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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. I don't think he has changed his position on Trump, it's political BS, pragmatic lies like us celebrating multi=culti, Muslims, Jews, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, just one big happy family. It's Tarif talk.
  2. What has the non 0 visa retirement system got to do with possible bank account problems and why should this change? Barry Kenyan offers only his own speculation. I went to BBK a few days ago for an end of year statement, nothing was mentioned about changes to an existing account which I have had for 19 years.
  3. What has the non 0 visa retirement system got to do with possible bank account problems and why should this change? Barry Kenyan offers only his own speculation. I went to BBK a few days ago for an end of year statement, nothing was mentioned about changes to an existing account which I have had for 19 years.
  4. What has the non 0 visa retirement system got to do with possible bank account problems and why should this change? Barry Kenyan offers only his own speculation. I went to BBK a few days ago for an end of year statement, nothing was mentioned about changes to an existing account which I have had for 19 years.
  5. depth comes from you, not from your surroundings, a drunk who lies on his back in the gutter can still be in awe of the stars.
  6. I'm glad I'm old and won't see this crap come to fruition, the indigenous people in the jungles will be the lucky ones who can retain their humanity and sense of purpose.
  7. Love, now there's a strange word for a transaction, at least money for renting out your gonads follows a certain logic.
  8. and we won't even consider Trumps ramblings which leaves professional translators in dismay (that's a fact)
  9. Now now, it was just a silly bit of posturing, the Thai soldiers gave the monkey its sugar and the Cambodians left, no need for a shooting war to start again.
  10. The theme is Bob but the writing style isn't.....I think it's a forgery,
  11. Eunuchs of the world ignite
  12. don't forget 'woman'
  13. True but considering the British way of life is a mixture of boozing, Friday night punch ups, television and football I would choose Thailand anytime.
  14. It beats most areas in the UK hands down.
  15. I have never understood why water buffaloes are kept, they aren't used for anything these days and yet farmers in my area keep herds of 10 or more, beautiful creatures to be sure.....but why?
  16. Not where I am but even if, what is the point of getting hysterical about it? You can change nothing and in all likelihood neither can 'the powers that be' make much difference. Cities and towns produce pollution, even aboriginal tribes in Australia have lung damage due to lying close to open fires to keep insects away, pristine air conditions are a myth as is pure drinking water, processed food contains harmful chemicals, micro plastics have even been found in Antarctica, never mind in the air and food in cities. Most early Homines didn't live past 25 and yet we live to be 80 or more despite our modern pollution, everything is a trade off. PM 2.5 particles are a temporary problem, it's not all year round and will come and go.
  17. The pope should call for a holy crusade to free the UK
  18. It's true that there is a poor garbage handling system here but in my neck of the woods there has been a huge improvement. When I first moved into my village, burning rubbish was quite normal now it would be frowned upon, people take their household rubbish in bin bags to the market town (17 km) when they do their weekly shopping and deposit them in the bins supplied. I haven't seen field burning for years.
  19. In the 60's London used to be called 'the smoke', I've driven home from work when you couldn't see two cars ahead, nobody knew what at PM number was, or cared. I live 60 km from Surin (NE) in the countryside, blue sky and fresh air here.
  20. definitely his writing style......good to have him back.
  21. The 'Health and safety officers' will be checking the installations.....oh wait...
  22. Just another American failure in a long line of lost proxy wars, where's John Wayne when you need him.
  23. What a picture that would be, a close up of a sharks throat, slightly blurry.
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