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Everything posted by bluejets

  1. I don't see why that would be. An RCBO can be fitted to any existing circuit.
  2. He has a surprise in store if he thinks he can instruct Thai's on how to cook or run a restaurant. Might work in the UK or US but here, don't think it will last if it ever gets off the ground. 1st obstacle would be his methods are too expensive here. Next would have to be all the "F" this and "F" that would go down like a lead balloon.
  3. Still , you're going to find it harder and harder to get the thing charged, at a resonable fee and rate at least.
  4. bluejets

    tap water

    Never ceases to amaze me how many think that boiling water is the be-all-end-all to sparkling clean water. There are many contaminates which will remain after boiling. I don't drink the tap water there and even use bottle water to clean my teeth. There is a "water treatment" cabinet on the footpath outside our house but I don't use that either. Just another case of cheap charlie popping their head up again.
  5. Just learn to shut your gob and accept the fact you are a visitor in their country and it pays (heaps) to simply abide by their directions. Whether you live there for years on end or you now make gazilions of dollars makes no difference to the outcome. Well, unless you insist on telling them you make gazillions, in which case your "fee" might go up accordingly. #if all else fails, go back to line 1. ????
  6. More likely you'll get cleaned up by a truck and need both an ambulance and a tow truck......... I'd say forget the "spares" ..........crap idea.
  7. Possibly both...as both consume extra fuel. However, as above, waiting to do this at the boarding gate will only delay flights if seating adjustment is needed.
  8. Good idea to remove any "guessing" or "averaging" associated with aircraft trim. There have been disasterous results (crashes) in the past when they get this wrong. Thing is, I would have thought at check-in, not at boarding gate. Not much time before takeoff to get that information to the flight engineer or for any practical trim adjustment. If my suspicions are correct though, I can foresee an extra charge for any "overweight" rather than any trim adjustments. It's simply the way governments work. When they promise cheaper electricity or fuel, there's always a catch 22.
  9. Nope....whomever wrote that needs educating.........it's your entitlement after you clear all the application hurdles. https://www.australiansuper.com/retirement/retirement-articles/2022/02/age-pension-eligibility-and-retirement-age
  10. Been waiting for Thai Air to resumes their Brisbane to Bkk direct flights which used to operate before Covid. Asked them about it but just drew a blank. Reason being we have to now travel to Sydney before getting our direct flight and not only the inconvienience of the extra travel time, but also the extra cost. Including an overnight stay somewhere close to the airport in Sydney is around an extra $1500.00 for my wife and me. Heard about the debarcle ( more yet to come too I think) about the Aus gov refusal to allow extra flights into Aus by Qatar Airlines.(competition for Qantas) Had to laugh when some wanker polly suggested Qatar use "larger aircraft"....... yeah, can imagine the greenies jumping on the "pollution train" there. Wondered if maybe Thai Airways faced the same opposition from the Aus government.
  11. Reason is, if wired as the Op suggests, (bad idea) any trip limits power outage to just those circuits. Many (most if not all new installs/or modifications) these days are separate RCBO on each and every circuit. They're cheap enough......... As for the different brands....you get what you pay for.????
  12. Up that way maybe 10 years ago and at that time, there were more places selling solid timber doors than you could poke a stick at. Anything from basic design to fully carved, mostly teak timber. That plus the outdoor gazebo's where they would display a given design and if sold, pull it apart, transport and re-build on your land. Even saw a life size bull carved at one place.
  13. bluejets

    Very hot fridge.

    Yes they do. Many frost free refrigerators and upright/chest freezers have condensor fans. The Op's may not as some also run the condensor tubing inside the casing and it is normal for the case to feel hot. Two fold purpose...one is cooling the refrigerant after compression The other is to stop exterior casing from condensation effect.
  14. Having solar is not a problem if you leave the install to those who best know what they are doing. You don't need to know. i.e. reputable solar installers, not the vast majority of diy "experts".
  15. could have something to do with this....... most manufacturers will tell you not to mis-match panels.
  16. Get someone to help you take some decent photos. Any neighbourhood kid above 4 year old should be able to help you.
  17. Laos is a garden party compared to Myanmar.
  18. So ...break the law and do your big deal farang thing and fork out money to please the population. Should be more arrests and "kicked out" with a 5 year ban PLUS the fine.
  19. They are full of oil and explode rather violently when things go wrong.
  20. Looks like it's always out in the weather near trees and the chook run.
  21. If you go to the "full story " link in #1, it shows all the relative regions in detail.
  22. I cannot see anyone agreeing to that particular underground suggestion.
  23. Seems the one aspect of the install most forget is the importance of calculation of the voltage drop. It's ok to waffle on about how one intends to replace this with that and "get more oomph" but one of the critical and just as important and often never given a thought to aspect is the aforementioned.
  24. In the bikers defense, looks more like a pedestrian crossing............????
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