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Posts posted by A1Str8

  1. On 3/2/2017 at 0:43 PM, LazySlipper said:

    A transgender university student was brutally attacked and robbed near Chok Chai 4 Market in Bangkok this week by a man she met on WeChat app who “didn’t look like his photos.”


    Shivers down my spine!!!!! A transgender IMHO is never a she but rather an it. Sorry... not a PC guy here...

    Looking at another human being like s/he is an object, tells a lot about the self hatred you are dealing with on a daily basis. 

    My heart goes out to you.

  2. What kind of celebrities LMFAO! They are just like anyone else but people celebrate them because they follow what they love to do instead of following the system.

    By the way I have never understood why don't those who came up with the idea of fooling people into thinking that an army is needed at all and soldiers fight for the country, become soldiers themselves????? Don't you want to fight for the country?!

  3. Put it on one of the Thai forums as a request for help. That you are looking for these shoes and the person who helps you find it will get a small reward. You will have it in no time. Then buy him/her lunch or whatever. 

    Or go to one of the biggest sport stores in the mall and tell them this is the model you are looking for, ask them to order it for you. They can either call BKK and have it shipped or figure out something. 

    Then get your dog some new treat, he is clearly not satisfied with the current one. 

    And on a side note who the hell would pay 7000 thb for these ugly a$$ shoes?? If I were you I would tell the neighbor, look my dog ate your shoes coz he doesn't want you to ridicule yourself any longer by wearing this joke. So I am gonna get you something better instead. Like a cool pair of Nike or something stylish and presentable. 

  4. 1 hour ago, madusa said:

    Ha, ha, go to the cop? See where it goes? How long have you been in Thailand, just arrived last year may be? You can do nothing about it- full stop.

    Good advice is go to them and make friends with them saying you like to buy their soap and try them out. Then check the quality of the soap, if they do make good quality (if you know what soap making is all about) then consider join venture to make and sell them.

    The goat's milk soap is very very popular in Malaysia. Sell at a good price too.  Yes, think about it, turn the negative to the positive.

    Once your soap sells on the website in China "Ali BaBa". China will place big order. Once successful consider shifting the factory to a town in Malaysia near to the Thai border. Why? Because all the malaysian mercantile laws or business law protects you- you get what is yours, but not in Thailand, you risk loosing everything, be smart make the smart move.  Law in Malaysia is always in English language and they use the British law handed down to them.

    Well, if they make bad soap, then teach them to make good ones, see what I mean? Have you had your shower yet? I begin to smell some B.O. where is the soap?

    How long in Thailand? Almost a decade, kid. I know for a fact that there's no such thing as can't do anything about it. 

    Take responsibility for your very limited world view. Go to the cops yes all it takes is go to the cops. If you don't know what to do from there that's your problem but that doesn't mean you can't do anything. 

    A can't do anything attitude is what creates average. I don't want average anywhere near me. 



  5. http://theaspireclub.com/day-pass/




    I am not sure fitnessfirst has daily pass any longer but that gym is not a gym anyway. It sux! No real equipment, just some joke machines etc

    Plus the staff is a joke too. I remember I was there with a lady friend of mine once and because one of the staff member chicks liked me but I ignored her coz she was ugly, she then proceeded to try to make fun of my friend. LMFAO the insecurities.


  6. 1 hour ago, Rc2702 said:

    So next time you need $3 for a plane ticket. You know who to call.

    It's funny how people are unable to comprehend that sh@t happens to everyone. 

    Since it happened to me, a very well off friend of mine ended up in a strange situation when he needed immediate help because he had no access to funds at the moment. Then of course we helped him, like I was helped. 


    But thanks for the chuckles. 

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