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  1. Only 2 million tax on 21 million income? Wish my uk tax was that low when I was working.
  2. That has a familiar ring to it
  3. 1000 Baht per kg would be nice. Then watch how quick my wife can sign up/register...........
  4. You forgot to mention the methane produced by paddy fields. Methane is a "greenhouse" gas.
  5. I have an annual blood test and urine sample test done at my local government hospital. I have a printout of the results including the minimum and maximum limits of things like electrolytes, kidney function and cholesterol tests. The whole lot comes to about 900 Baht plus 100 for the doctors consultancy fee after. I understand the tests are automated and I am told to come back for the consultancy about 4 hours after the test.
  6. Yup. They (the farmers?) do sometimes sell to house builders but more likely the farmers will change to growing sugar cane which is worth more to them. Looking at the figures above of 500kg/rai lets say a farmer has 24 rai. he would get about 16 Baht/kg from the local mill for his years effort so with 24 rai that would be 192,000 Baht less harvesting costs of 600 baht/rai (14,400 baht) less fertilizer cost of say 3,000 baht less other incidental costs say 1,000 baht total value to the farmer would be 192,000 - 18,400 = 173,600 baht. That is his years income. It also assumes top money from the mill at 16 baht/kg. Quite often this is a lot less at anything down to 12 baht/kg. Growing more exotic varieties will not necessarily make more money for the farmer and the local mill may very well refuse to have anything to do with anything other than Hom Mali (jasmine) rice.
  7. It might be only 16% but in money it is over 49 billion US$ (2022).
  8. If your wife dies before you, and if there is no will, you inherit everything. But. The government rule is that you must sell any land and property within one year. Failure to comply will result in land and property being sold by the government. Whichever happens, you get the procedes of the sale which is likely to be very little if the government sells it.
  9. How about calling on relevant government agencies to enforce stricter regulations on ALL construction projects. Builders the world over find ways to cut corners for one reason or another usually for either laziness or monetary gain. It is down to the local Health and Safety Executive, which is what we call it in the UK, to strenuously to enforce building site safety regulations. As far as locals believing in the supernatural is concerned, this is what the monks want. It keeps them in a job and maintains their pseudo superiority over the villagers and, of course, ensures the monks receive their daily food allowance from said villagers. Footnote. Buddha said to his followers "Do not worship me. I am not a god" Hey Ho. Simple people have other ideas..... ps I am a godless heathen so I know nothing.
  10. How was she on Einstein's Laws of Relativity ......?
  11. Thai post is possibly ok in other areas but some things sent to me from UK never get past the local main office.
  12. And of course, these improved prices will be shared with the farmers. NOT.
  13. They should have got a better picture of her.
  14. I think you may have a problem.

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