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Posts posted by A1Str8



    (A dead person is an inanimate object).



    That's a purely a matter of opinion. 


    Sorry my ilinformed poster, it is not a matter of opinion, it is a proven scientific fact.
    You're confusing the afterlife with evolution.  Evolution is a proven scientific fact.


    I'll buy a case of beer for anyone that can show me scientific proof that there is nothing remaining of us after our corporeal life is over.


    (I'll buy a Maserati for anyone that can show me scientific proof that there is something remaining of our consciousness after corporeal life is over)

    When our corporeal life is over, only our body dies. The soul moves on and as an infinite being it has consciousness. That's how it's possible that we can remember our previous lives under specific circumstances. I can take you to a hypnotherapist so you can see the proof yourself.

    By the time your session is over I am going to have a clear idea about the color of the Maserati and what extras I want.

  2. Gotta love the Thai's...They have absolutely no problem asking "How much do you make?", " Nice car, how much did it cost you? Nice House, how much did you pay?" In the States  we consider such questions RUDE! 

    But here we are in Thailand ....so gotta put aside our western ways (sometimes) as we are in Thailand! Seems to me that the Thai's are kinda like curious children sometimes not recognizing the rules of life or even thinking about it ....it might give them a headache...

    Oh Well

    +10. "Not recognizing the rules of life..might give them a headache."

    That's so true I am gonna write it down somewhere.

  3. It will be interesting to see what happens to the "Red Bull heir" who killed a cop. If Thai sentencing were proportionate to the crime committed (taking this case into account) he should get 12,000 life sentences. However we all know what money can do in Thailand, and he might get off with a week of double secret probation......

    He might get off...he got off already.

  4. It's pathetic how these agencies make money. They obviously knew about the problem but "forgot" to mention it. Then when the client finds it out, they just let him know that he can leave anytime. No wonder why there are strict laws regarding to defamation and such. There are so many business establishments here that do business in crooked ways that it makes people vomit.

  5. This seems a bit of strange to me. You do absolutely nothing correct, not able to even fill in a form, and then brag about it....

    I think you are at fault. But be added som penalties,,,,I think NOT....At least not any 500.000 baht.....

    Try to be more active and take some responsibility, and you will be fine...




    I'm at fault because I don't know Thai Tax Law? One website said 40% , another one 20%, another one 0%. And now fedex says it was actually 10%.


    With any reasonable shipping firm they do the tax declaration for you. DHL,UPS,Thailand Post all do this by themselves. If Fedex found out it was 10% what did I add by even doing the form. There was no information there that wasn't already in the shipping slip.


    They just come to my door, after I tell them that I don't know if this form was correctly filled out, and tell me I have to pay a penalty of 4 times the CIF value because I lied on the form.


    I just want to warn people that Fedex are obviously idiots in comparison to DHL,UPS, Thailand Post. And after seeing some other posts / topics here I don't think I'm incorrect.

    Dont worry about him. You are not at fault. He is.

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