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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. I can imagine the old couple who were to be blessed saying, "errrrm, we'll come back tomorrow when you're not so busy"
  2. A bit like beggars fighting over their pitch on the high street.
  3. He will no doubt be treated better than the average convict, especially if he has any of the proceeds hidden away and accessible.
  4. For a moment I thought, 'stunned him with a head butt' but then I realized, the PM likes whities.
  5. Thankfully he wasn't a foreigner and especially not a Brit.
  6. Perhaps give every tourist a good beating as they come through immigration just to let them know, we only want the best for you so don't transgress the law, this is a warning. But I jest, here in Isaan I haven't noticed any change, haven't seen any evil done to us law abiding pensioners, no shifty looks, no mumbled remarks, nobody has spat at me.
  7. Minor damage compared to the normal accidents, it didn't even turn over, call that an accident, show me another one
  8. Stop sinking the ships you have would be a good start.
  9. That's the best excuse she's got? Rethink your strategy girl, you've opened a can of worms, you wouldn't be the first to realize that social media is a two edged sword.
  10. There are two things in place which makes your post, correct though it may be, seem naive, the 'establishment' and the 'system'. They are in place in every country, heavy, as thick as molasses, unyielding, designed to quietly exhaust you without drama, it's paragraph 14, section 4, sub section C revised in 1972.......
  11. What happened to, "for !,000 Baht we can solve this unfortunate business".
  12. Extreme comes to mind, I doubt they will serve much of that, they have the right of appeal.
  13. Not a good country to lose your temper in, a little detachment could save you your visa, money and sometimes your freedom. The lack of detachment in many adults be they Thai or Farang always surprises me, just walk away, it saves so much drama. The propensity to violence is a sign of the times, I once saw a picture of a single policeman on horseback at a major football match in England in 1912, the caption explained that the lone policeman was only there as a comfort to the thousands of onlookers, today a battalion of policeman with stab proof jackets would be needed to quell any drunken violence.
  14. At 45 years old he must just have an immigration status as a tourist, what idiot comes to Thailand to sell drugs? Doesn't he realize he'll miss the election now and the future coronation of Prince William, well it's his own fault.
  15. Especially not if you were listening to Wagner
  16. What did the sign say, 'Beware of pillar'
  17. Luckily the air-con unit seems to be undamaged.
  18. So how many days is this going to last? Usually such directives don't make it past the waste paper bin.
  19. Ahhh, the modern world of technology. I needed a new bank card from my German bank, they sent me one but omitted to tell me that this new card needed a new Tan generator for QR codes, the German producer doesn't post them outside of Europe so I arranged for a German friend to buy one and send it to me. Several months ago the 'sofort pay by Klarna' app from Wise was no longer available (used by those with a German bank) my Maestro card couldn't be used by any of the other methods of transferring money so again I asked my bank to send me a Mastercard (it's still on its way). Meanwhile my bank sent me a registration for a push-Tan method of reach my bank with my iphone. I downloaded the app and tried reaching my account but it was recognized that my phone lock wasn't activated (hasn't been for years) and to proceed further I had to activate it, I did so. I could no longer remember the the code, after 3 attempts the phone shut down dead. Turning to my computer I clicked on to Google which sent me a message saying they had sent me a code via SMS to ascertain it was really me but of course since the phone was dead I couldn't read it. So now I had no phone, no usable bankcard, couldn't open Google and couldn't transfer funds...I called over my step daughter (22 now) who squatted on her haunches Thai style, my phone in one hand and her phone in the other and proceeded to press buttons at a furious pace looking from one phone to the other. After 30 minutes she called out in triumph, "All done papa! Don't lock the phone again". The configuration is now different but it works.
  20. There is a Thai saying regarding wives, "Wives grow old quickly but take their time dying".
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