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Everything posted by bluejets

  1. Fine them all....jail until they pay...then export them all for life. Shouldn't be too hard to do.
  2. Seriously doubt any extension lead on the market would be 100% water proof. IP65 Enclosure - IP rated as "dust tight" and protected against water projected from a nozzle. IP66 Enclosure - IP rated as "dust tight" and protected against heavy seas or powerful jets of water. IP 67 Enclosures - IP rated as "dust tight" and protected against immersion. for 30 minutes at depths 150mm - 1000mm IP 68 Enclosures - IP rated as "dust tight" and protected against complete, continuous submersion in water.
  3. Unvaccinated is pretty clear, however, just what level of vaccination will be the requirement..? We've both had 4 shots, for me a mixture of Astra and Pfizer, wife all Pfizer but then she is Thai origin so no way she could spread any Covid (apparently). Makes one wonder if the authorities are considering the "rights of Thai nationals". ???? Aus had no trouble introducing mandatory tests for China travellers into Aus, makes sense to me when one sees clips from China TV etc, medical personell all wrapped up head to foot in plastic bags (again) ......... Yeah they were offended (apparently)...how dare those flamin'Aussies
  4. Determining breaker size goes by cable size and length of run and earth size in MEN system. Common outcome of any calculation usually is to use 16A rcbo's on 2.5 sq mm cable using 2.5 sq mm laid up earth and 10A rcbo's on 1.5 sq mm cabling with 1.5 sq mm laid up earth. Multiple short runs or staring from a given point to reduce length of runs is one way to keep this impedence down below a given level. Reason being, in the MEN system, the earth loop impedence is the governing factor in selecting the correct breaker for any given cable size.
  5. Presumably riding a motorcycle....so not wearing a helmet then...??? Low enough to get it in the eye...it's a wonder some other traffic hadn't taken it out previously. More to this story I think.
  6. Please yourselves. I quoted Aus electrical standards which are recognised as being one of the highest standards worldwide. If you choose some "personal preference" over proven engineering design, so be it. Thailand is full of dodgy electrical so adding one more will make no difference. Although, with the number of those who have been electrocuted in Thailand pools, it should certainly raise a question or two. Just guessing mind you, that none would have been related to the fitting of equipotential bonding whereas all relate to non-existent. Perhaps a list of countries which recommend NOT to equipotential bond , and the reasons , should be forthcoming. Certainly plenty for the compulsory installation of.
  7. It can become live from a fault in the pumping/filtration system, or from a breakdown/misuse of non-isolated low voltage components in LV lighting. The latter are everwhere in Thailand. And, yes, I am a qualified electrical contractor, have been for 50 years.
  8. More a conversion I would have thought. Whether efficient or to whatever level, one must compare input to output costs.
  9. Not a reason NOT to bond, more an excuse. The occurance of open circuit neutral in an MEN system will cause any fault current to flow in the earthing system back to the transformer but the occurance of such is rather rare to say the least. Many domestic installations in Thailand are not up to any standard to begin with so perhaps the least of your worries. One would normally tend to notice the installation failing miserably due to low voltage and perhaps for most, the next thought would not be, oh <deleted> it, lets go for a swim. Open circuit neutral occurance pretty much the same ratio of an overhead aerial line breaking and dropping into your pool or an aircraft loosing and engine and hitting your lounge room while watching tv. Nothing is 100% guarantee, just manage to reduce the risks seems to work for most. Any of the above not covered under dilutie attack or twist and tape application. ????
  10. Pool fencing or any metalic structure within the "pool zone" (including the reo) should have a 6 sq mm bonding earth run back to the main switchboard and connected to the main earth at that point. "pool zone" is normally considered as being within 1.5m horizontally from the edge of the water in the pool. Whether or not the rest of the installation meets the requirements would be questionable in Thailand. As for "touching the ground already" , whether or not the reo or anything else for that matter actually touches ground is completely irrelevant as the requirement here is for "equipotential bonding".
  11. I'm curious how you managed to get to Thailand and find something to eat.
  12. During 12 month interval testing at one of the many sites we do, one installation has well over 1,000 rcbo's, of which, perhaps 2 or 3 may fail. This failure is not only due to the mechanical trip but also the time (less than 400mS) to do so, this is on both legs of the sine wave. In general, trip time can be anywhere between 9 and 40mS which we consider to be "normal". Pressing the button at intervals of perhaps once every couple of months, can make the mechanics of the unit operate as it should. One sometimes gets a unit which will fail to trip first press, but sucessive are ok. As expected, they go out in the bin anyhow.
  13. First logistical problem....how to dodge the overhead wiring.....????
  14. Had one in Aus where the inverter (Solax Power) went south just prior to the 5 year warranty, along with the installer. Tracked the manufacturer agents to Melbourne.....called them, explained the problem......they sent new unit no question......paid me to fit the new unit and paid for the return of the old inverter. Everything sweet as.....new inverter upgrade version of the original.
  15. Years ago we used to use chalk powder. Then along came the soft style hand cleaners (pink stuff) for a cheap alternative to one particular brand called "slippery lube". Certain there would be a Thai equivalent.
  16. Multiple cores, numbered not coloured, are available in circular cable, either 2.5 or 1.5 but you may have to take in multiples offered i.e. 6 or 10 core including a laid up earth.
  17. What does a megger test show...? Is the pump tripping on earth leakage or on over current? Has an inplace load check been done? Apart from that, why immerse 30 metres to begin with, even though any seal should withstand what could be regarded as a reasonable depth.
  18. Unless you have some kind of zero feedback installed on a grid connect, your results will be flawed.
  19. And just what information do you hope to be able to use..and how.
  20. Most inverters have some form of energy meter internally already. Can't imagine why you would need another on the solar.
  21. As above.,.show a link to where you bought it. I'd bet a dime to a dollar it's220V ac input...which you do not want in the designated pool area.
  22. Happened to us just the other day. I booked Thai Smile tickets for family members a month ago and when we arrived for check in, we were refused for two of the family. I might add I had done this 3 years ago, before Covid and all was ok then. Father of the kids had recently applied for new ID card for himself and I believe, a first issue ID card for the youngest child and had mis spelt their last names. I had all family names correct as far as I was concerned and other family names were accepted as they matched their respective ID card. Quick run up to the local Thai Smile counter had it fixed, luckily just in time to board the aircraft. Initially the check in counter said we would need to purchase complete new tickets and no refund on the old ones. Few moments of panic there I can tell you but all sorted, they just changed the name and issued new ticket, no charge....well, as far as I know...no hand came out for extra money so assume none required.???????? BUT.....definetely something to be extremely wary of, that's for certain.
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