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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. A bit short on time today, just a quick stroke and a BJ please.
  2. Followed by a Thai official ringing a bell shouting, "unclean, unclean'
  3. Yeah but we put up with 50% of them because we want to feck em.
  4. I wonder if the repair shop has insurance for such a mishap, or will it just go bankrupt.
  5. Reminds me of the American comedian Bill Burr (my favorite) "There's no reason to hit a woman? Are these people levitating above the rest of us?" "I can think of 17 reasons immediately, if you wake me from a drunken Stupor I can give you 9" " you just don't do it".
  6. I worked for BMW in Munich as a graphic designer, I often went into the factory to take pictures of the various stages of production. Once I climbed the steps up the production line, about two stories high, waiting for the right model to be transported along the line, to my delight the right model came along and I stepped forward to take the photos, I was really pleased that just at that moment the line stopped and I was able to take photos for 15 minutes until an enraged foreman flew up the stairs and pulled me away by the scruff of my neck whereupon the line started moving again. I had trodden on a safety plate which was there to stop the line to prevent people being knocked off the platform by the cars being transported along the production line. I had unwittingly stopped the whole production line in that hall and people were tearing their hair out trying to find the cause of the stoppage, I had cost BMW 30,000 Euros in production fall out, I thought the foreman was about to have a heart attack,.......safety first.
  7. He will present himself to his peers who will 'understand'. Just back off a little BJ, we will set up a commission to look into this matter along with the things that this meddling lawyer Sittra has uncovered and after a few years of thorough investigation, when all has been forgotten, we will find that every one was innocent.
  8. If you don't act you can't make mistakes. Srettha has to first check how many influential toes he would tread on if he acted (assuming of course that one of those toes isn't his own). It's a legal mine field out there, as brave as this lawyer is it could be his financial ruin, it isn't only bullets that can silence a man. This is Thailand and it doesn't like the light of truth.
  9. Seriously amusing would be a more apt description.
  10. No way will they build it themselves, probably the Russians.
  11. That's just what we expats needed, another foreigner behaving like a pratt.
  12. protecting the criminals and serving themselves.....it could be their new motto, oh and protecting the public from those terrible foreigners.
  13. I think he knows that his only protection is publicity, the more he is in the press and Facebook the safer he will be.
  14. but he didn't even get that, he's a nice boy having an idealized love affair.
  15. I don't know if this is the same thing but about 6 months ago (I'm a bit vague abut the time) I read about someone being asked by 'wise' to verify their info in their wise account, because of this I contacted wise through the 'help' button and asked if wise needed verification from me and was told no, it wasn't necessary. My bank account abroad is in Germany.
  16. Is the fact that my 'wise' account is registered in Thailand the reason that I haven't received such a request?
  17. Employment tax, trust me, I'm a government official, all above board.
  18. I hope he isn't the prince who was going to give me 20% of a 100 million dollars if he could use my account, well you win some you lose some.
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