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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. Not according to the letter of the law but the bar fine is like a brothel fee, and the 'staff' are prostitutes so let's keep it real and see it as it is. If the shagging took place on the premises it would be breaking the law, the fact that it doesn't circumvents the law, that's the only difference to a fully blown brothel.
  2. It's not the drinking that's illegal, it's the bar girl prostitutes and bar fines that makes them a 'take away brothel', the food is consumed elsewhere, that's the small difference. Whatever, I see no harm in either 'institution' as long as it's a case of legal age consensual pussy prying.
  3. He fell asleep after he shot his bolt......sorry, I'll get my coat now.
  4. I agree, I've been here 20 years, I have a 16 year old son, 2 step daughters and a load of step grand children but I'm not a local. I'm used to everything, it doesn't feel strange or foreign it feels like home but I'm a falang even if my step daughters and grand kids don't see it like that, I'm just papa. I've lived and worked in several countries and always felt at home wherever I hung my hat. The author Heinrich Boell once wrote, "On your first day in a strange country, buy something, that way you take possession of the city." I've found that to be true.
  5. I used to drink Leo but one evening my wife brought me a Singha, since then I've gone off Leo and now only drink Singha.
  6. I agree, I have glasses because I am short and far sighted. My eye doctor in Germany had his own small clinic and could perform laser surgery (3,000 Euro per eye) but even though he offered this possibility he said I wouldn't do this surgery on my wife as the long term affects are unknown (this was 25 years ago). I've worn glasses since then.
  7. What's the difference between that and a bar beer except for the mattresses.
  8. National security is the least of the worries of the general public who are contending with lower standards of living, inflation, rent increases, the breakdown of law and order, personal debt etc. Nobody feels personally threatened by China, Russia or Iran but do feel threatened by potential homelessness, unemployment and street violence.
  9. It really is time that heavy financial penalties, or even custodian sentences, were given for such crimes and yes they are crimes. There are just no consequences for such irresponsible behaviour.
  10. The OP is mixing with the wrong people, perhaps a case of 'birds of a feather...' I've never met an expat that he describes, some tourists, yes. An expat who doesn't assimilate to a certain degree doesn't last long here anyway.
  11. Everybody??? What about those of us who don't give a <deleted>
  12. but actions taken by them later showing that they had lied means losing German citizenship
  13. But he reacted like a silly teenager.....'catch me if you can', nothing easier than that and with that remark he's pi$$ed off the BiB.
  14. I've had a disastrous day with a happy ending :- (A) 3x I tried with Klarna sofort pay, but it didn't work so I canceled them all, later I received an email from wise saying Klarna was having difficulties transferring to Thailand but wise was working on it. (B) I tried with my visa debit card, after giving in all the info I received a message about using an app concerning visa/mastercard security check, I tried but didn't know what I was doing....it failed (C) next I tried a direct transfer from my German account to a Belgian Wise account but my antivirus program refused to let me open my online banking account because 'it was infected with phishing' (D) I loaded a different antivirus program and uninstalled the old one. (E) I tried one last time with Klarna and it worked. (F) I tried online banking with my German account and I was able to open it, no problems. (G)Wise told me I would receive my money on the 27th and I drank a beer.
  15. I didn't use my name as recipient, I gave the name and bank details of the other person (but same address), with her email address, when it came to press 'send' I noticed in the details that I was the recipient but the bank details were for the other person. I started a new transfer to myself but the procedure looked different, normally I would be directed to klarna bank and using my German bank info and a QR code then the revolving Euro sign would appear, this time, apart from asking for method of payment, I klicked on Klarna and up came the the revolving Euro sign without the intermediate steps.
  16. Anyone having problems with wise today? I attempted to send money to somebody today but I was named as the recipient with the bank details of the other person so I gave up and tried sending money to myself but all I get is the revolving Euro sign, the QR code requirements (pay by Klarna) seem to have been by passed. I now get the info that payment was paused and nothing else is happening.
  17. It was only eradicated in western Europe, eastern Europe still had/has it unless they are in the EU which upgraded the health care, it is still present in many countries and the types immune to antibiotics is increasing. It isn't the death sentence it once was in Victorian times although I did know a Thai girl who died of it on Koh Samui.
  18. I don't know, perhaps that was what the local hospital was giving her and she lost patience with the slow progress. We've probably progressed a lot in this field since several variants are immune to antibiotics (due to upheavals in the Baltic's etc treatment was often discontinued allowing the pathogens to develop immunity, an urgent problem for Europe with its guest workers). At any rate the new treatment came at a high cost that the doctor didn't disclose to us. Incidentally TB is a big problem in Thailand, I read several years ago that free tests done on shoppers in supermarkets in Bangkok found as many as 3 cases of open TB in every place tested.
  19. There is a joke in Thailand that says the 30 Baht scheme covers all illnesses....but to get treated for free you have to have all of them. I also think you get sub-standard treatment under this system. When my wife caught TB she opted for treatment under this system although she is privately insured (didn't want to pay up front) The treatment went on for 6 weeks with no improvement so we went to a private hospital. The doctor looked at the medication she was taking and said "we can do better than that" and treated her with a European medication, it was cleared up within 2 weeks. The cost though was so high that the doctor said we needn't pay up front, he would deal with the insurance himself.
  20. A believable lie is as good as the truth here and his department wants to investigate the matter swiftly and fairly
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