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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. It's mob mentality, one should do what one alone considers is right with a certain amount of detachment. No politician, bank manager,Company, party or government cares about you, just be clear about that and realize that the world is governed by self interest, greed and lies, let the leaders sing the anthem with their hands on their hearts and speak of patriotism, it's window dressing. You're on your own. Politicians will do what is right for them, investors don't care about the companies they invest in or the products, it's all about profit, allegiance is a stupid notion and any leader who thinks he has true loyalty from his ministers is a fool, everyone has an agenda and every post, reputation, power or situation is impermanent.
  2. What's all this allegiance crap, typical American. As an employee you're expected to do your job no matter who's in charge, it's what you're paid for, allegiance is middle ages nonsense that we have in Britain swearing loyalty to the crown but that is just because we don't have a written constitution.
  3. I'm a pensioner, I've never worked here. I had to get the German embassy to confirm that the tax department wouldn't help me, that was enough for my company, they just wanted a piece of paper.
  4. Indeed, it was popularism that put Hitler into power, we all know how that ended.
  5. It's easier than working. Has anyone tried charging the police with harassment?
  6. 555555, some years ago I went to the tax office to get a confirmation that I don't work in Thailand as requested by my earlier company who pays my company pension. No can do why not' you don't have a tax number That's because I don't work here hmmmm, maybe you work without a tax number....no can do.
  7. Never engage with any drunk, male or female.
  8. The people don't stand a chance, they're all in it together. International companies won't be paying their fair share of the tax burden while the working population gets screwed, Trump is gathering his sycophantic club together, no invite is a warning, toe the line or else.
  9. Or anywhere these days, there is an interesting correlation between beauty products and recessions, during recessions women tend to reduce spending on beauty products like skin care but increase spending on lipstick, it is such a consistent trend that beauty shop owners know of a coming recession before the central banks or the Fed.
  10. He died where he died, a few mumbled words from priest wont change anything but I'm pragmatic.
  11. Hang out your Amulettes on the Siegfried line and smile, smile, smile.
  12. There are paths that guide our way rough hew them how we may.
  13. Shakespeare this would have been a story for you. Ahh the joys of being old.
  14. Yes, a right Muppet, he succeeded with the fraud then came back.
  15. Yes, he lied to the land office saying the original was lost.
  16. Obviously not an avid reader of Enid Blyton.
  17. Why not? He's already bought the government, what's next, Tesco's?
  18. Well he's right about the 'wokeness aspect but warrior ethos ? Somewhat of a romantic statement for what are basically hired guns.
  19. An apt post considering the AN headline regarding expat taxation.
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