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  1. Tomorrow's headline news "Taxi driver finds bag containing 500 bitcoins left in his taxi by tourist and hands them in to police." Each bitcoin is valued at 3,446,000 Baht
  2. Yeah. The guys on the front line have to do their bosses biding but it's the top DWP management who set the rules. My "dumb" comment was really aimed at them. If they stopped spending money on posting these Life Certificates to me, they could save enough money to almost double my pension......🙂
  3. Yes. Notice how ill he looks.
  4. Sadly Thailand is a country where laws are expected to be honoured but not enforced and don't the international community know it.
  5. I agree with that. There is no place where foreign income can be inserted. All I see is income earned from work in Thailand. If anyone knows different please say..... Regarding pre 2024 savings. These are, for me, invested on a platform however, the interest is taxed by the UK government (bless 'em) at 10% which makes it non-assessable
  6. DWP is initials for the UK government Department of Work and Pensions. The certificate is a form sent out to pensioners living outside of the UK, for completion and return to the DWP so that they can be assured that the pensioner is still reasonably alive enough to enjoy such a wealthy gift of pension money from the UK government.
  7. I note the bit where it says "could be moved online". This has been under discussion for years. The UK government really has no idea how to go about it. Perhaps they can take a look at banking security methods and use OTP's etc. I notice they have no problem in communicating with me by email so they really can use computers for communication if they have to. "The DWP said it had no further information at this stage when we asked about the possible timeframe, how a digital process might work for signatures, and whether it might be difficult for some elderly people who lack IT skills." That's a false assumption. Anyone who has made it as far as Thailand is quite likely to have gone on line to make the journey and is quite familiar with using their smartphone for making purchases etc. If the DWP were to adopt security methods similar to financial institutions there would be no need for a verification signature. These people really are dumb.
  8. I sincerely hope the UK DWP can find a way to confirm that I am still alive without sending me a bit of paper once every year. EMS is very hit n'miss here in Buriram. A few years ago my pension was stopped because the life certificate never arrived from DWP. I keep a copy of it in my computer now so I can print it, get it signed and post it off to them every March without any delay. They seem to be quite content with that.
  9. If the collision was "unavoidable" then it is irrelevant to discuss the effect on the brakes of a fully loaded truck.
  10. Welcome to Thailand. https://5.imimg.com/data5/SELLER/Default/2022/2/WM/BH/NQ/43947860/pvc-speed-breaker-1000x1000.jpg
  11. This may be a local initiative in Buriram but, if you are registered in your local government hospital it may be worth enquiring. My local (community?) hospital has a very proactive top doctor whose english is faultless. I suspect he is responsible for this elderly patient monitoring system. I have no idea but it seems to be all the decrepit old souls from the nearby villages (me included). I guess you need to be past retirement age. Pulse, weight and blood oxygen levels must show no significant changes. You must be able to give reasonably coherent answers to questions relating to how you are feeling today and whether or not you have any problems. You may also be in line for anti-cholesterol medication which is frequently an age related problem. That's just about it really. It only takes a few minutes but you may be in a queue for an hour or so. Is it worth the hassle? Yes because problems get spotted before they become ..... well .... problems and besides what else would you be doing for half a morning? There is another plus in that every year my doctor signs my life certificate for me to let the DWP in the UK know i'm still alive. Incidentally. The annual blood/urine test is a fully comprehensive thing which will check if your internals are functioning within acceptable parameters. Altogether there are 56 tests listed.
  12. I had to look up this reverse Polish notation on Google and discovered that it's nothing to do with music notation. Ah. Well. Such is life...........
  13. I have annual blood and urine tests at my local government hospital. Time taken is about ten minutes but need to wait an hour or so for the results. My routine is. No food for twelve hours before test. Give your blood sample at about 08:00. Go home for breakfast. Back to the hospital to discuss results with my doctor (I live five minutes from the hospital). Cost is 1000 baht for the test and 50 baht for consultation. I am, like many others, on the list of elderly patients who get a checkup every three months.
  14. Posters are focussing on the financials of this thread. Part of the headline is about Assets held in foreign countries. How many Thais have houses in places like London and Dubai? These are not so easy to hide or move around as cash.
  15. Not quite sure what is meant by a, b, and c. Clarification below. a. Flagellation = whipping. b. Flatulence = farting. I guess penis size might vary a bit when these things happen.

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