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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. The motorbike rider may also have had a little alcohol himself as well....unless he was returning home at speed from the night shift. Nothing good happens in bars in the early morning hours...or afterwards. On Koh Samui many years ago I was sitting on the beach next to a Swedish family, parents, uncles and aunts all totally pissed from the night before flat out in the sand while their 3 year old daughter was in the sea getting knocked about by the waves. I took her out of the sea and kept her near me playing with her for 3 hours before the grandparents arrived, after I had explained why I was with their grand daughter an almighty row blew up as they laid into the parents who were barely able to conceive of what was going on. I had tried to wake them after seeing the danger their child was in and received abuse before they fell asleep again. The grandparents thanked me and left taking the little girl with them.
  2. 76 years old, early hours of the morning, crossing the road after leaving a bar, experience tells me he wasn't out trying to watch the sunrise. The older you are the easier it is to get drunk on just a few beers, only 2 days in Thailand, so jet lag and the unaccustomed humidity and temperature plus alcohol tells me he probably wasn't sober.
  3. That was just a hypothetical but I can imagine them deducting the maximum amount if you don't hand in a tax return and you can then do a run around trying to prove your deductibles and then wait a year to have the excess returned. I agree with the lack of competence although they may surprise us later in that respect, money can make a Thai very competent. I intend to act fully compliant with this tax law for this year to see how much it really costs me, if it's too much then I will only declare the 65K a month which is required by IO and the rest I will withdraw with the ATM. Having said that it will be of no use if they really go ahead with taxing your world wide income, that would raise my tax debt from my calculated 27k to 38k a year. Once the tax office gets enthusiastic they are like wolves ripping open a carcass.
  4. I've got to be somewhere, it might as well be here.
  5. If you don't have an income of at least 65K Baht monthly then you shouldn't be here.
  6. I detect a certain admiration for such escapades in the OP's post, he's just too scared to join in.
  7. These idiots are amazing, they just can't help themselves,......do something illegal, put it on facebook with a mugshot and while you're about it insult the police, what could go wrong?
  8. Don't underestimate any tax office, they are patient. Taxation possibilities are easy for the state, they just give the order for the technological responsibility to a third party, for instance, your ATM withdrawal could be taxed at source at the ATM, a foreign credit or debit card usage would be the trigger for the banks computer to deduct the tax from the payout once the computer connects with the IO to ascertain that you are a tax resident, it would be the banks responsibility to ensure this, no cost to the state. Modern technology, AI? wouldn't need more personnel, its impersonal you would have to do the running around to get your deductions recognized if you don't turn in a tax form. I've had dealings with British and German tax officials, they are like a dog with a bone regarding their paragraphs but on a personal level they just don't care.
  9. Whatever you do, whichever method you try, it's going to cost you money in fees or i worse exchange rates but yes you may save some money although at the risk of later being accused of tax avoidance, is it really worth it? Staying for less than 180 days and moving somewhere else for half a year isn't without cost either. Sooner or later the last tax free refuges are going to be plugged because the major world players don't like tax free zones. As the saying goes 'taxes and death are the two unavoidable facts of life'.
  10. Yesterday I saw an interview with a top Thai tax consultant who said ATM withdrawals are not taxed, probably because it just isn't possible. Wise as a financial platform would mean all transfers are traceable, especially as they land on your bank account. An ATM only lets you withdraw 25K at one time so you are looking at 3 withdrawals a month with the accompanying withdrawal charges from not only your Thai bank but also your home bank 3x a month, over a year that adds up. My home bank charges 5 euros (200 Baht) per ATM withdrawal, a Thai bank between 120 and 180 Baht so over a year you are paying around 7,200 Baht to your home bank per year and 4,500 Baht to your Thai bank makes 11,520 Baht. 150,000 - 300,000 = 5% tax 300,000 -500,000 =10% tax 500,000 - 750,000 - 15% tax and so on climbing up to 35% but not 35% for the whole amount, first 5% then 10% and so on Then there are all the possible deductions from the whole sum, my deductions work out to around 640,000 Baht only what is left gets taxed. I've worked out that I would pay 27,000 Baht tax (687 Euros) for a whole year, that isn't going to break the bank even though paying tax is unpleasant.
  11. He's neither white nor a Christian....he isn't even American but he is rich.
  12. American realism, it's all about money and influence and the American voter doesn't want to face reality...the world of the credit card and other countries will pay for my high standard of living is coming to an end.....I'll vote for cheap gas and low taxes...dream on.
  13. They could have gone for the 'lady's' balls but they kept it friendly.
  14. It doesn't really matter, the civil service runs the country. A government can lay down a basic road map and then the civil service, unions, investors, industry, pension funds, stock market and the central bank will tell them if it's possible or not (see Truss). Ideologies don't play a major role, the problems facing the country are the same for Tories or Labour and the logical paths to solving them are the same. The MP's are for the most part not experts in anything except for local politics and so are reliant on the financial experts and academics to guide the cabinet and these experts are basically the same whatever party is in power. Of course party politics and any given geopolitics will water down the advice given. As a signatory to the UN charter there is no easy way to stop illegal immigrants as all Western nations are finding out, so no hope that anything will change there, the more impoverished the 3rd world becomes the greater the number of illegal immigrants there will be. It was the reason for Brexit (as if that could solve anything) and illegal immigration was the reason for the Tories demise, it won't change under Labour.
  15. someone dressing up in a, usually stupid looking, costume to advertise a product or team. Think Micky mouse or Pluto costume in Disney land. That would be worth watching, Micky mouse getting punched in the face and kicked in the b0ll0cks while prancing about like an idiot.
  16. Again, like the case where the son stabbed his bed ridden mother, nobody can tell of the mental strain experienced by care givers. Yes it's appalling that vulnerable people should have to suffer indignities and physical violence, this happens even in care homes where trained nurses are overworked and underpaid. Everybody has a breaking point. Ideally the wife should have told her husband, I can't look after your mother anymore, I'm at breaking point. Fine, now what about the cost of a nursing home, can they afford it? If the burden can't be shared these things will happen over and over again. Ultimately if not enough family members are available to share the strain then it should be down to the state to take up the slack, it wouldn't cost as much as a submarine. I remember watching a program in Germany, Catholic Bavaria, concerning care for old people, where a high ranking police officer said, "If a lit candle was placed on every old persons grave who had been secretly killed by family members, the graveyard at night would be as bright as day."
  17. The voting public is fickle and aren't interested in facts. In America especially it would seem. How well dressed is he, will he take away my guns, is he religious, will he raise taxes, will he stop immigrants. Brexit in the UK has been a disaster, it wasn't about sovereignty it was about immigration for the general public, the financial ramifications didn't play a role in their decisions which were simple and focused on one theme. Biden should take one for the team and be replaced with a younger charismatic politician otherwise there is the risk of having an incompetent fascist with dementia in the White house.
  18. It would seem there is still too much money in circulation combined with a deficit in good taste.
  19. A little over the top, if they had wanted to murder him he would be dead as it was he was stabbed in the leg so GBH + classed as a hate crime should bring a sufficiently long custodial sentence.
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