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Posts posted by A1Str8

  1. A plane ticket abroad. That will open her eyes and help her see the world through a new set of lenses. 

    Right now she likes things and dislikes others based on what she's been taught. So to destroy the conditioning, give her a different perspective. 

  2. This person actually took the time to sign up, create a Thai visa account so he can talk some ssshhh... about one of the banks. 

    And he actually named himself phdeducation but no speakie english properly. 

    Why do some people consider it so important to make fun of themselves? 


    Thanks for the laughs. 

  3. You would be much better off with stuff you don't need to cook. Since you opt for a healthy diet why cook unless you really need to. Raw is far superior to cooked. Fresh vegetables fresh fruits oats or any kind of oatmeal that contains no other ingredients such as sugar etc.

    Nuts seeds sprouts canned fish etc and then cook only what you really need to. Such as eggs. 



  4. I like how they look like any other chick. My extensive travel and regular fornication with members of different races indicate that pretty feminine women are everywhere just like handsome dudes are all over the place as well. 

    The reason foreigners like them so much is the same reason why foreigners like good looking women everywhere regardless of geographic location. Same reason why women are into good looking men anywhere on the planet. 

    They are attracted to each other that's all. Nothing to do with race religion etc

  5. So what if he sold marijuana. First off it's one of the most beneficial drugs out there and now it's too late because the whole world knows it. The only reason its ever been illegal is simply because it is capable to induce such an altered state of consciousness, that increases productivity, along creativity and many other. Let's be honest, the government is scared of that. A creative, empowered person cannot be reduced to an obedient sheep who works a 9-5 job. 

    By the way politicians make 100k per week on average and live in houses that cost way more than nickels and dimes 17 mill. So really, I don't see the issue.

    And if he was making about 100k per month which is nothing, then it took him about a year to make one million. Then how did he have several houses, one of them worth just shy of 20 million. I wanna hear about how much Yingluck made. Those are the real dealers and it seems to me that rice pays better than dope. 

  6. I would do the same to the owner. Whatever you do to others is what you want for yourself.

    But if you are nicer than that, than call the cops for animal torture. Then he will be fined. Then he will get another dog. Then call the cops again. I would also pay them to do the same to him after being arrested. I am positive that he would rethink his pathetic ways after that. 

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  7. Melting ice etc is not a myth. More like a fact. Instead of writing articles about it, go to places where it is occurring and simply see it for yourself. 

    By the way it's not a result of human activity. Lol. Humans will be long gone, when this planet will still be here, doing just fine. It's a result of the natural cycles of Earth.

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