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Everything posted by bluejets

  1. Too many in here watch too much and take litterally whatever Macguiver has to offer.
  2. Green/ yellow trace is the regulation colour code pretty much world wide. Use of any other conductor colour for any earthing conductor in the high voltage is prohibited. Reason is obvious as all other colours can be used as active /neutral/sw wire ....colour and designation dependant on country of use. As a side note, just because light may have metal structure does not automatically mean it is required to be earthed.In fact, if double insulated,earthing renders it as an illegal connection.
  3. Arrived for a month again yesterday...Wife said "AIS there" as we came through airport. I told girl there I wanted a sim for phone and text only...no internet. Internet I can get through the broadband at home or the wifi at the hotels. To which she pointed to a 999baht 30 day unlimited "promotion". That'll do ...or so I thought. Tried sending messages last night and again today without any luck. Thought maybe just bad phone range within hotel. This morning dug deeper and " found" numbers to call about credit etc. Hash star hash whatever..... ....mmmm...a list of messages a mile long saying "could not send messages" and final said to top up as I have zero balance for messages...a further message said I have unlimited until 21 March....curious if a visit to another AIS shop in the city will make things clearer. Think the usual " oh sorry...misunderstand" ....we'll see I guess.
  4. Safest way for you as a dilutie (non-qualified, learned by word of mouth) would be to simply fit RCD combos to all the circuits and forget about the earthing. Chances are you will end up connecting YOUR earth returns to metal which has absolutely no reference or a high impedance to ground and fry some other poor bugger during an earth fault. If there is a good proven earth cable found by standard proven methods(not building reo by the way) no MEN connection would be necessary nor would it be recommended as the main supply and other sub-boards are within the same structure/building.
  5. They're after what is in your pocket fella, no mistake. How long did you say you've been here and STILL don't know that? Talk about tickets on yourself....!!!! wanker.
  6. My wife's niece and nephew come with us all the time, no questions asked. Main thing is to have their name on the ticket "exactly" as it is on their ID card.(applies to everyone ) Not uncommon (in our case) for one sibling to have their surname spelled differently from the other. Mismatched spelling means "new ticket please" at the extra cost.
  7. People don't read the fine print surrounding these laws. I'm certain I saw where it is legal "if consumed in your own home" so that would put tourists, etc. open to the charges that were there previously.
  8. Well, you have the first part correct but....let the boofheads sort out their own problems. Why should Thailand foot the bill? These wankers are well aware of what can happen and what the consequences are for not being covered and not following the law. Too much of this bs goes on now as it is.
  9. As with many would be magical figures, many quoted are simply not feasible. What is often forgotten ( or never really known) is the charge figures are never linear, nor are they reliable day to day, and Thailand does get a lot of cloudy /rainy days, together with the "forgotten RAC's and bath heaters." Factor in about 50% derating might get one nearer the requirements. Don't get me wrong, greatest thing I ever did was install solar but definitely not batteries.
  10. Just a heads up....tried to reply to DIY housing query(cracked walls) but nowhere to either quote or reply to the subject. So either been locked out or something is amiss.......... ?? Signed in and all looks normal otherwise.
  11. Wouldn't do any good anyhow as write up suggests he was not wearing a helmet. Whether or not he was licenced to ride a bike would come further down the list.
  12. Easy to fix.....throw him out and mark passport never to return.
  13. Well that is how voltage drop comes about. The more current one tries to drag out of a cable, the more voltage drop. The "amount" is easily calculated and well known as are the "applied limits". 750 metre run for mains is quite simply crazy. Not only the required cable size, but the fact you even entertained the idea of running a high current demand of 4.5kw.
  14. So what is this all about.....??? One thing said one minute, entirely different the next. If it means you changed the whole run in one piece I guess it makes sense but it can read either way.
  15. Are you aware this requires the use of dedicated bi-metal crimp links ..??
  16. Not Thai Smile but Thai Airways after the takeover. Just did some bookings for domestic flights and nowhere was the usual concession rate for the wife's mum. Always was before. In Aus I see they have resumed flights to Perth in WA. Waiting for them to resume to Brisbane in Qld. Currently we have to take extra domestic flights within Aus and stay in hotels just to get a non-stop flight to Bkk as we did previously. Extra $1500.00 ....ouch!!!!!!! Flights from Brisbane were always full so no idea what is going on there. Contacted them but only answer was " no current plan to resume Brisbane-Bkk flights".
  17. ............. and therein lies the obvious warning sign.
  18. Nope...look again. Many get this completely wrong. It is in fact "the love of money is the root of all evil".
  19. It appears you are of the opinion the Ah rate is infinite, when in fact it is dependant on charge/discharge rate as appropriate as I have already described as the "C rate". Best you read the whole specs from batteryuniversity.
  20. Useless layabouts...chuck them out of Thailand and mark them as never to return before they do some real damage with their aggressive nature.
  21. Are these switched in pairs or perhaps independently...? With downlights it is possible to access the ceiling space and add additional cabling and re-do the switching arrangement to allow for the fan BUT it depends as someone has already commented, on how it is constructed. The fans are not that heavy (usually, these days) so attaching to a timber ceiling batten would be no drama. If steel battens were used, different story. They are usually thin as paper and not worth a crumpet unless additional timber is applied above. Might be one of those "use floor pedestal fans" scenario...... BTW, qualified lecky here.
  22. I seriously doubt that............. it depends on just what AA cell you refer to. A dry or zinc cell is around 500mAh and 1.5v PD. Whereas a NiMh can be 900-2000mAh ...some may be advertised at 3000 or more but it's crap. Then, the mAh rate depends on the discharge rate given as the C rating. The higher the discharge rate, the less the total capacity. Also remember these are only 1.2v per cell. Batteryuniversity website explains all about every type of battery known, best take a visit there. https://batteryuniversity.com/
  23. Red LED is typically 1.7v with yellow, amber , green and blue going up to around 3.2-3.4v. Running the LED on even 5mA will , in many instances, be sufficient. PWM the LED will allow even longer battery life but then you need to power the pwm driver circuit. Reduced current would be your best approach. Note that the 9V battery will be bugger all capacity and should always be kept for it's purpose, meters or smoke alarms, that's it.
  24. Better to cut with a concrete saw, much better finish and a lot less waste.
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