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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. As I understand German law, whatever he is convicted of here he will face further conviction on his return to Germany.
  2. Have you been reading Schopenhauer again? "It is difficult to find happiness within oneself but it is impossible to find it anywhere else"
  3. I wouldn't say that, mainland Europe is great.
  4. why stay on a sinking ship?
  5. Thank you, I'm doing well, I discharged myself after one day and night, the doc said OK after I performed a shuffle dance in front of him.
  6. deportations, I've just returned from hospital for a mini stroke caught early.
  7. In so doing he has caused huge problems in the farming industry (which is now having to cope with his ill thought out tariffs) According to some reports he has extradited fewer illegal migrants than Biden. Whatever, since they are working in various industries, not just farming, they are filling gabs that Americans don't want to fill. Seems a bit counter productive.
  8. Europe and America are referred to as Christian countries.....how's that for hypocrisy, it's all weddings and funerals and throat cutting in between.
  9. here is his latest Email (just now) to me Hab Scheck abgeholt aber ich wollte Schmerzensgeld +Hospitalrechnung .50 000Bath + 16 000Bath =66 000 Bath .Sie haben 50 000Bath bezahlt. He wanted 'pain money' 50,000 Baht plus the hospital bill 16,000 Baht =66,000, they gave him a check for 50,000 Baht. A good result considering he only had to pay 16,000 Baht. https://ssl.gstatic.com/ui/v1/icons/mail/images/cleardot.gif https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/e/notoemoji/16.0/1f602/72.png1 Add reaction
  10. Indeed, if grey beards were a sign of wisdom then goats could teach.
  11. Which Trump is going to regret, he has turned the free world against himself and when his disastrous finance policies start ruining the American economy even his maga mob will turn against him and his sycophants.
  12. I can only tell you what my friend told me over the phone this morning, he had to speak English to the nurse (not his mother tongue) and the Thai conversations were translated to him by the nurse who had treated him since nobody else spoke English or German, Obviously he didn't go into detail, he is just glad he will get some money.
  13. No, loser, you had all that before spending a ton of money and losing thousands of lives to kill some dirt farmers who never did you any harm.
  14. Wake up, you couldn't even beat Asians in flip flops or Mullahs in turbans.
  15. Visions of grandeur, the USA's time as the world's policeman and moral authority has disappeared into the waste basket of history.
  16. I don't know, this has only just happened.
  17. Pragmatism beats morality any day. The Eu will now get a letter sent from the Dutch royal family.
  18. What does a visa show about lack of criminal intent?
  19. Or at least check if there are cctv cameras in the vicinity first. "Do you feel lucky today punk" he said raising the concrete block.
  20. It was the letter from king Charles that brought success, Trump is a sycophant to the royal family.
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