through what we have to and get the country turned around.

    I defiantly have to admire Suthep for sticking to his guns in this but I would defiantly be against him being a part of the council. He is not open minded enough. The council would require people with an open mind not personal agendas.

    Yes I don't know who they are but I am sure there are some in the political ranks.wai.gif

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  20. I am quite sure there are many more good reports on the BIB.

    Just not the accepted standard of Thai Visa posters.

    Like they say the squeaky wheel gets the grease. The others just no credit what so ever.

    Hope to hear more experiences of this kind.

    My wife was stopped for not wearing a helmet. She had to go to the cop shop and pay the 400 baht fine at that time.

    That was a good thing for the BIB to do. It is called doing their job.

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  21. It's foolish to assume that a western system can be cut and pasted over Thailand's feudal class system and succeed. The reality is that corruption is so ingrained that it will not be stamped out. Politicians are not outraged that Thaksin was corrupt, it was that he was so blatant about it and not willing to cut them in. The army and the police are businesses in Thailand. I believe that reforms are necessary before any election can have a chance of success. Unfortunately the people tasked with making the reforms will not go far enough, they will only seek to stack the deck in their favor.

    No it can't be pasted over it. It's needs to replace it completely! The casts system that underlies a feudal system, needs to end. No more 'elites' grabbing power from the majority. Democracy must replace this.

    Another thing, you yellows that are obsessed with Thaksin, get over it! If you feel guilty because you kicked him out in 2006, then go visit a therapist or something! All you ever do is drone on about Thaksin.

    What is your education policy?... Get Thaksin out of education.

    What is your food security policy?.... We want to remove all the evil Thaksin food subsidies.

    What is your job creation policys?.... We'll cancel the evil Thaksin minimum wage and give 20 lash the serfs to work harder!

    What is your export policy?.... We will deport all Thaksin supporters from the country!

    Half of the reason the Dems are so unelectable is because they have to wait around for Thaksin to say something on a Facebook page to know what they are against today!

    He broke your heart, so get over it and move on! It's been 7 or 8 years already.

    Well what you say is true.

    But they are right in order to fix these things they will have to get Thaksin out of it.

    How can you defend a man who doesn't even live in the country by his own choice. Yet he runs it. The word ludicrous comes to mind.whistling.gif

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