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Everything posted by bluejets

  1. Possible a power cycling of the system with a decent delay could be the answer due to your " power cut or thunderstorm" observation. Both could have caused a brown out situation that the controls incorporated in systems these days didn't like one bit.. Also possible the remote is cactus, knackered.....most times these remotes which are essentially a coded ir signal, can be detected by a mobile phone camera as a basic test. Not as far as the coded signal is concerned but simply that they are in fact transmitting. Buttons in these things are as cheap-as construction, (essentially a film of carbon sprayed on a silicon membrane.) and do wear out.
  2. Note that pipefuz is for unpotable water only. i.e. not for any drinking water application.
  3. Now that has to be up there with "why you throw away your toothbrush after a break-in".????
  4. Yup....same same...... best forget importing the laptop and go buy one locally. Get your files on and off the cloud.
  5. Trying to stop the boom boom boom from neighbours..?? forget it. That low frequency noise will penetrate brick walls.
  6. Wind turbines are useless. Stick your extra bucks into extra solar.
  7. Out of touch with reality and incompetent at governing the country. Meanwhile the tourist dependant Thais still hang on by the skin of their teeth (if they are lucky) economically.
  8. Riiiiiight...! My imagination is pretty good but won't stretch that far...????
  9. Most I've spoken too, even some of the larger companies who provide battery systems, seem to think it is a bad long term move going to battery. Cost is the most obvious, along with the "warranty". Government require in some instances a 20 year term which some well established supplier/installers tend to be a bit nervous about. Same as when I first installed my system, so called warranty via the installer non existent (left town, went bust, whatever) when my inverter went belly up last year. Luckily there was a manufacturer supplier in Melbourne who kept details and sent me a new unit. Another one of those not what you know but who moments....???? Also as I am a registered contractor/licenced lecky, they allowed me to replace the unit and gave me $150 into the bargain for my time. Ergon popped an external wireless monitor on my sw bd last year (an install I could have refused btw) but although there is a smart meter they can switch off the feed-back, it appears so far that this has not been the case. They've been doing it for donkey's years with off peak and night rate tariff. Can imagine why Ergon need the access and control just the same. We're up in Qld. but also can't imagine them ever shutting down anything in South Aus., they need all the help they can get. Now with greenies getting their way with coal fired stations, I'd say the same will apply with solar feed back.
  10. Yes, which is why we are holding off at present. Too many possibilities of some minor detail going belly up and having to re-apply plus all the inconvenience it can create with regards to flights etc. Just not worth the bother.
  11. Always used Thai Air no problems. All this about them going under has been around for donkey's years and yet they are still here.
  12. Op obviously knows this and yet is brazen enough to ask someone to do it anyhow. Go jump would be my response.
  13. Usually, what goes up in charges, rarely ,if ever, comes down again. Not so with the feed back rate as it has shown to be in Aus. Rate varied and at times went up to around the 10 cent/unit level when gov was pushing for people to install systems. Every July or therabouts, it is re-hashed now down to a lower level, currently around 6.5c/unit. Feed rate is around 20c/unit standard domestic power, 15c for off peak hot water tarif. This is apart from the few who invested large sums initially way back when solar first took off and have a feed back rate of around 44c/unit. (Pollies made a whopping stuff up there) Most could only afford a 1.5Kw system back then. This 44c scheme is due to finish very soon. Just saying, thoughts of installing grid tie based on feed back rate at any one time should be aware it can and does, go down. I get around it in a small fashion by having storage hot water unit on the grid power but disconnect with a timer between the hours of 4pm and 9am next day. There is the odd day when it rains and low solar is produced but overall ok.
  14. Just going by your photo March 2......No need to be an A.hole about it........
  15. With reference to "irregular" I guess that depends on where one actually looks. If you are referring to the "2925mm" then I guess you might call that irregular but case in point, this is centre to centre, outer dimension in this example is a neat 6000mm. Sometimewoodworker, that is SOME fan you have there........ ???? OK then I guess I'll stick to internals and go from there. Placement of the support posts is not really a concern at this point, as you say, the draughtsman will sort that. Cheers Jeff
  16. On the plan views or on the elevation views, dimensions between uprights ( for want of a better word perhaps vertical support posts) Some plans I see are taken centre to centre, whereas others will be external. In the first plan I drew up for example (only a land rice shack.....no requirement for draughtsman etc) some I have made as external whereas others internal. I imagine it would be a point of confusion if normally the two were mixed as this and wondered if there is a standard i.e. internal or external.
  17. Cavity style seems a good move but I'm not so sure about how the cavity was concrete filled and especially encasing what appears to be junction boxes. Any joints in there could be susceptible to failure and being completely encased no way to fix in the future. As well as having bungs missing for the concrete fill to enter the boxes.
  18. Even a bit of washing up detergent.........
  19. Notice you use the centreline of the uprights as main dimensions which would in most instances be the room interior sizes. Is that the conventional method in Thailand?
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