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Everything posted by bluejets

  1. Looks more like a wrecking bar from the nearest car boot.................lift surround shows signs of several attempts. Ah...they were unable and the jaws of life 1/2 hour later did the trick...... I'd be more than surprised if the load capacity was that amount,(16) and more than likely the reason the door jammed in the first place.
  2. That is correct BUT....it is also "compressed" type cable. i.e the conductors are not circular, rather, they conform to the overall circular shape of the conductor as a whole and in laymans terms, that means each conductor is "shaped" to fill in what is normally, airspace. Digital or not, it is well known the ability to get an accurate reading with a vernier is well nigh impossible, that is why for accuracy a micrometer is used. One can get a dozen different readings from a vernier caliper over as many tests and end up with just as many variations, digital or otherwise. I use both in the building of miniature working model four stroke engines ( currently on engine number 10), each have their own area of use. However, where accuracy is required, the micrometer is a must, primarily down to what us old engineering boffins call "feel". Argue and squirm as much as you like but these are the facts.
  3. Not difficult to do these days.........zonks of info around on headtracker FPV either off the shelf or even diy if you are that way inclined.
  4. Just to be difficult, verniers are not all that accurate (micrometer yes, vernier no) and could be enough to throw off your final calculations. That plus it could be you measured what is known as "compressed " cable or " XLPE" where the conductors are not actually round.
  5. mmm...ok, thanks....did a search and found this, so might help others as well. In Thai but one will be able to follow the details. https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=r8oKja1VquI&vl=en
  6. Just like to report that it is getting worse...........someone has to do something about this and soon. Drive me nuts...... well, more than normal.........????
  7. Usual approach is to either get the brother-in-law to send us a couple of sim cards a few weeks before we head "back home to Thailand" or even just grab a couple at Suvarnabhumi on arrival. Former allows calling the rellies when we arrive rather than bother with setting and bothering with expensive " roaming" settings in our Aus phones. I'm certain I have asked previously however, mostly I think it's AIS we use and, once activated, it chews up our credit before I get a chance to make any calls perhaps a day or two later. One of those situations where "if you don't cancel the option, you have to pay"........ seems to be raising it's ugly head in Aus also but I can see the regulators jumping on that little con here at least before long. Would be useful for first timers in Thailand to know what to switch off as well, I would imagine. Hopefully, will be returning again soon so any assistance appreciated. Yes, have mentioned it to Thai people there, and my wife, but simply get the smile and "yes, that's right" answer......... nothing further on how to fix it...... ????
  8. Yes....BUT....just what did you measure..???
  9. What your graph shows is not only what the panels are producing per se but, the load connected ( current) which is varying anywhere between 2 and 10 amps over a 4 hour ( approx) period. Voltage is fairly constant over the sample period @ around the 120v dc input level. Your assumption about clouds being the source of the current fluctuations is incorrect. When panels are initially installed it is a common practice/requirement to measure and record the panels "short circuit " current which is an indicator of their capacity.
  10. So what is it supposed to do...??? Apart from the meaningless political hype ............
  11. Rooftop...?? last time I looked it was a curved surface with a lot of glass along with other unconventional construction methods. Any panels installed up there would have to be placed higildy-pigildy all over the place. I'd imagine that alone would be a right nightmare for a solar panel installer, not to mention the accepted orintation requirement for best operation. Then one has to get cabling from there to inverters, and from there to the distribution boards,i'd imagine another headscratcher, along with the panel mounting rails. I, for one, am all for solar, had it for 10 years now and swear by it as the best thing since ice-cream. This just seems one of those comments some greenie has found would earn them brownie points without putting any brain cells in gear I'd say.
  12. We'd be happier to see them resume direct flights from Brisbane to Suvarnabhumi rather than having to spend our time and money travelling and staying overnight either in Sydney or Melbourne.
  13. Might pay to get a check on your "voltmeter" before you go jumping on the PEA
  14. Most of these nuisance trips can be eliminated by getting away from this long haul install of one only safety-cut device(usually as a main switch) Far better to use a 60A breaker for the main switch ( actually cheaper than an isolator in some instances and a requirement in some countries) and then install separate circuit combos ( circuit breaker/safety switch) on each circuit. Apart from that, the "trips when it rains" suggests some exterior fault. Not all that difficult to find if you have a megger and the right man for the job. Entails isolating all circuits and testing independently.
  15. Read 'em and weap.......... Wouldn't mind betting if it were 10k and you were to make it 9999 and you had a debit card in your pocket with money in it......... wacked!!!!! It's fairly well documented all over the web with easy access to the regulations, sounds fishy to me why ask here...
  16. I'm surprised they didn't offer 3phase-N supply. Keep that current level /mains size/earthing size/main breaker size...down. 100A has to be close in Thailand to requirement of CT metering.
  17. When filling out any kind of reply to a forum subject, I have to keep clicking the mouse in the reply section, something like every 10 seconds or so. As I'm not the worlds best typist, I look up ( like just now) and the cursor has dissappeared from the reply section, and all the reply I've typed since last look has gone into cyber space. So then have to start again. A real pain in the ass.(mmmm...and again) Noticed that it happens as adds flash .............and if I'm lucky I see it out the corner of my eye.
  18. Wouldn't be the first time.....wife's aunty was issued an enormous bill 2 years ago. Turned out meter was installed across the road on a pole ( fairly standard ) but up approx 5 metres off the ground. Meter reader had been taking a guess for years. Anyhow, as someone already mentioned, she went and saw the PEA, sorted. I imagine the "averaging practice" is still in place, the meter certainly hasn't shifted.
  19. ........... remember that when you are looking out at the world from behind steel bars. Also might pay to remember or to be informed that Thai prisons are not like western countries "hotels". Remember the Bali incidents, one with 20 years behind bars, the others were taken to an island and shot.
  20. These cost upwards of $8,000, take over 2 years to process and she must be out of Aus when she applies.(prospective marriage visa in Aus does not apply ...they are already married) Would take the six months to pay for the thing.(if approved) If approved, has to be ready to move, I think 6 weeks from time of notice to having to arrive in Aus, otherwise all the process is cancelled. Advantage long term (again if approved) she can work, travel in and out of Aus as much as she likes, (be careful with that...too much and they suspect criminal activity) can acess medicare and hospital system. It's a two part system, first lasts 2 years, then reapply for permanent , wait again. If ok, can apply for citizenship. A lot of work and if you are unfamiliar with government forms and bulldust, then forget it. Agent..??? forget that too...too many that;ll take you 2-3000 bucks and do a runner. As already mentioned, she cannot get any other kind of working visa as I think that cuts out at 29 years old.
  21. One of those things when one has more money than sense. ????
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