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Everything posted by bluejets

  1. There are insurance companies listed in the Thailand Pass information ( 3 companies I believe) One at least (the most expensive naturally) I believe offers other insurance cover with their Covid cover. https://direct.axa.co.th/TA-Inbound/CoverageOptionPlan/Agent/9F89526D81
  2. Advice I use is the one I downloaded (somewhere here I think) Keep it on the wall in plain sight. Works for me, after all, it's Thai's country, if you don't like it then nick off. "When it comes to dealing with officialdom here, whomever you are dealing with, determines what the requirements are at that time. It may be different tomorrow, or it may be different today if dealing with a different official. At least, after we have lived here a while, we figure out how things work and we are not taken by surprise when the rules change."
  3. One can get a 4/8channel wired system for maybe $200 able to add 1gig HDD for approx 1 month worth of data.. Everything needed is in the kit. Network cable plugs into the router for landline phone /simple to configure, watch from anywhere in the world. Popped an 8 channel one in the house up in Chum Phae back in 2019....works great. Can see the kids from here in Aus, playing games instead of doing homework, give them a ring....first thing we see is a quick glance at the cameras..... DOH!!!! forgot about those things again.????????
  4. How far from any mains supply..?? These days there is a type of conductive white "plastic tape" used for electric fences. Only one run required and if memory serves correct, probaby good for 20 klms or more. Obviously the need to insulate every support which could be a PIA/more cost but, how far is the deciding factor i guess. Battery and solar panel would be my choice but need to secure the battery and associated gear as it might not stay in place for very long.
  5. Geeeeessss...!!! Had a bloke here who constantly bent the u/c on his ultralight......... he was pumping tyres the same pressure because..."that was the maximum written on the tyre". ????????????
  6. Hehehehe......Yesss, same in Aus when it first came in only slightly different height. These were 2.4 metre snatch-straps required for 2.4 metres and above.
  7. Working on demolishing a radio tower, maybe they needed a skyhook then.
  8. Sounds like dodgy shock absorbers.
  9. I don't believe that is an issue or came into the Op query at all.
  10. Similar costs involved. Sydney will not issue new passport if the old one is expired. https://sydney.thaiembassy.org/en/page/89619-thai-passports?menu=5d847cc315e39c21b800619b
  11. Nope, have to travel to Canberra and do new passport in person. No Thai Consulate in Qld. as they closed it at beginning of covid. Currently cost of travel and overnight accomodation in excess of $1000.00, not what I consider "probably much cheaper".
  12. If you are from NZ, no visa into Thailand for the visa exempt period is required regardless. Bit confusing what you are doing...??
  13. Pay some locals to do it. Any spray gear is going to have some overspray . Locals...brushes and rollers...done.
  14. Is that for re-entering New Zealand? i.e. nothing to do with travel destination. We don't have any "surname" issue as the expired Thai passport and her Aus passport are the same married name. The difference here is my wife's Thai passport is expired otherwise I would have zero concerns.
  15. It did when she did renewal last time while in Thailand.(back in 2016) then it was only a 5 year passport. Entered on an existing, due to run out in 9 months so we renewed while in Bangkok.(still only 5 year also back then) At the time she was on a 309 Aussie visa and the new passport issued caused some delays and running back and forth with phone calls etc.when we checked in for departure back to Aus. Thing is, it appears, regardless of what some may consider no problem, or they may not have had an issue, unless I can get something concrete with no issues whatsoever, it's more than likely not worth the hastle that might arise. Better to pay the AUD$100 for a tourist visa and covid insurance and let her go as an Aussie on Aus passport. Some may say, well why the hell didn't you go that way to begin with....reason...thought, as I say, there may have been concrete advice I could follow. Thanks to all the people who put their experience forward though, I do appreciate the input. Cheers Jorgo
  16. So would the insurance requirement also go along with the TP, I'm sort of leaning towards, no way.
  17. AND lack of earthing to the enclosure and conduits.????
  18. Yes, I was confusing the two, thanks. This would now be a new passport with different number, but she still has the old expired one to verify I guess.
  19. Perhaps let us know how she goes this time with "leaving on the new one in a couple of days". We used to have a Thai consulate in Brisbane which is a couple of hours train/car ride away but they closed it down. Options are Canberra or Sydney these days for any passport renewal or emergency passport where one must apply in person and the cost in time, travel and acommodation really would make that a rediculous decision. Would not be popular with the boss if anything went belly up when arriving at passport control in Thailand for any reason especially if we decided to go entry on expired visa and it wasn't allowed on the day. Anyone married will appreciate that any such stuff up would be considered my doing and would tend to come up in any disagreement for the next 100 years or more. ???? The backup there would be , ok, here is her Aussie passport, next question would be, where is her covid insurance..?? The "safe" option would be to bite the bullet and just pay up for covid insurance, apply and pay for a tourist visa, for her as well as me. All up, the tourist visa would be around AUD$60 ........what's the covid insurance cost these days, stay is proped to be around 45 days.? An email to the Thai Consulate here in Canberra might help but in past experience, any government reply tends to be unhelpful and based on the first line of the query. ????
  20. If she exited on Thai passport, what documents did she produce to get on a plane to the US? Surely it would be similar for any Thai travelling to Aus where they need to show either visa or citizenship to the country the are flying to. So did she present her US passport also at departure time?
  21. So my wife is leaving Australia on an Aus passport, no problem there. Enter Thailand on an expired Thai passport which would appear to be ok given several answers above. She would need to apply for the Thailand Pass which according to Farang Kiwi, acceptable with expired Thai passport. (with any luck "Thai Pass" won't exist in August) No requirement for any visa as she is Thai with a current ID card. No requirement for any insurance as she is Thai. She has her international Covid certificate so ok there too. I do however see a possible problem when she goes to leave Thailand given she would need to show her Aussie passport, Otherwise the airline would require either proof of an Aussie visa or citizenship if she rocks up to the airline checkin with a new Thai passport. If she presented her Aussie passport, there is no entry details or stamp but it would be Aussie citizenship proof. So I'm thinking, leave Thailand on her Aussie passport but as mentioned doesn't have any entry stamp or entry card. Surely this has been done before and there has to be a clear answer. Admittedly there are ways around it by going Aussie all the way, but why should she have to apply and pay for visas and the like to go back to her country of birth. Perhaps Ferang Kiwi has more detail on their experience.
  22. It's her passport that has expired, her ID card is fine but I don't see the connection. Her ID card currency helped with her expired Thai passport to get her Aussie passport issued as a form of birth identity, but there were other avenues to cover that issue if it came up. Thanks, one less thing to be concerned about. Same thought i had. Thanks, cheers.
  23. In addition, the purpose of the main earthing electrode in the M.E.N. system is to minimise the possibility of the supply voltage floating above ground. Sometimes, well most times, a difficult concept for the lay person to comprehend.
  24. Seen this before somewhere however just checking current requirements. Planning to come back to Thailand in August sometime, I will be on a 60 day tourist visa (Aussie with Aus passport), my wife (Thai) will be leaving Australia on her Aus passport, but entering Thailand on her expired Thai passport of which we planning to get new while in Thailand. Then on leaving she would exit on her new Thai passport and re-enter Australia on her Australia Passport. This all seem legit etc....??
  25. That could be coming from anywhere on the earthing system. Digital meters are high impedance and will read inaccurately given that, especially in the hands of inexperienced and questionable installations.
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