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Posts posted by A1Str8

  1. www.ethealing.nl 


    Yeah, I know that close minded individuals are going to jump in and make uneducated comments but don't bother with insignificant stuff. 

    Energy healing is an art, more effective than any medicine or any other useless waste being pushed by the "healthcare" industry. 

    You don't even have to be there in person to get it done and it's certainly cheaper than the outdated hospital practices. 

    I have no affiliation to them, I simply know that it works. 


    Later, the officer checked with a motorcycle shop and found that the motorcycle model that the foreign man owns is sold with an exhaust pipe different from the loud one that got him in trouble.


    Yeah right. Like a Thai cop is actually going to bother visiting the shop where the guy got the bike, after inquiring where he bought it and take a break from issuing tickets in order to compare the exhausts and even determine, which one is louder when measured in decibels, and that is assuming that the average Thai policeman knows what a decibel is. 

    Typical Thai cop bs. 

  3. 4 hours ago, YeahSiam said:

    Given the amount of time many members of this forum have, it makes sense to learn to do it yourself.

    Learn price action (Google Steve Nison), support/resistance, ADX, MACD and most important of all, trade/risk management.

    This one, I must agree with. 

    Even though I have no idea why people here think that I should learn to do it myself because I clearly explained that I do it myself, I admit my wrongdoing. I believe that I posted this topic to the wrong people. 

    Obviously, no offense but the people on this forum are not on the level financially or intellectually, to comprehend what was proposed. 

    Looking at my success and what I love to do, anybody can say what they want. But the last time I checked the cash register, which was today, there's no arguing, who's the one who knows what he's talking about. 


    Therefore, I am not wasting any time to read this topic any further, a Mod can close it. 


    Get back to your Chang beer, folks. 



    All the best

  4. 5 hours ago, Halfaboy said:

    Re:  I am a long time foreign exchange and commodities trader with a really successful record.


    If you have done this for a long time you should have so much money that you don't need any input from others (I think)....

    I don't need any input. This is what I do because I enjoy doing it. 

    I do what I do for love. Anything else is a form of slavery. 

  5. 6 hours ago, KMartinHandyman said:

    I think he means to say he doesn't trade for just anybody,,only special suckers,,I mean people.

    No. This isn't what I meant. What I meant is what I said. 

    There are people who think, it's not possible to make a lot of money on the markets. Yes, they are suckers.

    Then there are people who know it's possible and they go and do it, while the rest moans like a five year old. 

  6. 7 hours ago, beachproperty said:

    Your answer is as vague as my reply. HOW DOES THIS WORK? .....You have stated that you don't do the trades. So I would trade on my own account?


    My answer is far from vague. I have never stated that I don't do the trading. 

    How does this work? 

    I trade, people who have money and want it to be invested, invest it. So the invested money is traded. 

    Why are you being so difficult? 

    If you can't understand a simple concept, then that's not my fault. 

  7. I don't see the correlation between not trading for anyone and minimum amount. 

    If I traded for anyone then there would be place for a minimum amount? Doesn't make sense. 

    Yes, like said the profits are split half half. Good observation. 

    There are no losses to split because I have never traded an account where there were losses per se, there are only temporary price movements that are not in my favor for the moment but then turned around for profit. 

    I am glad that you have an account and trade. The point being, not everybody does and even those who do, most of them have no idea what they are doing, hence most trades executed on any given day are losing ones. 



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