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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. Their careers are off to a good start, they just have to fine tune it a bit more.
  2. I don't think you can blame the mother, children, teenagers and young adults orientate themselves on their peers. Migrant children don't speak English with the accents of their migrated parents, they speak with the normal accents of their new homeland, Turkish parents have problems with their daughters born in Germany for instance because they reject the strict moral norms of their parents and assimilate the norms of German teenagers. My own Thai British son 17 doesn't understand British humour and often feels insulted when I use it on him but laughs at 'boing' Thai humour which I find childish. The guidance of peers carries far more weight.
  3. No sympathy, at 36 she should have had more sense, these days many people seem to take drugs like sweets, there must be a lot of desperation in the world.
  4. It got a lot of creaky knees going, I bet half called in sick afterwards.
  5. Why are you justifying......and who cares?
  6. Look after number one, it's the same everywhere, your country is nothing, it will chew you up and spit you out, I can't fault these doctors. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofUZNynYXzM
  7. Just shows how good the doctors are.....they are also good economists.
  8. Well all I can say is BMW still payed me my Christmas bonus as a pensioner.
  9. I lived there, Munich, for nearly 40 years and have a German daughter and grandchild there, she tells me life is normal, just the way it was before all the news about Germany's collapse. The shops aren't boarded up like in London and the restaurants and pubs are full, recently she had trouble finding a parking space to the ski lifts the place was so full.
  10. In a way the net contributors are just circulating tax money, the net takers then buy the products from the contributors and so the money returns, in addition new industries slowly arise in the poorer member states, see Poland for instance, once with a lower standard of living than East Germany and now the fastest growing economy in Europe, they, unlike the UK, can afford a large modern army for instance, they are getting richer through their own efforts now while the UK's average citizens are getting poorer.
  11. Oh you can wait a long time, you aren't an expat, you are a tourist with an extended visa, you can bring no pressure to bear because you have no rights so you can be legally milked. You can always leave of course but others will take your place, falang are a never ending stream of income, why should the state do anything to diminish the flow.
  12. Well he won't grow old now. Some people turn their brains off when they land in Thailand.
  13. Can't come soon enough. I'm sure most people in the UK now see Brexit was a mistake.
  14. Family friendly image has been upheld, after a few days in hospital he will be as good as new.
  15. She's a big girl and he's as dumb as they come.
  16. As opposed to, let's finish the job and totally destroy the world.
  17. The bar fine goes to the owner
  18. Our experiences are all the result of causal events, how we deal with them, in a good or bad way, are also causal, free will is limited by causality. Very very simply put, a poor man trying to feed his family in an emergency will chose to steal a man with sufficient funds wont.
  19. Dressed like a lot of farang in a town, I can't understand it, in the Isaan market town where I live the majority of Thais who shop in Tesco are decently dressed, the men in long trousers and shirts, the women smartly dressed and as a contrast about 50% of the falang men I see in there are dressed in shorts and a vest wearing flip flops often unshaven, simply slovenly. It's not as if they're poor, in the car park I see them getting into big new SUV's, it seems they've brought the deprived council estate mentality with them.
  20. Maybe she thought, 'looks as if I'm going to get lucky'
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