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Posts posted by A1Str8

  1. But let me understand this. They are on the run. The chick is trying to protect the guy. But they go to the capital city where the chances of getting caught is almost non-existent;) because there are only approximately ten million people who can see you and snitch on you, not to mention the CCTV everywhere etc. 

    On the photos I've seen, the girl seems to be a normal, educated girl. How did she end up with this dumpster rapist and on what ground is she protecting him? Is she so in love that she cannot see what's going on or she's not wearing her prescription glasses? 

    I hope that she's okay and soon it will be sorted out but I think the girl has lost her marbles. 


  2. There was this dope dealer from the UK who was sentenced to many years in prison in Thailand but then escaped from there and went back to the UK. That happened a long time ago but not that long ago Thailand requested his extradition so he would serve his sentence(of course didn't work lol). But anyway I am inquiring dear well respected Thai authorities, if you believe that criminals should be extradited then you are in the process of bringing this young little cop killer back home right?? Right?! 

  3. 5 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

    This sounds like goldbuggery to me. which systme is a lot lot older than paper currency and was called by John Maynard Keynes a barbarous relic.

    Okay then forget the word, currency. The idea of introducing an artificial element as a middleman between humans is a way to control them. Therefore is not needed. That might be the reason the economy is collapsing. 

  4. 4 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

    The EURO is part of the old system? It's not even 20 years old yet. You must be very young.

    What's old is the currency, son. The idea of currency to control people. Who cares that it got a new name: euro. It could be called cookie for all I care with my grandma's face on it. Makes no difference. 

    But yes I am young but what does my age have to do with this? Nothing.

  5. Similar things happened to me too a while ago. I told them okay then I still won't give it up. I told them don't worry I won't board the plane with the items I just gotta go to the toilet. I poured everything into the toilet, flushed it then went back with empty perfume and beverage bottles and gave them all of the bottles. 

    I sincerely apologized for not knowing the rules and boarded the plane with a smirk on my face. However, I didn't see the same on any of their faces.

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