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DIY & Electrical Forum Expert
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Everything posted by bluejets

  1. If no one circuit at fault, then it has to be cumulative. "An electrician checked out all the wiring and the safety switch" ....... without knowing exactly what they did, one cannot comment.
  2. Get a life....move on.
  3. Sounds like overcurrent........but then, what is "after a while"?
  4. Get a lecky to disconnect and test the load with a megger. "our safety switch" makes me think you have only the one, and any loads connected will "add up" the leakage of each circuit. As others have commented, is there anything in particular that switches at that time. (Even though being connected via the neutral is enought for a faulty device to cause a trip at any time.) Perhaps someting gets "plugged in" at that time or perhaps just a co-incidence. Not using electrically noisy devices at that time...?? welders etc.
  5. This is the part you need to be rather careful with. Googled the model to see specs but nothing came up........ Anything with a motor requires rather large (depending on type) starting current compared to the run current. With standard split phase compressor approx 4 times full load current. Inverter style compressors require good clean supply. Insufficient capacity in the supply will do irreversable damage to the frig components.
  6. Just a heads up on the RCBO shown in your post. I believe this to be an "AC" type and they have been or will be, banned from further use , at least in Aus and I believe in certain circumstances in the UK also. This is due to the DC component leakage on the mains from electronic devices. Effect is under certain circumstances, the torroid becomes influenced by this DC resultant flux and will not trip or will not trip at the expected earth leakage. https://www.worksafe.qld.gov.au/news-and-events/newsletters/esafe-newsletters/esafe-editions/esafe-electrical/2023-newsletters/february-2023/type-ac-rcds-banned-from-30-april-2023 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKic27b0PTY
  7. I wouldn't scare the poor bloke with "transformer requirements and costs". Best to vist the PEA as previously advised and find out exactly where one stands first up.
  8. Had to read it twice...thought a trick question. OMG...!!! Puts a new spin on cheap charlie. Unbelievable.
  9. Hehehehe....yes, well, that would make you what..??? ....0.000001%..??........???? .....just a stab in the dark mind you.
  10. Council in Aus are currently using a pile driver for some new council project. I should show them these vids, maybe give the local dole bludgers a job. Then again, they are usually air heads so not enough weight to drive collectively. Then again, what they lack up top they make up for in their lazy fat asses...!!! Wouldn't be able to get them to work before 12 noon though (out of bed time).
  11. There are battery powered units available nowadays with a "10 year " battery. Most will have bluetooth connectivity so if one alarms, they all alarm. Indicators will show which area was the origin signal. No requirement to replace internal batteries every 12 months as with many mains powered units. In Aus, which is rather demanding place for any electrical installations, the approved units are now acceptable. Cost would be around 2400 baht each. Naturally there would be cheaper, unapproved units but you get what you pay for.
  12. Don't know about anyone else, but if a "visitor" came to my place and started laying down the law about the furniture placement, they'd get the gate shuffle real quick, never to return.
  13. Additional 2 way switch as such........
  14. One part of the equation for an expected outcome so now ................ how to get them to spend money.
  15. There is a plan to have this extended to the end of this year........
  16. Anything like the frequently asked questions on just about any web site, best take a map with you.
  17. 500 baht, enough for around 14 litres of petrol, I'd say more than fair. What sort of bike (or car) does she ride anyhow?? Wake up and smell the roses, it's obvious what is going on there.
  18. First obvious question would be , what do you intend to use it for, as there may well be ( and usually are these days) an alternative approach.
  19. 45 days is good move......should make it permanent...even 60 wouldn't go astray. Problem is, international airlines start charging like scrub bulls for anything over 30 day return flights along with travel insurance fees....and for the latter, doesn't appear to be any pro rata rate apply, just a larger than expected fees.
  20. Friend of ours recently had shingles vaccination........had alergic reaction (apparently) Now deaf.......
  21. Well there are 2 destinations we won't be visiting any time soon.
  22. Maybe try electrical fault..??
  23. Return it to service...??? Obviously a political statement....makes no "real world" sense. One who came up with this definetely in need of a vacation...perhaps a long one.
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