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Everything posted by allanos

  1. Sign, on a box of condoms: "Buy me and stop one"!
  2. The vaccination causing the heart and brain inflammation appears to be as a result of the mRNA kind of vaccines, a more synthetic (radical) product compared with traditional methodology. Nevertheless, the overall results of all of the marketed medical products appear to have had an overwhelmingly positive statistical outcome. 'Excess' deaths over the last two years, which seem to have increased compared with years leading up to the pandemic, do not seem to have been caused by the vaccines, according to health authorities, and are ascribed to a number of other causes. I believe that a great deal more research is going to be required before unequivocal pronouncements can be made as to the effectiveness of the various programs which were instituted by the medical establishment.
  3. Couldn't have made it China-specific. which is really the intention I believe, because the CCP would have been highly miffed!
  4. Not to detract from the horrendous abuse the child was subjected to, which is to be condemned in the strongest possible terms, but who writes this stuff? It is NOT a "depraved story", it is a story about a depraved monk. There is a world of difference!
  5. Don't let the facts get in the way of a good story!
  6. Really doesn't sound like a pre-planned "hit". Who would be lying in wait for the victim if he stopped off randomly somewhere to buy a few groceries? Hits are more likely to be front on, on a pedestrian target, and not shooting at someone riding away down a soi. Even with three shots, the shooter cannot be certain of having made a "kill". Given the place of the killing, it seems to me that the girlfriend's involvement can be ruled out. It appears more likely to be a road-rage "revenge" shooting, or resulting from an argument in, or close to, the store where the goods were bought. More questioning of the shop-keeper is called for, and which, no doubt, the cops are busy with. In my view, a long-shot (no pun intended), is that this is a hit ordered from England, and that Mr Roger(s) was followed by the perpetrator. There is no evidence for this, of course, and there may never be, and the thought may be extreme. We are all just putting our best theories forward.
  7. Free PSA test is somewhat more indicative than PSA alone. Ultrasound is not definitive but is a strong guide. A biopsy is the only way to detect cancer for sure.
  8. Recently, I investigated going to India for robotic surgery to have my prostate removed, cost-efficiency being a major factor for me. However, my cancer was localised and, in my case, the best option with the lowest level of invasive surgery and potential side-effects was a brachytherapy procedure, which I underwent three months ago. So far, so good, with a minor level of discomfort when urinating. From a PSA of 7.34 when the cancer was confirmed, a recent PSA test level came out at 0.87.
  9. It is possible that Immigration logs applications lodged by agents and their companies, and has an accessible record of such activity in the computer. If the OP goes to the immigration office stating that he needs to get hold of the agent he used previously, their details should be readily at hand in the "system".
  10. The OP's tech-savvy daughter should tell him that such a software "glitch" is highly unlikely. If it happened once, it would likely be doing it all the time. That is what "programming" is all about; it ain't random!
  11. American humour for sure, and not to everyone's taste. Barry is playing to a large audience so no particular surprise that he has successfully pandered to it.
  12. What will the judge say when handing down the Ozzy's sentence? "Oh! And . . . before I forget . . . . Merry Christmas!"
  13. I see the insidious potential for even further government control of their populace. The "problem" has already been determined by governments, especially by left of centre or communist ones, which are working on the solutions as we write. It will be interesting to see what major banking institutions will have to say if and when they are cut out of ongoing profit-making potential.
  14. You take yourself far too seriously. You should get out more!
  15. Did you mean nowadays? I did, indeed, mean to write CBDC's; thank you for pointing out the error. Yes, I am aware that currency transactions are digital. However, there is a world of difference between that and what CBDC's will be capable of in the future. If you think 1984, you ain't seen nothin', yet!
  16. I suppose the question which follows, then, is where did these savvy "big investors" put their money for an above-average return and to recoup losses? Gold is going nowhere, and fiat, given the high-inflation environment, is a total loss-maker. Good yields anywhere are difficult, if not impossible, to find. Even the housing market has taken a knock, so property is not the answer, either. As to the future of money, the world is changing - and quickly. If not Bitcoin, (which both the SEC and the CME say is a commodity, and rightly so), which other crypto, which you say you favour, is the answer? Pretty much all of the 20 000+ altcoins out there are securities with absolutely no future whatsoever. All-controlling CFTC's are in the pipeline from the Fed, the Bank of England, the European Central Bank, and already trialed in China. What then? I shall prefer to keep most of my cash in Bitcoin and take my chances.
  17. When one is backward-looking, it is hard to have a vision for the future. Pretty much all investments have taken a knock in recent times, with the exception of the bond market, perhaps. Check all the indexes and the DXY - even the high-flying dollar is down. Ark Invest is positioned mainly in technology stocks, one might say stocks which will have enormous growth in the future, like AI, robotics, etc., and Bitcoin, which is the future of money. Sure, investors have taken some pain, but losses are only realised when one sells. The smart money has stayed invested, and added to positions as the stock price has fallen. Their faith will be rewarded as day follows night.
  18. It is interesting that even the most banal of questions has to have a "never-Trumper" response. So be it! However, on to the topic. Ten years is a good investment horizon for Bitcoin if one is prepared to ride the volatility. $17 000.00 or so represents good value, currently. Cathie Wood, CEO of Ark Invest, believes Bitcoin will trade at one million dollars per BTC by 2030. So what if they are fifty percent wrong in their forecast? Like all things, do your due diligence. Perhaps split your investment between Bitcoin, which has unlimited upside potential, and the online media offering you are looking at. Make sure you understand what Bitcoin is all about, and don't listen to the FUD which is out there from people who don't know their a$ses from a hole in the ground. It is true that the price of Bitcoin can go down from here, but the downside is limited. It is possible that the bottom is already in.
  19. Biden is very poorly advised. He is completely at the whim of a far-left agenda which bodes no good for both the USA and the world in the long term.
  20. Timing is everything. Although the gold price is volatile, to make meaningful profits one needs to buy the dips. Essentially, the gold price today is where it was ten years ago, so not much of an investment return for someone who bought in 2012. There is an argument that it is a store of value. This may be true, but there's an opportunity cost from holding it, which tends to be forgotten about. There is no coupon on gold. Undoubtedly, there will be a price spike at some stage in the future. Best to be holding shares, in that case, which are highly leveraged to the gold price, and where the real money is made.
  21. The link appears to be the London branch of Standard Bank of South Africa - a very reputable and well-capitalised operation. Among other banks where I have accounts, I also bank with SBSA. They are first-class, in my opinion. Have you had dealings with them and can you share your experience?
  22. Horses for courses! There's no one size fits all. And constantly sitting in judgement of others is mentally unhealthy.
  23. He could always go "commando" and spend the money saved on Christmas booze!
  24. First, congratulations to the OP for having such a talented daughter and who, no doubt, brings much joy and pride to the family for her abilities. Second, and more importantly, perhaps, is, and given her age, will the company ensure that a chaperone is always present, in the future, should her father not be able to be with her on such occasions.
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