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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. Religious and cultural differences define the true boarders, not lines on a map, even in European countries where hundreds of years of unity within political boarders there are murmurings and occasional unrest.
  2. SHOULD is a word signifying good intentions only, what happens behind closed doors is another matter, politics is all about money in the end.
  3. Until you pi$$ them off by looking down your nose at them, the working class Joes are your bread and butter and they are financially in a bad place these days, there may come a time when you start scrambling for the much maligned backpackers who were once the majority of your tourists in times gone by.
  4. I don't think the state should have the right to kill anyone, apart from the fact that mistakes have been made and innocent people have been executed, true life imprisonment where the convict has to pay for his keep by working seems a far greater punishment, it is experienced every day. One also should be aware of punishment creep, death for murder today, death for opposing the government tomorrow. If left unchecked governments like to increase their power, look at what's happening in the UK, being part of a demonstration or an unwise 'tweet' can now land you in prison. The world has become fragile for democracies these days, financial collapses on the stock market with rising unemployment, homelessness, hunger, energy poverty and inequality can and will lead to riots with a possible collapse of society as we know it, the governments could then open their dystopian tool boxes. We have some very strange leaders of late.
  5. A stroke is a little different from a heart attack. At night sleeping, you can't complain that there was nobody around.....but you are of course.
  6. The new year started well for her then.
  7. Working a lot of overtime at Tesco's
  8. I've worked out my own tax and I tick all the deduction boxes they come to 640k Baht, I should end up paying 20k Baht tax this year, a bit more next year when I have to declare all of my pension. We shall see, it has to go through parliament first and I can imagine there are many there with large incomes sitting abroad earning them foreign income that they don't intend to bring to Thailand.
  9. Yes, quitting is cheaper, New Years Eve, I drank one bottle of beer, watched Robot-Wars on YouTube and was in bed by 9 pm. In the morning of the 1st I noticed it was just the same as the 31st. I knew it would be but I was alive and well and many others weren't.
  10. On Koh Samui I looked after 3 year old Swedish girl who I saw continually running into the sea without supervision, her whole family were lying on the beach dead drunk, when I woke who I considered to be the father I was told to vuck off. I played with the little girl for two or three hours to keep her from running into the waves until her grandparents arrived and wanted to know why their grandchild was sitting with me, they thanked me and then blew up at the parents, I walked away but I could hear the grandparents shouting from 50 meters away.
  11. Pretty obvious I thought, governments and industry are pragmatic, nobody cares about yesterday's news when it comes down to money, I bet Germany can't wait for the gas taps to be turned on again, the lack of cheap energy is the main reason for its industrial troubles it's having.
  12. It wont take a month after cessation of hostilities before those gas pipelines are up and running again.
  13. Yes, he'll stop the war in 24 hours .....Putin is already playing him, recently the Donald said Putin MAY want to speak with him soon after it was shown that his so called conversation with Putin never took place.
  14. Nobody starts a war for nothing, they are costly and have international ramifications. Britain has invaded more countries than any other nation during its long history but always for a reason, mostly for financial gain. Vietnam and Afghanistan were also costly failed adventures which like the Ukraine war had political reasons behind them, unfortunately it looks as though Russia will get to keep its occupied territories and the west will breathe a sigh of relief and continue to trade with Russia for cheap energy, after a few years all will be forgotten, it's in the nature of war that they are futile.
  15. Being terrified of armed conflict sounds like a sensible case of self preservation. If you have ever watched actual films of the battles in WW1 for instance it would seem quite reasonable to avoid being drafted by any means especially considering the high casualty rates among the Russians. All governments, especially the Russian government take a cynical approach to the welfare of their soldiers, being disabled after a war means a life of poverty in a 'caring society' in a 'home fit for heroes'. Why anyone should think it manly to kill somebody you don't know just because some politician tells you to do so is beyond me. Most human beings find it abhorrent to kill, it is interesting to note that most bullets fired during both world wars by all sides were never aimed directly at another man, many refused to fire at all, the Germans even had a name for it, 'frost bite trigger finger'.
  16. Nothing like a good intelligent talk from a respected intellectual.
  17. Sounds dystopian to me but I'm just an old fart who finds it disturbing that people, even young kids, bury their heads in their iPhone and have little to no personal interactions with another person. AI cities seem like something to avoid.
  18. That's a shame, he sounds as if he would have been an ideal policeman if he had finished his training.
  19. You'll find people like that in every country involved in a conflict, during the Vietnam war there were people who thought that using nuclear weapons on North Vietnam would be a good idea.
  20. beats sitting in a bar boring everyone about your exploits in Vietnam. It's called youth, exuberance, the joy of being alive, yes it was against the law but so are a lot of things.
  21. He stopped in the end though, got to give him that.
  22. Debauchery is as old as the human race, it was Mark Twain who rightly said, "Man is the only animal that blushes, or needs to".
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