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Everything posted by Muhendis

  1. I have always been under the impression that the building can be foreign owned but not the land it sits on. I would say the definition of property maybe does not include the land.
  2. Yeah sounds like you could be right.
  3. Do you mean the jug end of the lead or the wall connector end. Either way heat is caused by a poor connection and will eventually cause a fire which you probably already know. The wall connector end could be down to a poorly made connection of house wiring to socket or the socket itself worn out. If it's the other end then you will need a new lead.
  4. More likely the writer didn't include the swerve and brake done by the truck driver. Those concrete posts were probably a lot closer to each other before the accident. Note; it's normal for cars to hit posts so not news but I'm glad no one was hurt.
  5. I thought they were water fired from the Mekong or is that just Loas.
  6. Agreed but who's going to pay for it to be done. There should be a half decent feed in tariff for households but the Thai government would prefer to take money from it's customers rather than give it.
  7. Cheap holidays for the Russians perhaps?
  8. This is really the sort of thing you should be looking at. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003132170432.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.3b8778b6EAJNAR&algo_pvid=68e99c28-5cf9-4b87-a122-f1c51fc6d59b&algo_exp_id=68e99c28-5cf9-4b87-a122-f1c51fc6d59b-6&pdp_ext_f={"sku_id"%3A"12000024275915775"}&pdp_pi=-1%3B1526.48%3B-1%3B-1%40salePrice%3BTHB%3Bsearch-mainSearch
  9. I'm not surprised. The word "Active" on the pcb would get Shopee banned in the UK. That's the method used by many BMS manufacturers and, although I refer to it as power dump it is actually passive balancing. The resistors are permanently connected which is why they get hot and why they add a bit more drain to the batteries. As you've seen, they do work but........
  10. That balancer in the picture does not look like an active balancer and your description of it getting hot is what one would expect of a power dumping balancer. The power dumping balancer works by bleeding off power from good cells into the ones which haven't quite got enough yet. It uses bypass resistors to do it and they get hot. This method is horribly inefficient. The active balancer uses either inductors or capacitors to switch between cells transferring energy as needed. Capacitors are the norm because they are cheaper. Sometimes referred to as swinging capacitor balancer. A good cell will charge up a capacitor which charge is then connected to a lower voltage cell. This is done by switching transistors and is very efficient. There is very little heat and it works during both battery charge and discharge cycles. There is a bit more to it than that but I have outlined the basic idea.
  11. Can you post the link for supplier of this balancer please. and maybe post a picture of the flip side.
  12. Songkran is good for go this year? Oh dear. With every silver lining there is a cloud.
  13. Keeping the finished wood dry is a important in any situation. Wet rot, which is actually a fungus for those who didn't know, will destroy timber very quickly. Also, with chipboard, ants will quickly move in where it gets wet to say nothing of the shape changing as it expands. Teak is particularly good in these situations. Other timbers, no matter how hard/dense will succumb eventually if not protected. For me, the beauty of wood in the home is beyond doubt. Also by making furniture and fittings with wood, the carbon captured when it was a tree, is locked in and helping the environment.
  14. Yeah. Many timbers are delicious for termites if they can find them. Bathrooms are not such an easy target and teak is not delicious. You might like to read this https://www.patioproductions.com/blog/gardens/of-termites-and-teak/
  15. Mai Sak also called Sak Tong. Better known as Thai Teak. With it's natural oily texture it's good for wet places. A layer of clear epoxy will bring out the attractive figuring and protect the surface for years to come.
  16. Quite possible. Some years ago I had similar symptoms. Turned out to be a kamikaze inclined lizard which made a short across some mains to low voltage circuits on the main board. All the indicator lights looked fine but no cooling. Cost 2,000 Baht for a replacement board.
  17. Just a small point. If you have no symptoms, how do you know if you need to isolate at home?
  18. Who will be doing your solar?
  19. I looked at these but decided that the connection terminals were a bit on the minimalistic side. How do they look in real life? If ventilation is called for you might like to consider cutting some good size square holes in top and bottom of your box and fitting some stainless 1mm mesh over the holes. That's what I did for my inverter and the insects hate me for it. Mesh is held in place with construction adhesive, No Nails I think it's called. The mesh I got from Shopee quite inexpensive and still plenty left for the next project.
  20. Won't be long now before you'll be totally independent from PEA.
  21. This advisory is something I posted some time ago. I think you'll find it quite relevant.
  22. Your right. It is off topic but Buriram is the sort of place that appeals to expats who like the quieter country life. Our nearest immigration office used to be near the Cambodian border at Cap Choen. I guess the increasing numbers of foreigners in Buriram was the incentive to move the office to a more central location. I have no Idea about numbers of expats but they often seem to be everywhere when I go into town for weekly shopping or for a meal out.
  23. Yes this is the office that should be used now and in my opinion you will still be seen without an appointment however, to avoid a long wait scenario or worse, it would be a good idea to make your appointment. Bare in mind you still need a letter and passbook update from your bank which will take time. In my case this and the unnecessary Kor Ror 2, made me half an hour late for my immigration appointment. Banks and government offices move at their own speed which seems to be infinitely variable. I seem to remember that the bank information can be acceptable the day before but I'm unsure about this. Best to get confirmation from your immigration office first.
  24. No. This office is tucked away around the corner. Drive past the main entrance to the Provincial building, which should be on your left, then turn left and continue to the end of that road. Turn right and it is the third (I think) building on the left. Not difficult to spot since it has a big sign in front which includes "Immigration" on it. Once you have seen that sign you need to stop and reverse back to the entrance as I did. Turn left into the "Way In". Drive round the back of the building and down a short sharp ramp to the parking area. Visitors parking is clearly labelled under shaded covers. There are toilets there should you feel the urge.
  25. Yes, well I think there are several reasons for the improved service not least is the reduced volume of customers that I have noticed over the past year or two. The number of IO's in attendance is also reduced to one not counting the lady at the information counter. There were no immigration police to be seen. The whole operation seems to be done by very efficient clerical staff. Separating the farang from the Asian visitors is also a plus. Not possible with a shared office I think. You make comparison with Cambodia. What's it like there?

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