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Everything posted by bluejets

  1. Moreso for the person involved not to get the appropriate international licence to begin with. It's widely known these days and so no excuse for being a dumbass.
  2. Get yourself a Thai girl and stick it in her bank account...... ????
  3. Brought this up a couple of times previously without any real satisfactory answer. How does one go about this when it is a requirement to have a return flight booking within the 30 day period? Fine, change the stay options, but then there is the above problem plus any inter-connecting flight/travel bookings that need to be rescheduled. Usually at a rather large cost and inconvienience. Better all around to get a 60 day visa entry, which, as pointed out before, means Aus passport has to do a minimum "to Sydney and back" round trip also at additional cost.
  4. Built here in '86....times were tough, interest rates 17 plus % , cost saving a must........fan in my office s/h GEC unit....still there and working fine today..... so not always the case with older/good quality gear. There is really buggerall in a fan to fail anyhow.......have seen the odd bearing seize and fan left on for weeks without any damage.
  5. Off topic but since you asked............ if you want serenity, amongst other things, take what they propose. Don't even hint at questioning their wisdom. How did you even make it to this point in time...???
  6. For us, 30 days becomes 27 when travelling to and from Suvarnabhumi and airline departure arrival times are taken into account. The 45 day was really good as we could extend the above for just a couple of days each side of arrival/departure and took away the rush. Of course there are other options but as usual, hand in pocket again and the hastle of sending passport down to bloody Sydney a month beforehand.
  7. Brother put one in....not worth a cracker. Best use a few "stove pipe ventilator pipes with chinamans hat". https://qldsheetmetal.com.au/product-range/metal-roofing/roofing-accessories/chinamanshat/
  8. And you have been married HOW long..?? Have you learned nothing..?? Wife's preference would pretty much close this discussion before it even started.???? Other than that, been installing ceiling fans for many many years, never had or seen or heard of one falling from the sky or blades coming off. Closest accident I saw was 40 odd years ago at local nightclub at new years eve...all full of p**s and bad manners......bloke had his girlfriend up on his shoulders prancing around when she was knocked off by a spinning blade.....bouncers were running around frantically trying to get her down beforehand but...... ambos came, gave her a clean bill of health.
  9. Think Thai Gov needs to put the mokkers on this sort of foreign ownership practice before average every-day Thais can no longer afford land in Thailand. See it happen here in Aus not only with land but with all real estate. To see the effects, only need to watch the nightly news reports. https://phuket-go.com/phuket-news/phuket-news/russian-and-chinese-buyers-push-up-property-prices-forcing-locals-out-of-the-market/
  10. Wrong end to start in regard to anything electrical. First get together the power demands of all the items you intend to use. Whether they are AC or can run on DC...............and cross reference the former with approximate time of use per day for each. This will put a figure on what you would require or at least come close. From there one can calculate size of the solar array and if any converter/ inverter is required and the losses they apply.
  11. As others have commented, that is just plain ridiculous setting. You might want to try running on the dehumidify setting. Details are in the user manual. https://www.manualslib.com/manual/2063794/Mitsubishi-Electric-Msz-Gs07vf.html?page=10#manual
  12. Forget this crypto <deleted> and just buy gold if you're worried about Thai baht or any other for that matter.
  13. It's common thing in Thailand. Just shut your gob and move on.
  14. Large output audio system and dvd with barking dog.......connect to pir movement detector. Save dog sh*t everywhere, saves on food and having to "walk the dog"....also saves on people sueing your ass when it bites someone, regardless if it is in your property lines or not. You'll not win any populatity contest with ALL your Thai neighbours if if bails up only one and only one time. Then it would be best to just move out.
  15. Really no need to replace the cutters etc. if the foil is still ok. Remove the cutters by removing the plastic retainers............ get a peice of glass for a flat surface........... place a piece of 400 grit wet or dry sandpaper with the grit uppermost and give it a dose of crc.......... withe the cutter down-facing on the sandpaper, move in a circular motion to re-sharpen the cutter faces Clean, re-assemble and test....... done it many times. Note that if you have the curved profile cutters, follow video example. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuFyPW4n6vg
  16. So what...?? ,,,Dick Tracy could do that 50 years ago.???? Seems any competant lecky should be able to trace what goes where so long as no one has fiddled in the meantime. Just basic forward/reverse cap run speed control with heater and timer.
  17. I do. Now all there is to fix is airlines and travel insurance to stop charging much higher fares and fees when one is away for more than 30 days. Never noticed.....????
  18. Once again , comments on the indigenous without a clue on their attitude or capabilities. Take a trip to Townsville and stay overnight on any street there and see for yourself. The "prison" was a "youth detention centre" much more like a motel than a prison. https://www.9news.com.au/national/townsville-news-youth-crime-problem-has-city-listed-as-hotspot/de3773f5-f92a-4f9d-8777-2af8acc62e2e
  19. Plaster your intentions all over a public forum like this and you'll certainly attract someone attention. As far as illegal, yes, same as working volunteer without the appropriate permit. There really are no if's or but's regardless of what some will tell you.
  20. ATS's not as simple as first imagined. Mains re-instate also will require time delay. Ats's normally require mechanical as well as electrical interlock and in many countries, supply authority inspection and certification.
  21. And you've been in Thailand how long...??? Wake up and take notice of a gazillion other things as well and simply just accept it.
  22. Fairly simple mosfet switch would easily handle that....
  23. Good luck...I'd imagine any company funds would be frozen. Doubt worth the effort.
  24. Ticket office down near street food area.......buy ticket and wait...they'll come and call you when ready to go. Or you can wander around and get lost.
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