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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. There is always a silver lining, how often do you hear of a cop's brain swelling.
  2. It was his own fault.....he was standing in her way.
  3. His lawyer wants 10 more days, he prefers another 40 years.
  4. In my village the water splashing has been banned. One festival was arranged with traditional dances at the temple and an archway of showers for the kids to run through, no drinking and no trouble.
  5. and that is disgusting as well, at least it is the way I do it.
  6. One would think that considering his apparent wealth he would do something about his face.
  7. The Chinese are trying to bust into the trouble making foreigners league.
  8. True democracy is a myth, unless of course you have managed to see such a strange creature.
  9. results for what? I am lucky with my genes, never ever had any health problems despite my smoking, everybody else I know in my age group or younger suffers from some age related problem or other, knees, back aches, arthritis etc while desperately clinging on to their 'youth' with diets and exercise, I continually surprise myself, waiting for aches and pains that never come, I am still stronger than my 16 year old son.
  10. I'm just jealous, if I do anything at all I walk 2 or 3 km around the lake here, at 76 running seems to me to be an exaggeration. I'm actually quite fit and slim and will climb on the roof to clear rain gutters, cut the grass etc, play with grand kids but there has to be a reason for my activities, the lure of a computer and air con are hard to resist. My brother is a keep fit fanatic at 70, mountain bike and sailing, 6 months ago he broke his neck biking but survived, my father did a lot of sailing and heavy gardening, his third heart attack killed him. At my age I see no point in being the fittest corpse in the crematorium. One has to enjoy what one does, if running is your thing go for it, my earlier post was tongue in cheek, no offense intended.
  11. Anyone running a marathon in this heat has a mental problem and deserves a heatstroke.
  12. Manage the compensation for the damaged car? Who is going to pay?
  13. The falang is having a hands on experience.
  14. You forget that at that time there was only one country with nuclear weapons. These days its use is a threshold that nobody should even consider crossing, once that taboo is broken Pandora's box is opened.
  15. Seems like a lesson on how to ruin your health while on holiday....... talk about excess.
  16. No they don't but they are sensible enough to realize where strength lies. It's easy enough as a keyboard warrior to be brave and principled until you yourself are threatened with financial ruin or violence if you don't tow the line, it's called accommodation, accepting the reality of things as they are. Who here wouldn't dump his principles for the chance of making some huge profit......lots of oligarchs in London owning mansions in Knightsbridge bought with suspicious money, the authorities don't look too closely. How long did it take the justice system to nail the Kray twins in the UK, it was difficult because police and influential figures were on the take. Mocking others is easy if you don't look to close to home.
  17. Whereas the Germans and the allies never engaged in such activities. Every nation has its historical dark side, especially the UK and the US. It is a mistake to judge a whole nation on its leaders, ordinary people just want to get on with their lives but governments, outside interference, ideology, religions and the greed of the elite make that impossible, especially with the media with vested interests is standing on the sidelines cheering on their benefactors.
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